Battle of the Capitals

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Battle of the Capitals
Date June 878- 23rd August 878

( day)

Location Resen, Colonial Telotia, Blizatine and City of Trees, Forest of Dunganelle, Blizatine
Result Decisive Sarata victory.


Commanders and leaders
Sarata: Cheeun Setoraga
Telotian: Commander Terry Telak

aprox. 100,000 troops


aprox. 500-30,000

Colonial Talotian

46,000 troops

Casualties and losses

aprox. 30,000


50,000 Soldiers
aprox. 170,000 civilians
Unknown assumed none


For the past 136 years during the Colonization Period the Telotians had used their superior weaponry and technology to expand into Sarata land, this led to the formation of the city of Serataque to have a central meeting place for all the Sarata tribes.

Preluding Battles

In July of 878 the many tribes of Sarata met in Serataque and unified almost entirely under Cheeun Setoraga. The force is said to have numbered around 800,000 people. Setoraga divided his force into two groups, one group with about 100,000 men were divided up into raiding parties to attack the border cities the remaining 50,000 men road east . In response to this the Telotians sent 360 defense forces in total numbering 36,000 men to the borders towns to defend their cities. Though there were some success in the raid advance, their forces were quickly put down by the Telotians force, the Sarata forces were forced to retreat. Shortly after the 360 defense forces arrived on the border reports arrived in Capoliton That Cheeun Setoraga were closing in on the capital from the east with about 10,000 men. The Capital recalled there 36,000 troupes and began calling all local garrisons and men of fighting age to the capital. They managed to create a poorly armed defense force of 10,000 men before the Saratan horde arrived.

Seige of Capoliton

Though the Cheeun Setoraga's advance was met with little resistance the walls of Resen proved more difficult to manage. Despite the horde outnumbering the Telotian forces 5-1 they were unable to penetrate the city. Setoraga split hid forces in three 26,000 men attempted to starve the city out while the two other forces of 12,000 each proceeded east and west to nearby port towns and cities and raided their food to supply their army. Though Resen was a port town, with all surounding ports haveing their food stolen by Setoraga's forces they were unable to supply aid. Incoming supply ships became less and less frequent, in a city that required them to survive even with their farms. The siege lasted for a month and Setoraga was unable to starve out the city before the Telotian army returned. Setoraga ordered his forces to retreat north, and the Telotian army along with the 10,000 garrisonmen pursued the Sarata forces. The total force strength

Seige on the City of Trees

The Telotian army pursued the Sarata forces to the City of Trees in the Dunganelle forest. The Telotian army entered the forest to which they were met with an ambush of Sarata and Dungan forces hiding in the trees. Sarat-Dungan forces fired down at the Telotian from the tops of the trees. Meanwhile Setoraga took a force of 20,000 men and them flank the Telotians. The Telotian initialy took massive casualties from the barrage. Telotians started to flee and ran directly into Setoraga's forces waiting for them. The unorganized retreat proved unable to escape Setoraga's men, and those that remained in the forest could not get into any formation because of the trees. The Sarat-Dungan forces massacred the Telotian forces killing the entirety of the Telotians army. Setoraga then had his men wear the armour of the Telotians and road back to Resen. Resen delighted to see their army return opened the main gaits for Setoraga. The Sarata forces entered the capital and raised it to the ground killing everyone.


The Telotian Empire viewed the land as to expensive a venture to continue investing in and relinquished control of Colonial Telotia. Without the Central control of Resen Colonial Telotia collapsed into numerous small nations states.