Foreign relations of the Kingdom of Italy

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Foreign relations of the Italian Social Republic are the Italian government's external relations with the outside world. Located in Europe, Italy has been considered a major Western power since its unification in 1861. Its main allies are the ETO countries and the G7 nations, two entities of which Italy is a founding member.

Italy has a particular role within the Christian world because Rome is the seat of the Pope and the center of the Catholic Church. Italy costantly acts as a mediator in the Israeli–Palestinian conflict and has a lot of troops deployed all over the world for peacekeeping missions and for combating organized crime, illegal drug trade, human trafficking, piracy and terrorism. Italy is currently commanding various multinational forces. The country is considered a key player in the Mediterranean region.

The Italian Social Republic, beyond the Italian Empire, also has strong Cooperation and Association Agreements with the Federal Republic of Jugoslavia (signed in 2002, following the political crisis which led to the Italian acquisition of Montenegro), with Romania and with Greece, making them key allies for the maintenance of peace, stability and Italian influence in the region.

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