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Foreigners applauded this expressive and fervent,which tuned up the enthusiasm of the general public there, but did not understand what they heard and no one dared to translate it for fear of further problems. When this became news throughout the city, the organization of the militia was almost finished.
Foreigners applauded this expressive and fervent,which tuned up the enthusiasm of the general public there, but did not understand what they heard and no one dared to translate it for fear of further problems. When this became news throughout the city, the organization of the militia was almost finished.
==April Week==
===Friday, April 1===
===Saturday, April 2===
===Sunday, April 3===
===Monday, April 4===
===Tuesday, April 5===
===Wednesday, April 6===
===Thursday, April 7===
===Friday, April 8===

Revision as of 18:16, 19 June 2016

April Revolution
The April 4 at Mevosa
Historical context
Date April 8, 1808
Place Mevosa
Participants Alphonse Matthada, Michael Towers, Manuel Del Paso, Francis Ghack, Nelson Thorley, Daniel Garçon, Jourdain Ilbert, Adam Crewe, Raymund Allard, Romuald De La Mesea

British invasion

Bayonne abdications
Previous government Viceroyalty
Previous ruler Esteban Cardenas Santander
Government resulting National Assembly
Government resulting form Government Junta

The April Revolution was a week-long series of events that took place from April 1 to 8, 1808, in Mevosa, capital of the Vice-Royalty of The Yellow River controlled by Spain since 1535 and occupied by Great Britain in 1807. The result was the expulsion of both europeans empires and the establishment of a local government, the National Assembly on April 8. It was the first successful revolution in the Terra Nova and the trigger for the continental independence process.

The April Revolution was a direct reaction to Great Britain's invasion of Mevosa and Betham in september, 1807. Seeking new markets for his products, and access to the primary goods of Fluvique, the crown decided to take the low-defended colonies and secure the vital ports for his commerce. The Spanish authorities in Mevosa allowed the british troops to enter without fight and surrender the city, causing a major upset in the lower classes and caused the birth of many patriot movements across the country.

Initially the new british government declared the freedom of cult, the break of the monopoly with Spain and kept the spaniards in some institutions, for the status-quo. However, a group of local merchants, lawyers and military officials organized a series of meetings in a tobacco shop and formed a militia to repel the invaders. In the night of April 4 a popular uprising exploded and the patriot soldiers were forced to enter in action and finally besieged the british forces in the Mevosa's fort and made them surrender the next day. Despite the desires of some conservatives forces, the popular mood caused a new uprising, expelling the spaniards and establishing a patriot government, the National Assembly, composed by citizens of Mevosa and invited other provinces of the Viceroyalty to send delegates to join them. This resulted in the outbreak of war between the regions that accepted the outcome of the events at Mevosa and those that did not.

The April Revolution began the Fluviquean Independence War, although no formal declaration of independence was issued at the time, but the National Assembly acted in the name of the Yellow River peoples. As similar events occurred in almost all the others cities in the country, the April Revolution is considered the starting point of the Fluviquean national identity and the patriot movements around the continent. Historians today debate the different interests behind the revolution, between the merchants in revolt against taxes, the local military wishing better positions and the radical revolutionaries trying to accomplish a social change. A formal declaration of independence was finally issued at the National Congress in Alkanter on July 16, 1821.



The Declaration of Independence of the United States in 1776 led the locals to believe that revolution and independence were possible. The old idea of loyalty to the metropolis was weakened, especially in the middle and upper classes. Also the ideals of French Revolution in 1799 spread across the continent, brought by the local elites sons, which were studying in European universities. The execution of King Louis XVI and Queen Marie Antoinette ended centuries of monarchy and removed the privileges of the nobility and deepened the republican and liberal ideas.

The Spanish authorities banned the publishing and entry of European books and newspapers, trying to stop the spread of such ideas. However, this led to the creation of many groups of enlightened Fluviqueans and the private reunions were held in all the big cities. The bars and literary salons were the birthplace of the future revolutionaries and leaders.

The independence of the north american colonies and Napoleon's Continental System were a menace for the British commerce, and Industrial revolution caused the necessity of find new markets. Britain wanted to trade with the Spanish colonies, but the monopoly was imposed and only the smugglers were capable of enter to the Fluviquean ports. Thus, Britain decided to invade the colonies and acquire key ports, expanding their dominion from Greencastle to all the continent.

