Murder of Durokuali Okuirak

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Durokuali Okuirak
Born Deraas Jarai Okuirak
(1992-07-18)18 July 1992
Gsaal Raiyas, Verräcu Province, Narsora
Died (2012-11-15)15 November 2012
Gsaal Raiyas, Verräcu Province, Narsora
Cause of death
Nationality Narsoran
Ethnicity Indigenous - Tomuculan
Alma mater Complutense University of Narsora - Verräcu (did not graduate)
Parents Matthar Okuirak - Father
Jalu Okuirak - Mother
Relatives Anrika Okuirak - Sister

The 2012 Murder of Durokuali Okuirak concerns the November 2012 murder of 20 year old Durokuali Okuirak, a transgender woman by a group of four men on November 15, 2012 in Gsaal Raiyas, Narsora.


Durokuali Okuirak was a 20 year old transgender woman from Gsaal Raiyas, Narsora. Originally born Deraas Jarai Okuirak and male, she underwent gender reassignment surgery in late 2011. Although considered taboo in Indigenous culture, her immediate family was supportive of her decision, although she reported harassment from peers and strangers to her relatives and police. Although as there was no federal anti-discrimination law yet in place, police could do little.


On November 15, 2012 Okuirak was attending an event on her university campus COMUN-V (Complutense University of Narsora - Verräcu), when she was approached by a group of four men; 21-year old Seliraic Behlu, 20-year old Meinir Curik, 20-year old Wellik Isunaic and 18-year old Aarón Cardenás who began according to witnesses as simply flirting with her. They all eventually agreed to go to a bar in Gsaal Raiyas - about 5 miles away, where after drinking several drinks Okuirak agreed to go with Behlu to his home. After attempting to have sex Behlu discovered Okuirak was biologically male and became enraged, proceeding to viciously beat and torture her for a six hour period. She attempted to flee out the front of the house but was dragged back in by the men, Behlu stated during his interrogation. They then drove her to Uolok Park and hung her from a tree until she eventually suffocated, then left the scene. Okuirak's body was discovered by two joggers the following morning and police were called to the scene.


A medical examiner later stated that the injuries Okuirak received were "The worst he'd ever seen on a murder victim." She was found to have over 120 injuries, the extent of which were not made public. the night of the murder Behlu posted a photo of Okuirak's hanging body to social media with a derogatory caption and threats to other LGBTQ people and two days later on the 18th, police arrived to arrest the four men after witnesses said they would have been the last to see Okuirak alive. When officers entered Behlu's home he attempted to flee through a back door and over a picketed fence but was intercepted and tackled to the ground by another officer. He was observed acting erratically during the arrest. Three of the four eventually admitted to taking part in the murder with Behlu stating he committed the crime because he was angered over the recent legalization of same-sex marriages the previous year and hated LGBTQ peoples.


The trial began on January 8, 2013 and was broadcast nationally as the case became the forefront of news headlines and lasted 14 days. The defense argued that Behlu was "medically unfit" to stand trial, being diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder. Nevertheless, the 12 member jury (6 men and 6 women) found all four guilty of 1st Degree murder, "Grievous Bodily Harm", 1st Degree Assault, Assault with a deadly weapon and "Committing a Hate Crime". Three of the four were sentenced to death by Lethal Injection to be carried out consecutively, while 18-year old Aarón Cardenás was charged with being an accomplice and sentenced to 4 years. Presiding judge Donato Rafael, is quoted as saying before handing the sentences; "Usted cuatro no son hombres que son animales, por lo tanto, ninguno de ustedes jamás será permitido a pie en la sociedad"". ("You four are not men you are animals, therefore none of you will ever be allowed to step foot in society again"). The last of the men to be executed was Wellik Isunaic, on March 7, 2014.


The crime is considered by many to be the "Worst crime in Narsoran history", and garnered a permanent support for the LGBT movement. Most notably the creation of the country's first federal Anti-Discrimination law that was passed in February 2015.