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The Republic of Uppria is a massive, socially progressive nation, ruled by Prime Minister with a fair hand, and remarkable for its museums and concert halls, complete lack of prisons, and irreverence towards religion. The compassionate, democratic population of 2.298 billion Upprians are free to do what they want with their own bodies, and vote for whomever they like in elections; if they go into business, however, they are regulated to within an inch of their lives.

The large government juggles the competing demands of Education, Welfare, and Healthcare. It meets to discuss matters of state in the capital city of Uppria City. The average income tax rate is 72.4%, and even higher for the wealthy.

The Upprian economy, worth 161 trillion dollars a year, is quite specialized and led by the Information Technology industry, with significant contributions from Book Publishing and Beef-Based Agriculture. State-owned companies are common. Average income is 70,167 dollars, and distributed extremely evenly, with little difference between the richest and poorest citizens.

Debates on whether toilet seats should be left up or down are increasingly commonplace, everyone hates people who encourage hate, the family of Prime Minister bite their thumbs at paparazzi intrusions, and cash-strapped junkies lick rabbits for a cheap high. Crime is totally unknown, thanks to a capable police force and progressive social policies in education and welfare. Uppria's national animal is the sage grouse, which frolics freely in the nation's many lush forests.

Uppria is ranked 133,253rd in the world and 5,797th in the Pacific for Largest Manufacturing Sector, scoring 912.54 on the Gooback-Jerbs Productivity Index.