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The Christian Liberals experience some criticism over the fact that the Christian Liberals are the only Party with a religious association. This relationship has been explained by both Churches in Vestbeyholm member parties of this coalition, to have emerged during recent tumultuous periods in history where the Churches provided both key support to society and partook in many resistance activities to authoritarian governments in Vestbeyholm.  
The Christian Liberals experience some criticism over the fact that the Christian Liberals are the only Party with a religious association. This relationship has been explained by both Churches in Vestbeyholm member parties of this coalition, to have emerged during recent tumultuous periods in history where the Churches provided both key support to society and partook in many resistance activities to authoritarian governments in Vestbeyholm.  
The other major criticism is that the Christian Liberals support derives from Vestbeyholm, which many in Vestbeyholm state is due to the fact that this coalition more accurately represents the local populations views on certain topics, especially some social issues where Christian Liberals are more centrist as compared to other coalitions.
The other major criticism is that the Christian Liberals support derives from Vestbeyholm, which many in Vestbeyholm states is due to the fact that this coalition more accurately represents the local populations views on certain topics, especially some social issues where Christian Liberals are more centrist as compared to other coalitions.
===Democratic Socialists===
===Democratic Socialists===

Latest revision as of 16:39, 6 May 2016

Progressive Democrats
Seketese name Prégeçajive Demècrats
Jägarskotsk name Demokratiskan Prøgrasan
Abbreviation PD
Leader Jeansen Heriji
Slogan Progressive Policy's, for a better Nelborne
Founded November 11, 2014 (2014-11-11)
Headquarters 19 Suite 544 Lorin Drive Conelibek,
Membership  (2015) 890,000
Ideology Liberalism
Colors Yellow
N.U Parliament
20 / 221
2 / 6
Nations Controlled
1 / 11
Seats in National Legislatures
138 / 2,226
Christian Liberals
Saxon name Kristian Liberalen
Seketese name Christen-Libérelles
Jägarskotsk name Kristene Liberaler
Latviešu name Kristīgie Liberāļi
Abbreviation CL
Leader Martha Bonhoeffer
Slogan "Blessed are you who are poor, for yours is the kingdom of God" Luke 6:20
Founded November 11, 2014 (2014-11-11)
Membership  (2015) 4,342,000
Ideology Center left, Christian Socialism, Populism
Religion Christianity
Colors Maroon
N.U Parliament
71 / 221
1 / 6
Nations Controlled
2 / 11
Seats in National Legislatures
311 / 2,226
Democratic Socialists Coalition
Seketese name Démateça-Hôlsolist Poletic-Unién
Jägarskotsk name Demokratiskan Socælisk Parti
Abbreviation DS, DEMSOC
Leader Fjedor Peça
Slogan Working together, for a better future
Founded November 11, 2014 (2014-11-11)
Membership  (2015) 2,300,000
Ideology Centre-Left, Social Democracy
Colors Red, Silver
N.U Parliament
43 / 221
2 / 6
Nations Controlled
4 / 11
Seats In National Legislatures
761 / 2,226
Nelborne Greens
Seketese name Nelborn-Jokyenskenafjers
Jägarskotsk name Nelbörn Grønte
Abbreviation NG
Leader Tijiki Oulie
Slogan Real Progress
Founded November 11, 2014 (2014-11-11)
Ideology Centre-Left, Green economics, Green
Colors Green
N.U Parliament
14 / 221
1 / 6
Nations Controlled
0 / 11
Seats In National Legislatures
173 / 2,226
Nelborne Nationals
Seketese name Nelborn-Nationalities
Jägarskotsk name Nelbörn Natonäla
Abbreviation NN
Founded November 11, 2014 (2014-11-11)
Ideology Center-Right to Right wing, Conservatism
N.U Parliament
28 / 224
0 / 6
Nations Controlled
1 / 11
Seats In National Legislatures
283 / 2,226
Seketese name Libérelles
Jägarskotsk name Liberaler
Abbreviation LC
Leader Taskill Begbie
Founded November 11, 2014 (2014-11-11)
Membership  (2015) 340,000
Ideology Centrism
Colors Red
N.U Parliament
24 / 224
0 / 6
Nations Controlled
2 / 11
Seats In National Legislatures
416 / 2,226

Coalitions in the Nelborne Union parliament are alliances between parties. They united parties with similar views from different national blocks in parliament. Parties in the Nelborne Union have their own leaders, but they have organized an upper leadership under coalitions. Not all parties are in coalitions, and thus they are typically called "not aligned" parties.