The British menace was in the middle of a political crisis in the metropolis: The mutiny of Aranjuez in 1808 led King Charles IV of Spain to abdicate in favor of his son, Ferdinand VII. The events known as Abdications of Bayonne finished in the coronation of Napoleon's brother, Joseph Bonaparte and the start of the Peninsular War. The lack of representativeness was the boost to deep the revolution and expand it to all the provinces.


The colonies had many taxes to export their products to the metropolis and they were increased when Spain entered in the American Revolutionary War, first; and later in the first campaigns of the Napoleonic Wars. Also, the forced recruitment and the send of troops to Europe caused major upset among the population. The borders with the Dominion of Greencastle, controlled by Britain, was a major route for smugglers, increasing the wealth of Fluviquean traders.

In this context quickly emerged two antagonistic groups:

  • Peninsulares or royalists

The majority were wealthy Spaniards traders, with permission of the King and with a increasing influence in the colony. They were officials in the port, the consulate and any other colonial government office. This group wanted the status-quo, was against the smugglers and, later, was a fierce enemy of the revolution. Paradoxically, many revolutionaries were sons these wealthy traders.

  • Patriots or tobacconists

They were the local bourgeois, traders and wealthy smugglers, lawyers and generals of the local regiments and militia, recently named. Inside these group were divided into moderates and radicals. The moderates were the army officials, wishing some autonomy, but with the country still in the empire. The radicals were the majority and wanted a total independence of any nation and establishing a republic.

British invation

Around January 1808, news about a possible attack were spread around the colonies. The viceroyalty capital, Mevosa, had around 50.000 inhabitants and was the most prosperous port in the Yellow river. The most part of the colonial troops were sended to Europe to fight and the local soldiers occupied their place and also some young Fluviquean generals were hired in high positions of the army. However, the regiments under his charge were poorly paid and were more loyal to his homeland instead of Spain and his wars. In a principle it was believed that the british invasion would come from the british dominion of Greencastle, crossing the undefended border of Saint Matthew: the local governor retired the troops to allow the smuggling and the proffit of it.

However, there were almost no troops in Greencastle nor armed population able to become militia, thus the Spaniards were in a good position to invade the province and eliminate the only foreign territory around the colonies. However, they decided to not act. The British Empire decided the invasion, at least, since november 1807, recruiting troops and preparing a fleet to sail from Cape Colony, avoid the few Spanish ships, ensure supplies in Greencastle and travel directly to Mevosa.

The troops led by Charles Stannings sailed from South Africa on January 12, 1808 with 60 ships and 12.000 men, arriving to Greencastle five weeks after. There, the troops took supplies, 200 men were left in the city and the borders were closed, to prevent the news from spreading through the colonies. On February 5, they left again, away from the coast and re-entered in the mouth of the Yellow River, directly towards the capital of Galivias Islands, Port Andres. Almost without resistance they took the garrison stationed there and took prisioner his governor until the whole operation ended. The small fort was renamed Port William and one of the four british banners was raised on it. The next morning departed for Mevosa, but a heavy storm broke out, which prevented disembark the heavy cannons. However, to demonstrate their naval power and intimidate the population, most of the fleet was wagered around the port and blockade it completely. Meanwhile, an army of 2,000 ascended the river and landed on Betham were, after the skirmish of the Toasts, they entered triumphantly in the city, imprisoned the authorities and took over public buildings.

The 7th February morning the British troops manage to disembark in the Goose Cove and set up a small camp near the coast. At eight or nine o'clock they received a letter, which was translated and made it clear the intention to surrender the city to the Empire and its King, in exchange for maintaining the privileges of the Spaniards in Fluvique and keep some of their posts in the government. Standings sent another letter saying that promises not to imprison those colonial authorities who swear their loyalty to the King and the Empire. This was accepted and the troops entered without resistance into five columns in the streets, being watched by the people from balconies and roofs. At noon they reached the Arms Square. They occupied the fort and the port in the next hours and, near the 1:00 pm the Spanish flag was raised and the Union Jack was raised, with gunfire from the ships. A small band played God Save the King and the unconditional surrender was signed.

In the afternoon, Stannings declared the annexation of the Yellow River territories to the British Empire in a proclamation:

All territories of the Yellow River are, now and forever, under the wise protection of his gracious Majesty. All the inhabitants of the Empire welcome enthusiastically your entry into the ranks of the glorious nation to which they belong.

