Anti-Fundamentalist League of Libertines

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Anti-Fundamentalist League of Libertines
Chairperson Oliverio Botello (DS)
Secretary Guillelmina Parco (EH)
Founded 1921
Youth wing National Libertine Youth
Membership  (2,016) 1,451
Ideology Conservative Liberalism Economic Liberalism
Right-Wing Populism
Eslarite Nationalism
Political position Right-Wing
International affiliation International Democrat Union
Regional affiliation Union of Latin American Parties
Colors Dark Blue and Black
House of Representatives
0 / 49
0 / 11

The Anti-Fundamentalist League of Libertines (National Libertine Party) is a political party which is generally described as a conservative-liberal, right-wing populist party. The party was founded in 1921 as the 'National Libertine Party' by ex Eslarite General Neto Lorenzana as a right-wing anti-Communist political party aimed at countering the perceived influence of the Labour and Communist party on Eslarite politics. Since the end of the Cold War however and the September 11 attacks in America, the party has shifted the bulk of its opposition from Communists towards Islam. The party values individual freedom strongly, supports market-liberalism and advocates downsizing bureaucracy and the public sector. The party also seek a more restrictive immigration policy and tougher integration and law and order measures. While the party has never won a seat, it has consistently polled 3rd in most Eslarite elections since its founding, making it one of the most successful third party in Eslarite history.


Early Years

The National Libertine party was founded by General Neto Lorenzana, a veteran of both World War 1 and the Allied Intervention in the Russian Civil War, as an anti-Communist political organization. The party supported tax reductions, economic liberalism, and banning the Eslarite Communist party. Many of the parties membership stemmed from ex-Free Libertine party members and members of the military, whom viewed the Free Libertine's as an ineffective counter to Bolshevism. Despite being a Nationalist party, the party supported Commonwealth membership and the British Empire as a bulwark against Communist influences. Despite the parties Nationalist agenda, the National Libertines were never a Fascist party, and rallied behind the Eslarite government's decision to join the war on Britain's side.

Cold War

Following the Communist revolution in Cuba, the party escalated it's opposition to Eslarite neutrality in favour of the United States. The party called for joining NATO and allowing volunteers to deploy in Vietnam. The party controversially voiced its support for Pinochet's coup in Chile in 1973 which drew criticism from the Radical party and Labour. The party developed a strong and close relationship with the Republican party in America