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The Empire of Revitallia, commonly referred to as Revitallia or simply The Empire, is a Senatorial Empire composed of 9 provinces, with an additional 14 smaller provinces in dispute with a semi-autonomous region by the name of Solbger, which occupies the Zealander Islands. The central six provinces are on the continent of Australia, with an additional 17 major islands surrounding the continent. With 3.1 million sq miles, it is the 4th largest nation by area in Kamidotekushi.

Following the rise of the Bogden Dynasty, and beginning in 1648, the Revitallian Kingdom at the time spanned the Pacific Islands, Southeast Asia, and parts of northern India. Since that time, the Kingdom lost territories while simultaneously restricting civil liberties and economic freedom. With the defeat of King Darren II's army in Southeast Asia and the nearby Indonesian island chain by the Viet Kong in 1983, rule under a King became increasingly oppressive. The communistic government even punished its own queen, Queen Amy III. Following a fairly bloodless revolution, Keven Adlai, the organizer of the revolution, assumed power by rigging an election. After 3 years, evidence surfaced that Adlai was bringing back a dictatorial state. The Revitallian Civil War followed, the bloodiest war in Revitallia's long history. Anywhere from 90 million to 123 million people perished in the conflict. Currently reformed under the title of Empire, Revitallia has become a democratic empire much like the Revitallia prior to its conversion to a Kingdom.

Revitallia has the 7th largest GDP in Kamidoteksuhi, at $31.64 trillion dollars. It has the largest public-sector based economy in the region, with no private industry, though reforms are on their way through to turn the nation more capitalist. It is the region's fastest growing economy, political power, and military prowess.


First settled by colonists from Northwestern Europe in 153 AD, the colonists rapidly became self-sustaining and self-governing and were forgotten by what is now northern Andermor sometime around 250 AD. The colonists established a type of republic that governed the areas the young nation had assimilated. With the signing of the Maxson-Wright Pact in 264 AD, the Empire of Revitallia was officially born. This new Empire possessed around 800,000 sq miles, a little more than what is modern-day Queensland. The capital established was Sydney, located on the east coast of the continent. The Imperial Army was built up and quickly pushed the tribal natives off of the east coast and within another 200 years, subjugated them. However, they did not prosecute them, and allowed the native population full citizenship rights and allowed them access back to the east.

Naval Expansion

Following a lengthy and bloody invasion of nearby Tasmania, that lasted for 70 years and nearly wiped out the native Tasmanians, the Imperial Senate authorized the construction of a large navy. This marked a pivotal moment for Revitallia, and within 25 years the Imperial Revitallian Navy was one of the most formidable of the time. From then on Revitallia was constantly annexing islands and territories across the Pacific Ocean, most notable the Zealander Islands. By the year 560 AD, all of Polynesia was under Revitallian authority. The following year, the navy attempted an invasion of Halnan Island, off the coast of China (the present-day Commonwealth of Hank the Cat). Chinese forces dealt a devastating blow to the Imperial Navy, and were able to repel another attempted invasion of the island in 576. Even stretching across Oceania, the current Emperor, Daries Fay, launched an invasion of Southeast Asia. The invasion was successful, and the last Vietnamese holdout fell in 647. Having conquered the peninsula, the only way to expand further in any direction was to invade the first iteration of the Commonwealth, the Empire of Unggoy. As tensions mounted, war eventually broke out with an Unggoy incursion onto Revitallian soil. The resulting war succeeded in bringing Revitallia into contact with Europe and Africa, but also had minimal territory gain.

Political Change

The Empire saw its peak in 1115, with territory encompassing Australia, Oceania, Southeast Asia, Japan, Korea, Tibet, India, Central Asia, the Middle East, and the Horn of Africa. It was the largest empire the world had ever seen, encompassing 16 million square miles. The Emperor at the time, in order to feel matched up with the rulers of Europe, declared himself King instead of Emperor. This saw Revitallia's change from a Senatorial Empire to an Absolute Monarchy.

A map of the Empire of Revitallia at its peak in 1115. The capital of Cancrest is highlighted in red.

Most people were fine with this, but it also introduced new customs for the queen, especially how many children she was to bear. The shift caused some ripples across the outer reaches of the Kingdom, namely in Japan and Vietnam.

Wars of Preservation

The Wars of Preservation, as they are now called, was a long series of wars (1200-1879) which intended to preserve the size of the Kingdom. Terrible civil strife and rampant crime resulted in the first war, the Somalian-Revitallian War of 1200. Somalian Liberation forces defeated the Royal Army in Africa, forcing the forfeit of the Kingdom's holdings. This initial revolution inspired similar wars throughout the Middle East and Central Asia. The most notable of these was the Persian Revolt.

The Persian Revolt (1339-1373) was the most devastating of all of the Wars of Preservation. By the time it had concluded, over 5 million lay dead and the Kingdom had lost 3.5 million square miles. Starting with the Battle of Jeddah, in which a Royal Garrison gunned down 49 protesters before being killed by a mob, and ending with the Treaty of Mumbai, the war led to the formation of the Persian-Somalian Empire, which would come back to bite Revitallia.

During the wars, an aristocratic family, the Bogdens, held a coup against the ruling family, the Dovnenos. This shift of power contributed to the First Tibetan War.

Japan and Korea held their own revolution, supported by China. As the wars continued, Persia-Somalia supported Indian rebels and outright attacked Royal Forces during the Third Tibetan War (1746-1789). The wars finally concluded with the Indonesian War (1860-1879). The Kingdom only held Australia and the Zealand Islands by 1880.

Industrial Revolution

The Industrial Revolution arrived late to Revitallia, which contributed to its final defeat in Indonesia. The Industrial Revolution evolved rapidly in Revitallia, supporting military and civil development. King George used this to turn the nation into a communist-like state, which resulted in the rich much, much richer than the poor. At the same time, a baby boom resulted in huge population growth.

While Revitallia was a fairly formidable threat to any nation at the onset of The Great War (1914-1918), but chose to remain neutral due to its distance from the fighting.

Interwar Period and the Second Great War

Revitallia suffered a major economic depression that crippled the anyone in the nation who was not an aristocrat. During this time, with severe poverty, more and more women tried to be surrogates, by mating with the husband and after giving birth acting as a nurser for the wife's sake. For the most part, it was the only way women could get money. This resulted in the Second Baby Boom. The Kingdom barely ever recovered from this depression, and was forced to sit out of the Second Great War because of it. This depression also became the largest reason for the Revolution in 2000.


The Great Depression, coupled with the ruling class, specifically the King's family, flaunting themselves even more led to tensions throughout the populace. The Second Baby Boom was still going, but beginning to slow down. Police brutality became a major issue, and poverty remained one.