Senate (Midrasia)

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Senate of Midrasia
Sénat de Mydrazia
Coat of arms or logo
Type Upper House of the Midrasian Parliament
President of the Senate Henri Devaux, SDP
Since 1 June 2016
Majority Leader Patricia Bedoun, SDP
Since 29 April 2016
Minority Leader Roseline Fidanza, Con
Since 15 July 2016
Seats 100
Political groups
Voting system Indirect Elections
Last election 5 May 2016
Meeting place
Senate Building, Thraice

Within Midrasia, the Senate is the upper House of the Midrasian Parliament, established in 1905 following the dissolution of the original House of Lords under the Liberal government. Upon its creation the Senate's membership has been apportioned based on the results from regional elections that take place every five years. However, until 2016 and the Electoral Reform Act, 25% of the Senate's seats were apportioned to individuals appointed by the monarch or Prime minister for "merits' of service to the Midrasian Kingdom". As seats within the Senate are allocated based on the results of local elections, the Senate contains members from parties that do not run within the actual General Election, most notably the Vaellian National Party and Ibbeneian Peoples' Party which only campaign in local elections in Vaellian and Ibbeny districts and regions.