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Benepothmite is a toxic compound that was created by Nvrads for assasination purposes, It was used to murder Nvradian general Louis Burrare. It is composed of solidized then molten snake venoms plus liquid nitrogen, then hardened. This combination is then combined with molten tablesalt and water. It is then harded again with a moisture contact to quickly melt the tablesalt. This causes it to poison its target and then cause a small explosion. In Louis Burrare's case, he was walking into his office when he was sniped by a Benepothmite bullet.


Main Use

It was used to murder people, and was mainly formed into ammunition in guns. The only guy it can be used for is a specific gun for it callled the NME992, a quickfiring pistol that uses liquid nitrogen to fire the gun, thereforenot heating the bullet. It is very complecated.

Who Used it

The only users of the gun and ammunition was the Nvradian Government, but it is rumored that Ulmur has stolen nearly 1/100 of the amount of Benepothmite that Nvrads had. Except they arent the only ones.

Other Uses

Other food companies such as Roofmart and Cocost.


Roofmart uses 0.0001g of Benepothmite in their meat to make it cook faster and have longer shelf life. It was not and is not included on its ingredient board. It was small enough that it could be washed.


Cocost had to pull their Mac and Cheese from shelves because they put 3.99g of Benepothmite in their Mac and Cheese, which is too much considering Louis died from 0.05 grams. No one got hurt at all, but it was scanned and 3.99g was found in the cheese. All of it was pulled from shelves and not sold again.

Drug Use

Some people access it, and detoxictize it for drug use.


Most people put it in cigarettes and smoke it.

Direct consumption

Some people just pop it into their mouth and eat it.


The Effects of detoxicitized Benepothmite causes hallucinations, tiredness, effects of alchohol, tobbaco, and marijauna, and also immediately kills all cancer cells in a body.