Nation/The Democratic Nation of Unovia

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The Guardian and Wagon Master of The Democratic Nation of Unovia is a gargantuan, efficient nation, ruled by President George Granger with an even hand, and notable for its daily referendums, anti-smoking policies, and devotion to social welfare. The compassionate, democratic, cheerful, devout population of 11.215 billion Unovians enjoy extensive civil rights and enjoy a level of social equality free from the usual accompanying government corruption.

The large government juggles the competing demands of Education, Industry, and Environment. It meets to discuss matters of state in the capital city of Monochrome City. The average income tax rate is 98.3%.

The frighteningly efficient Unovian economy, worth a remarkable 2,308 trillion Unovic Dollar and The NWU Credits a year, is quite specialized and led by the Book Publishing industry, with significant contributions from Tourism and Information Technology. State-owned companies are common. Average income is an amazing 205,845 Unovic Dollar and The NWU Credits, and distributed extremely evenly, with little difference between the richest and poorest citizens.

Chickens frolic freely on swings and roundabouts in Monochrome City's playgrounds, mothers are routinely abandoning their children in the name of women's rights, relations with Dàguó have warmed from frosty to chilly, and the government officially wants you to slow down and speak more clearly. Crime is totally unknown. The Democratic Nation of Unovia's national animal is the Eagle, which soars majestically through the nation's famously clear skies, and its national religion is A Respectful Blend Of Respectful Faiths.

The Democratic Nation of Unovia is ranked 104,183rd in the world and 40th in New World Union for Largest Manufacturing Sector, scoring 3,708.78 on the Gooback-Jerbs Productivity Index.