Antarctican Polar Bear

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Antarctic Polar Bears ([i]Ursus maritimus antarcticus[/i]), or Southern Bears, are a subspecies and distant cousin to the normal Arctic Polar Bear. Although originally bred (or, more accurately, designed) from the Arctic Polar Bear, the Antarctic subspecies has mutated to something far more unpleasant and dangerous. They are found throughout the Antarctican region, although they seem to stay to the internal, coldest parts of the continent. They emerge from their lairs to feed on dying regions and have been the main cause when nations cease to exist.


There are many stories about where the Southern Bear actually came from. Many regional biology books claim they were brought to Antarctica and evolved into their present form on their own. Most now realize that a bear that exhibits both the physical strength and intelligence that Southern Bears have is purely outside the realm of Darwinian science. Leaked documents from CAD hackers in 2006 point to scientists funded by two nations - The Voltarum and Vastiva - who purposely genetically manipulated the DNA from Arctic Polar Bears to create a new species. A massive explosion in a offshore Voltaru science facility is also linked to these documents and claimed to be the way the Polar Bears escaped captivity. Both governments have denied these claims and purport the documents to be false.

Physical and Mental Characteristics

The Southern Bear is a monster of an animal. When standing on its hind legs, the largest males have been claimed to reach 20 feet high, higher than giraffes. Estimates of their weight put the largest at close to 7000 lbs. Like their cousins, females tend to be slightly smaller than males. Tracks from the largest bears have paws near 3 feet in diameter. Southern Bears can run at nearly 15 mph for extended times.

The Southern Bear also exhibits increased adaptability to its harsh environment. Their claws are unusually strong, long, and retractable much like a cats, which lets them dig and climb with ease. Their paws have webbing, which increases their swim speed. Oh, yeah, they also have opposable thumbs. Southern Bears blubber is also enhanced, creating an almost 0 net heat loss across its skin. This element especially has been difficult because the bears do not show up on infrared cameras. One cameraman tried to get a picture with this film - he created a print with a single spot - a puff of air from the bear's breath. Then it ate him. Its blubber and skin layers are also akin to armor - small rounds do nothing to these animals except annoy them.

The most dangerous thing about the Southern Bear by far is its intelligence. They have some kind of communication, and have been known to hunt in coordinated packs and create ambushes. They can open doors (although smashing them is easier) and seem to understand basic human languages. All attempts at communication with the bears have met with disaster - and full bear stomachs.

Warning Signs

Southern Bears typically stay away from active nations, and all attempts to find their communities near the south pole have met with ruin. However, a dying nation seems to become some kind of beacon to these bears, and they are often found scouting out the borders or a long inactive nation. When a nation dies, the bears enter a frenzy. Whole nations can be consumed in a 48 hour span.

Survivor: Polar Bear