Popular Integrity Party (New Rosario)

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English Name: People's Intergity Party Leader: Julio Sainz Established: 1935 Ideology: Democratic Socialism, Social Democracy Political Position: Left-Wing Bloc: Popular Bloc Description The People's Integrity Party is a Democratic Socialist party formed in the mid 1930's. The party was founded by workers opposed to the Americanization of Rosario and the corruption in her politics. The party is anti-Capitalist and openly Marxist. Despite its Marxist ideology, the party believes Socialism can only come about through Democratic reform. The party managed to win the elections of 1954 due to a divided opposition and its campaign promise to bring about widespread land reforms, but lasted 2 years before it was couped by General Marco Gallo. The party is closely allied with both the Radical party and the Communist Party, serving as the glue and mediator between the two left wing parties. The party is strongly supportive of economic reforms to improve social programs, and to bring power back to the Parliament, with the final goal being the abolition of Capitalism.