Civil Rights in South Hills

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Civil Rights in South Hills is a mixed bag based upon the weak federalist system in place. The Elizabeth Accords that formed the government include a basic bill of rights, but beyond that many rights are left to individual states to decide.

Federal Bill of Rights

As part of the initial 1763 constitution, the Republic ensures several basic human rights:

  • Freedom of Speech/Freedom of the Press.
  • Right to own Firearms.
  • Right to not be unreasonable searched.
  • Right to trial by Jury.
  • Right to Speedy Trial
  • Right not to be cruel and unusually fined, punished, or bailed.
  • Right to privacy.
  • Right to self governance.
  • Right to free movement.

All of these rights have variable enforcement and flexibility.

Rights varying by States

Voting Rights

In federal elections, the original Constitution of 1763 allowed only for property owning men. The 'men' was stricken in 1873, enabling women to vote if they owned property themselves, In 1963 the rights to vote were extended to citizens who rented property (including apartments), as well as to spouses of those who owned land.

Spousal voting rights is, however, a hotly contested issue, as gay marriage is recognized in 6 of 11 states. In states where gay marriage is not recogized, if two homosexual partners live in the same property only the citizen with their name on the deed/renters agreement may vote.

Firearms Ownership

While the constitution broadly imposes a right to own firearms, the federal government mostly enables the states to impose this as they see fit - Specific legality of specific firearms, and the processes required to be able to carry a firearm, varies wildly from state to state. None the less, there is a estimated 280 Million firearms in South Hills for 250 Million citizens.

Freedom of Movement

Movement between states is free to all citizens, however, states may (and most do) impose regulations on formally relocating between states.


While guarenteed broadly under the Accords, a specific citizens right to privacy varies based on state interests and national security. Generally, however, privacy is legally accepted per modern standards.


Marriage was traditionally seen as between a man and a woman when the Accords were designed, however, the term is never even mentioned in the Accords. Whether it was intentionally left to the states - as many of the founders personally expressed the wish to ensure marriage gave federal benefits - or simply forgotten, is debated among circles to this day. The federal government does offer tax breaks for marriage, but it follows each states definition of marriage. The opinion does vary between states; as Marriage is not a federal issue, states individually decide legality. The split goes as follows:

Gay marriage is Legal

  • Elizabeth (Including Elizabeth Federal District)
  • Ellis Islands
  • McKeesport
  • Boston
  • New Croatia
  • Mifflin

Gay marriage is Illegal

  • Duquesne
  • Buena Vista
  • West Mifflin
  • Rostravor
  • Vernon