Coalitions are not officially taken into consideration by the Nelborne Union Cabinet but they hold significant political power in the Nelborne Union because they unite parties in the assembly.

They had their first election in 2015, where the Christian Liberals won 71 of the seats. The Democratic Socialists came second with 43 seats. A rise in liberal parties such as the Progressive Democrats and the Liberal Coalition along with the Christian Liberals have lead many to feel like the Parliament is not representative of the real electorate.


2015 N.U Parliamentary Election

Elections in the N.U take place every Year. When this happens, the previous parliament is dissolved, and the campaign begins. All nations may chose when there vote is, and the party with the most seats won wins the election, and their leader is chosen to be the head of the government.

2015 Election

The 2015 election was the first N.U. election using the current system.


MNP's are elected via Plurality by constituency. There are 224 of them, given out to each nation by population. When bills are being passed, each MNP gets a single vote, and in order for a bill to be passed it must, A simple majority must be reached. Only 2 MNP's are classified as being higher in power. They are,

When MNP's are elected, they must declare a coalition that they belong to, or declare that they will be Non-Aligned. The MNP's will sit with their Coalition, and will vote for one of them to become the leader of government.


The Speaker is arguably the highest office in the parliament, and one of the highest in the N.U. He regulates debates, gets a seat in the Nelborne Union Cabinet and opens and closes debates. He does not get a vote (only when there is a tie), and does not get to participate in debates. He/She is not chosen by the Parliament, rather in a separate election by the nations and does not represent any constituency or real seat

Leader Of Government

The Leader Of Government is an elected office, held by the leader of the party with the most seats. This role is typically the first thing that a newly formed parliament would vote on, and a candidate needs just a simple plurality. They generally get to introduce the budget and can steer the debate in the way they want. They are in charge of introducing legislation, although anyone in his or her cabinet can do so, or any other MNP, But traditionally its done via the Leader

Current Coalitions

There are currently 6 Coalitions with seats in the parliament, plus 31 MNP's sitting as Non-Aligned. They are, in order of Seats.

Christian Liberals

The Christian Liberals (Also know as CL or The Christians) are a centre-left party, currently with the most seats in the Nelborne Parliament. They are the only party with a religious background, a fact that is sometimes criticized. The Christian Liberals are very left wing in regards to their economic policies, however on most social policies the Christian Liberals are fairly centrist.

The Christian Liberals experience some criticism over the fact that the Christian Liberals are the only Party with a religious association. This relationship has been explained by both Churches in Vestbeyholm member parties of this coalition, to have emerged during recent tumultuous periods in history where the Churches provided both key support to society and partook in many resistance activities to authoritarian governments in Vestbeyholm.

The other major criticism is that the Christian Liberals support derives from Vestbeyholm, which many in Vestbeyholm states is due to the fact that this coalition more accurately represents the local populations views on certain topics, especially some social issues where Christian Liberals are more centrist as compared to other coalitions.

Democratic Socialists

The Democratic Socialists (also know as DEMSOC or DS) are the Nelborne Unions main Social Democracy party,currently serving as the main opposition to the Christian Liberals. They have most of their support in Seketan, Alquiya and Bradonia. They do have a small amount of support in Jacland, and Vestbayholm, but these seats have been considered toss-ups due to the popularity of the Progressive Democrats and Christians Liberals respectively.

Nelborne Nationals

The Nelborne Nationals (Also Known as NN or the Nationals) are the only right-wing coalition that holds seats. Most of their seats are dispersed across the N.U, although they are mostly in Seketan and Lucar. While they are not traditionalists, they do have consistent conservative voting history, such as voting against the most recent budget.

The leader of the Nelborne Nationals Hans Kripler, was convicted for being involved in the assassination of NUMP Kristina Jaeger in Saxe-Wittenburg. This act has hurt the standing of the Nelborne Nationals, and may potentially drive the moderate conservative members of the Nelborne Nationals to supporting more centrist parties in the next election.

Progressive Democrats

The Progressive Democrats (also know as PD or The Democrats) are a centre to centre-left party, that is mainly focused on progressive policy. they rarely take a political stance and almost all abstained when the budget was trying to be passed, yet said that they will vote on the Civil Marriage Act when it is introduced. Most of their support comes from Jacland and Lucar, with a few seats in Alquiya and Seketan. They have been the main source if the Christians Liberals fall in Saxony, along with the Liberal Coalition.

Liberal Coalition

The Liberal Coalition (also know as LC or the Liberals) are a centre-left party, but unlike DEMSOC are closer to the centre. Many compare them to the Progressive Democrats, but are more centre left than the PD