Antosha Romanova

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Antosha Romanova
Born February 29th, 1993
Domoy Foksa, Stratarin
Residence New International Sealab


Race Vulpine
Alma mater Shiro Academy
Occupation Marine Biologist
Known for Being one of the leading Strataric marine biologists
Notable work(s) Marine Biology: Exploring the Depths
Salary 35,000D/year
Height 5'6"
Weight 108 lbs
Religion Vayan Catholicism
Awards Glubina Award: For notable achievements in Marine Biology

Antosha Romanova Sig.png

(In Common)

Antosha Romanova is an Vulpine marine biologist hailing from Stratarin.


Antosha's very short fur is a dark brown color. He has somewhat large ears, and his eyes are a blue-grey.