The local treasuries from rents and customs were seized; an act declared the free navigation of rivers, free trade with London, all the local regiments were dissolved, authorities were appointed and some troops were prepared for a possible counteroffensive. The next day the new goverment called all the upper class people, merchants, lawyers and influential people of the city of swear loyalty to the Kingd. In addition, the markets in the square were opened and the Spaniards recommended to the peoples in the Yellow river "total submission with the new lord".

Tobacco brothers

At first the ruling classes, especially the spaniards, saw with good eyes the annexation of Fluvique to the British Empire. Basically their state was the same: they were far away of the hostilities between France, Spain and Great Britain, so they had the opportunity to keep trade and his lifestyle, waiting until the end of the war and a future Spanish reconquest of the Yellow River. However, the native population was upset and defrauded of the colonial authorities and his attitude of surrender the city without fight, to keep their privileges and concessions, showing cowardice and without respect of the colonies.

Such voices found support in the military, led by the former general of the Colonial Regiment, Alphonse Matthada, fired after the British occupation, like all the troops under his command. This sector still had weapons and were well trained, despite only be formed by thousand men and the invasor force of around ten thousand in the fort. Thus, the first night meetings were held in "La Carla", a tobacco shop placed only five blocks from the April Square. They were friendly coffe talks about the political future and their positions about Spain. The original group of five members was increased until their final members, who passed into history: General Alphonse Matthada; merchants Manuel Del Paso, Nelson Thorley, Romuald De La Mesea, Raymund Allard and Daniel Garçon; and lawyers Michael Towers, Francis Ghack, Adam Crewe and Jourdain Ilbert.

Gradually the wishes of the upper class changed. Free exchange of British goods flooded the local market and prices on the raw materials, sold to the new metropolis, were almost the same as those under the Spanish rule. In addition, the example of the United States, his Declaration of Independence, the influence of French Revolution and the enlightenment ideas, spread the nationalism and patriotism among all the population. Soon, everyone saw askance occupation and patriotic fervor, already evidenced in the popular sectors, woke into the high classes.

This sudden support made the meetings more animated. With the approval of the upper classes and having the general discontent of the population as a backup, the toaccolists began to concoct the plan of action. Inside the group the first internal divisions emerged. All were in accord that the first step was form militias, give weapons to the people and reconquer the city, expelling the British, but the aftermath was the main focus of debate. Alphonse Matthada, leader of the moderates, was in favor of expelling the British and return the power to the Spanish authorities, but ensuring that they elevate their social and economic privileges, giving the locals more power. On the other side were the revolutionaries, led by Michael Towers. They wanted to expel both British and Spaniards and declare the full independence from the former metropoli and any foreign domination.

Despite these disagreements, the meetings continued throughout most of March and traders Nelson Thorley and Daniel Garçon, got a stay at ten kilometres from Mevosa, where they started to enlist an army. While, they received the news that the provinces decided to resist on their territory and not send help to them or Betham. The rest of the traders began to use their contacts and their ability to get guns, bullets and everything necessary from Crenel and Geneva, through clandestine routes and shipments carriages and stagecoaches normally used for mail. Thus, and for weeks, they came to stay Santa Marina three carriages with supplies per day. Slowly recruitment was getting bigger, thanks to the effort of the tobacco brothers, and they gathered between 8.000 and 9.000 militiamen, trained by Mattada and his soldiers in small groups, at night, to avoid suspicion due to the continuous movement of people.

On March 28 happened the first fact considered revolutionary. It was at dinner in honor of the Britsh forces in a little restaurant in the Little Angels Boulevard. Among those attending were the old Spaniards authorities. The tradition says that a prostitute named Clara walked towards the Spaniards and said to them: "The only difference between you and me, is that I would have expelled the British with stones". Late, inside the restaurant, during one of the shows with guitars and traditional songs, one of the interpreters sang a song that became popular among the revolutionaries and was the first banner of Independence:

Foreigners applauded this expressive and fervent,which tuned up the enthusiasm of the general public there, but did not understand what they heard and no one dared to translate it for fear of further problems. When this became news throughout the city, the organization of the militia was almost finished.

April Week

Friday, April 1

Saturday, April 2

Sunday, April 3

Monday, April 4

Tuesday, April 5

Wednesday, April 6

Thursday, April 7

Friday, April 8