Fluviquean National Anthem

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The Fluvique National Anthem was originally written in 1812 by Marius Martin following orders of the First Consulate (who also made official the tricolour flag) Their use was extended in the first years, especially in the Independence campaigns and in official acts of the new government. After the Independence in 1821, the hymn was forgotten and was fully missed in the Civil Wars era. The establishment of the constitutional monarchy in 1871 and the necessity of unite the society in war since 1822 caused a revalue of the national symbols and the national chant was a cental issue. The original text was modified, deleting phrases against the kings and references to the April Weeks, to produce a more federal song and added friendly references to the monarchy. However, the bloody passages and non-friendly references to Spain were maintained, to keep the revolutionary and patriotic spirit that inspired the nation. The new anthem was executed in the 81º anniversary of the April Revolution and the National Anthem Day is celebrated on July 15, in commemoration of the original text writer death.

Originally was named Homeland Chant aand sing the entire anthem lasts from 19:22 to 19:36 minutes. The lyrics are a chant to the Independence struggles, naming battles, exalting the fierce and courage of the patriots soldiers and describing the enemy as beasts. Nowadays only the first strophe and the chorus are sung in all the official acts, schools and sports events.


According to the legend Marius Martin was a lawyer member of the local aristocracy and lived at Retuille hotel, in the Little Angels boulevard, near the Arms square (the nowadays April square) When he heard the revolution, he left behind his customs and decided to join the patriotic cause. He dressed up and took part in the militia, helping in the construction of barricades, before being injured in combat and admitted to the field hospital created in the square. At the next day, when the local forces were threatening the british army entrenched in the fort and he was still convalescing, he asked for paper and ink to write a letter to his father and tell him what happened but, inspired by the revolution, he wrote a short letter that became the outline of the Fluviquean National Anthem.


Only the first verse and the first chorus are sung today in Fluvique. The following is the official version released from the Fluviquean Ministry for Culture. Verses sung in the contemporary version of the anthem are in bold.

The victory singing leads our armies
The liberty with her warm wings
Covers the Fluviquean soldier
The war bugle like a thunder
Resounds in the northern fields
Tremble enemies of Fluvique
Foreign bloodthirsty beasts
The free people advance
Tyrants go down to your coffins

Liberty, liberty, Fluviqueans!
The glory will cover our guns
Be the land of glory and freedom
Or the grave for your brave sons

Behind our motherly eyes
Lies a fierce spirit
When we took the weapons
We were decided to triumph
Soldiers of the motherland arise
The enemy have to shed tears
While they die they will see
How we use their impure blood
To irrigate the liberty's tree

Liberty, liberty, Fluviqueans!...

In the hills and walls feels

Rumbling with horrid clamor

All the country is disturbed by shouts

Of revenge, war and fury

Look at them over Saint Matthew and Kloset

Occupy with tenacious viciousness

Look at them devouring as beasts

Each people who surrender to them

Liberty, liberty, Fluviqueans!...

They dare to face you, Fluviqueans!

Fight the pride of the infamous lion

Hear them singing their victories

And spitting his pestiferous gall

But the braves who together swore

Keep safe their happily freedom

To those bloodthirsty mercenaries

Strong hearts will fight until death!

Liberty, liberty, Fluviqueans!...

The glorious fluviquean to arms

Runs blazing with verve and value

The war bugle like a thunder

In the Yellow River fields resounded

The liberty puts in first line

Of the peoples of the sacred union

And with strong arms broke

The chains of the vile invader

Liberty, liberty, Fluviqueans!...

Of the new warriors the faces

Mars himself seem to animate

Greatness nest in their chests

At their march all made tremble

The wives and enemy childrens

Are shocked with the war's horrid din

They wanted to steal our land

Now they are widows and orphans

Liberty, liberty, Fluviqueans!...

Alkanter, Beautiful Fall, New Creek

Two Stones, Forest Sun and Old Frontier

The fleets and also the walls

Of the tyrant in eastern Kloset

Are eternal signs who says:

"Here the Fluviquean soldier triumphed

Here the fierce opressor of the motherland

Bent his proud neck"

Liberty, liberty, Fluviqueans!...

The victory with his warm wings

Covered the Fluviquean brave soldier

The tyrants and infamy ran away of our lands

Hear the moan of the country's enemies!

Their flags, their weapons surrender

Now are trophies to the liberty

Upon wings of glory rises the people

Deserving throne for her majesty

Liberty, liberty, Fluviqueans!...

The fallen's graves are shaken

In their bones reborns the fire

Watching their childrens renewing

The old splendor of the motherland

From one pole to another resounds

The fame of the victory bugle

And all Rushmore shouts in response:

"Hail to the brave Fluviqueans!"

Liberty, liberty, Fluviqueans!...

Modern version

The victory singing Leads our armies The liberty with her warm wings Covers the Fluviquean soldiers The war bugle like a thunder Resounds in the northern fields Tremble enemies of la Fluvique Foreign bloodthirsty beasts The free people advance Tyrants go down to their coffins

Liberty, liberty, Fluviqueans! The glory will cover our guns Be the land of glory and freedom Or the grave for your brave sons