Fedora Firewood

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Fedora Aurelius Firewood, is the President of Brussel Hamlets.

Current Affiliations

President of Brussel Hamlets - 26th August 2018 - Present

Hamletsian Correspondent for Thaecian Culture Magazine - 1st July 2019 - Present

Political History:

Liberal Democratic Party of Hykos - 31st August 2018 - October 2018
Independent - October 2018 - 30th June 2019
Freedom Alliance Party of Thaecia - 30th June 2019 - Present

Previous Affiliations

WA Delegate of Hykos - 6th September 2018 - October 2018

Defence Minister of the Found Kingdom - 12th September 2018 - October 2018

Foreign Affairs Minister of Hykos - 24th September 2018 - October 2018

After the fall of the Kingdom of Hykos and the Found Kingdom, all of Fedora Firewood's affiliations, relevant to the regions, were discontinued.

Senator (Liberal Democratic Party) (Hykos) - 8th September - 30th September

Firewood was ejected from the Senate after voting for Bennisia II, an independent Politician running for President, in reaction to the running-mate, and LDP Chairman, Oroles, calling Benn a 'drunkard'.