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The Empire of Leocivitatem is a huge, efficient nation, remarkable for its aversion to nipples, suspicion of poets, and stringent health and safety legislation. The hard-nosed, hard-working, cynical, humorless population of 420 million Lions are kept under strict control by the oppressive government, which measures its success by the nation's GDP and refers to individual citizens as "human resources."

The large, corrupt, moralistic, well-organized government juggles the competing demands of Law & Order, Defense, and Education. It meets to discuss matters of state in the capital city of Singapore. Citizens pay a flat income tax of 69.3%.

The powerhouse Leocivitatemian economy, worth 43.8 trillion Leos a year, is broadly diversified and led by the Arms Manufacturing industry, with significant contributions from Woodchip Exports, Uranium Mining, and Automobile Manufacturing. Black market activity is extensive. Average income is an impressive 104,298 Leos, but there is a significant disparity between incomes, with the richest 10% of citizens earning 331,214 per year while the poor average 25,022, a ratio of 13.2 to 1.

Scientists regularly clone human beings for research purposes, strange looking men with big red noses are found hiding behind bushes and inside dustbins, commercial jingles have been ham-handedly forced into world renowned symphonies, and employers may fire workers without giving any reason. Crime, especially youth-related, is totally unknown, thanks to the all-pervasive police force and progressive social policies in education and welfare. Leocivitatem's national animal is the Lion, which teeters on the brink of extinction due to widespread deforestation.

Leocivitatem is ranked 9,475th in the world and 1st in Roman triumvirate for Largest Manufacturing Sector, scoring 23,462.92 on the Gooback-Jerbs Productivity Index.