War of Honour

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The War of Honour
A Sibarian Buyan-class corvette firing a Kalibr missle in the Platacian Sea.
Date 22 November 2026 - 29 December 2026
Location Uzmorr Sea, Platacian Sea and the East Uzmorrial Islands
Result Status quo ante bellum
  • Covert damage conducted by Damanian forces upon Bananish and Uzmorr infrastructure
  • Covert damage conducted by Bananish forces upon Sibarian infrastructure
  • Sibarian naval retreat in the Platacian Sea
  • Election of the Sibarian Stojanovic administration
  • Signing of the Melbane Treaty

Supported By

  • Xianuan
Commanders and leaders
Youthsville Pact Jakovic DetWhiller
Youthsville Pact Redovan Stojanovic
Youthsville Pact Sonavi Drugonodic
Youthsville Pact Morin Kozlov
Platacia Espodito Siciliano
Platacia Olaf Mazzanti
Platacia Karlos Berntsen
Scuro Raul Trentino
Banana Federation Dominic Pirozzi

The 2026 War of Honour, simply known as the War of Honour, was a war fought between 22 November 2026 until 29 December 2026 by Platacia, Banana Federation, East Uzmorrial Islands and Scuro against The Youthsville Pact. The majority of the fighting took place in the Platacian Sea and the Uzmorr Sea.