Nation/First Holy Galactic Empire of Arcadia

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First Holy Galactic Empire of Arcadia
Imperial Flag
Motto: "For Love, Peace and Equality"
Anthem: The Oath of Freedom
Imperial National Day: 4th of July (2037)
Party of the Ancients: 14th of July (1789)
Form of state: Democratic Unitary Empire
Constitution: Doctrine of the Values of the New World
Supreme Emperor: Rayregalia Von Arcadia Ist
Prime Minister: Joris Cross
Deputy Prime Minister: Lucy Bardia
Grand President of the Senatorium: Julius de Goria
President of the Upper Senate Chamber: Salvador de Tristina
President of the Lower Senate Chamber: Darlton Foxus-Yalta
Official Languages: New French, Martian
Capital: Pendragon
Large cities: Londonium, Deutlin, New Roma and Maladria
Total Area: 225,960 sq mi (585,233 km²)
Area in water: 250,254 km²
Time zone: (UTC + 1)
Before 2037: Old Regime
2nd July, 2037: Second French Revolution
4th July, 2037: Proclamation of the First Holy Arcadian Empire Galactic and crowning of the First Supreme Emperor Hades-Lux Kuran-Vibritannia of Arcadia I
4th August 2037-23rd May 2040:

Wars against the International Coalition -6th December, 2037: Annexation of Papelium -14th May, 2039: Annexation of Swirtland -25th September, 2039: Annexation of Esparagna -30th September, 2039: Annexation of Belrigium

-23rd May, 2040: Annexation of Allemagnia
August 2044: General Albert Grodort's military Putsch
9th February, 2048: Creation of the Archduke of the Holy Eagle
7th June, 2061: Death of His Majesty Hades-Lux Kuran-Vibritannia of Arcadia Ist
27th June, 2061: Election of Rayregalia Kuran-Vibritannia Von Arcadia as New Emperor
29th June, 2061: Coronation of the Second Supreme Emperor Rayregalia Von Arcadia Ist
Demonym: Arcadian
Total population: 1.787 billion (252 millions in space)
Density: 41/km²

Highest Point: 4810m (Mont Blanc, Kingdom of the Dove)

Lowest Point: unknown
Nominal GDP: 150,1 trillion Euros
Nominal GDP per person: 86,349 Euros per person
Unemployment rate: 3,51%
HDI: >1
Currency: Euro (€)
Calling code: +66
Internet Domain: .Arc
Drives on the: to the right


The First Holy Galactic Empire of Arcadia, also known from the Arcadia Empire, is a Democratic Empire, it is located on the Europe continent, to the east of The Lands of Kings and Emperors. The citizens of this empire are named Arcadians. The Arcadia Empire has several maritime facades like the Lucean Ocean, Polar Ocean and the Meditium Sea. This empire is rich in culture and moving history. The motto of Arcadia is "For love, Peace and Equality". His National Imperial Anthem is "The Oath of Freedom". The origin of his name is still controversial to this day. Its currency since the year 2002 is euro. The Empire consists of 6 kingdoms, each with 2 duchies, 4 counties and 8 baronies. Its capital since the year 2037 is Pendragon located west of the territory of the Empire. It is one of the world leaders in the Information Technology industry, with significant contributions from Book Publishing, Door-to-door Insurance Sales, and Arms Manufacturing. The Empire of Arcadia is ranked 91th in the ranking of the major economic powers of The Lands of Kings and Emperors. It is the largest Nation on the continent of Europe. The official languages ​​of the Empire are the New French and the Martian, languages ​​used for work, government, sports competitions....


  • I-History
  • II-Geography
  • III-Geography Data
  • IV-Government
  • V-Administration
  • VI-Largest cities
  • VII-Military and International
  • VIII-Economy
  • IX-Culture
  • X-Sport
  • XI-Religion
  • XII-Space colony
  • VIII-Transport
  • XIV-Nobless
  • XV-Imperial Family


The first Holy Galactic Empire of Arcadia came from the Second French Revolution in 2037, the last French president Joshua Laland was overthrown by himself, he later declared the dissolution of the 6th Republic of France, after having executed all his opponents, Joshua Laland was crowned 4th July 2037, supreme emperor of the First Holy Galactic Empire of Arcadia under the name Hades-Lux Kuran-Vibritannia of Arcadia Ist, in the company of his generals, he declared war on all The continent of Europe, and in a few years it arrived with the genius of its imperial generals to annex the republics of Allemagnia, Belrigium, Swirtland, Papelium and Esparagna. He establishes a new dynasty and a face of the continent. After having experienced two civil wars (2038, 2040) to challenge the regime in place, the emperor sought a solution to appease his people on September 5, 2040, he set up the notebooks of grievances. But the idea was abandoned after General Albert Grodort's attempted military putsch in August 2044. In the year 2045 to avoid a new civil war, the Arcadia Empire swore allegiance to the Lands of Kings and Emperors and its emperor.


The area of ​​the Empire of Arcadia is 33016,1786 km²(20515,30226 mile²) We can observe several climate, in the south a Mediterranean climate, in the north a temperate climate and in the mountainous regions as in the Pyrenees, the Alps, Siera Nevada ... rather a mountain climate. In the center of the Empire several plateaus of plains are observable through the kingdom of the Dove and the kingdom of Asgard and at the end of the kingdom of Time in the south-east of the territory of the Empire. Extreme weather conditions are not uncommon in this part of the country: as in the south at the edge of the Meditium Sea with extreme winds and floods during the late summer, as well as extreme winter snowstorms in the extreme North. The highest points of the Empire is Mont Blanc (4810m, 2,988795 miles) located in the Kingdom of the Dove and Mount Mulhacén (3482m; 2,163614 miles) in the kingdom of Verda. On the other hand, the lowest point is disputed by the various geologists of the Imperial Library.