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The Royal Republic of Qubec
La République royale du Québec
Mottovive le roi
La Marseillaise
Location of Qubec Within Atlas
Capitalville royale
Largest same as above
Official languages French
Demonym Québécois
Government Absolute Monarchy
 -  Monarch His Grace King Elijah Stormborn
 -  Supreme Chancellor Asher Clark
 -  Legislative branch Royal Senate
 -  2015 estimate 985,457,247
GDP (nominal) 2015 estimate
 -  Total $18.768 trillion
 -  Per capita $66,602
HDI Increase 0.884
very high
Currency Piastre Québecoise
Time zone Qubec Standard Time UTC -10
Date format MM-DD-YY
Drives on the left
Calling code +66

The Royal Republic of Qubec is a sovereign state located in Atlas. Qubec is on the East side of Atlas with New Hayabusa to the West, Sde Dov to the South, Vanggaziland to the North, and Hallowell to the East. Its top exports are Oil, Natural Gas, and alcohol.


The Armed Forces of the Republic are the official armed forces and military of Qubec. Its consists of Army of the Republic, Air Force of the Republic, Navy of the Republic, and The Royal Guard of the Republic. Currently the Republic maintains a military of around 2 million active and 1 million reserves. Currently the Armed Forces of the Republic is also in possession of a large number of Weapons of Mass Destruction. The official number is unknown but is expected to be around 50,000 nuclear devices. As of right now The Armed Forces of the Republic are not deployed outside of Qubec territory and do not partake in any peacekeeping or military operations abroad. They are used for defense of the Republic only.

The Supreme Chancellor

Supreme Chancellor, usually simply known as the Chancellor or Chancellor (name of office holder) and also known as Chancellor of the Republic, Grand Chancellor, High Chancellor, President of the Republic, or President of the Senate is the title of the Head of Government as well as Senate President.

Appointment of the Chancellor

The Chancellor is elected by and from the senators and representatives of the Senate and could serve two four-year terms before being forced to retire from the Chancellorship because of term limits. The Chancellor could be removed from office at any time by the Senate with a Vote of No Confidence.

Powers and functions of the Chancellorship

The Chancellor serves mainly as an officiator of parliamentary procedure and the first among equals in the Senate. However, they have the authority to call an Extraordinary Session of the Senate, and could invoke "Chancellor's prerogative" in circumventing minor aspects of the Senate's parliamentary procedure.

It was still a very prestigious position, and the Chancellor has a grand office in both the Senate Rotunda's Chancellery and in the dome-like Senate Office Building in Veng Dun. The Chancellor is properly addressed as "Your Excellency". The symbol of the office of the Chancellor, as well as the Senate as a whole, is a fanned spear. This sigil is also emblazoned prominently on the Chancellor's podium in the center of the Senate Rotunda's Main Chamber. When in the Main Chamber, the Chancellor usually wears a Veda cloth robe. The Chancellor is elected from among the Senators who make up the Senate and served a term of office that lasts for four standard years. A Chancellor can legally serve only two consecutive four-year terms before he or she has to step down due to term limits.