Esther de Bonneseule

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Baroness Esther de Bonneseule (born 1966) is the daughter of Baron Jacques de Bonneseule and Countess Ysolde von Marignan.

At the age of nineteen she started to work as a model in Markund. Although her name earned her notoriety, she kept a low profile.

In 1989 she married Baron Simeon von Uylenberg.

The couple became active dissidents against the Palmerson regime. Simeon died in 2002 in mysterious circumstances. The family believes he was poisoned.

In 2007 Esther married Count Lorenz von Henslen, who served as Minister of Foreign Affairs between 2010 and 2012. They had no children.

Countess von Henslen was a candidate for the Conservative Party during the 2010 legislative elections. She won a seat in Parliament, but resigned it in 2012 after her daughter became engaged to King George IV.

Esther is known to be a very dominant and ambitious woman. Some members of the royal family considered that her influence over Queen Ludovika would be pernicious. In order to keep her at distance from her daughter, she was appointed Ambassador in The Resurgent Dream in early 2013.

Shortly after the royal wedding, Esther and Lorenz separated. He blamed her for pushing Ludovika towards a marriage that would destroy his political career: being the King's closest advisor and his stepfather-in-law would be a complicated position, so he was forced to resign from the ministry.