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The Imperium of Tyalimar
MottoGod Walks Among Us
Government Autocratic Dictatorship
 -  Sovereign Akkarat Kiet Decha Saenamuang Tuntayakul
 -  estimate 58,351,000
GDP (nominal) estimate
 -  Total 149,145,156,000 SHD (not a final number)
 -  Per capita 2,556 SHD
Currency Ngein
Drives on the right
Internet TLD .tlm

The Imperium of Tyalimar, known commonly simply as Tyalimar, is an autocratic state located in the continent of Concord. While its dictator prizes industrialization to an extent, its economy is held back by several elements: the lack of women in the workplace, being surrounded completely by land, low population, and environmentalist values.



The religion of the Tyalarines, known as Saenism, is predicated on worship of their leader and his ancestry as gods. This gives the Sovereign almost absolute authority over the people, lest he condemn them in the afterlife. Items of religious significance are incredibly common in homes, with religious script commonly visible carved into a home's entrance.

Saenism itself is steeped in "primitive" naturist tradition, as well as the belief that spirits inhabit all natural things. For instance, while industry does exist in the nation, strict environmental guidelines are enforced "lest the spirits of the air and trees take offense." Minor rituals are commonly performed to reconnect an individual to the natural world.

The spiritual role of the Sovereign is dominion over all natural spirits. It is a common saying that "the reeds bow to the Sovereign as he passes, and the wind itself grows still so that he might be heard." Furthermore, the Sovereign and his ancestry is destined to rule the afterlife with a fair hand together, yet not be too merciful to the undeserving. Therefore, to please the Sovereign on earth is to secure yourself a place in the afterlife, but to be his enemy is to condemn yourself for all eternity.

Despite this condemnation, there is no distinction between heaven and hell: the afterlife is believed to be a single realm. However, there are punishments in this realm that can be instituted eternally, such as being cursed to forever burn or feel constant agonizing pain. Those in favor of the Sovereigns are said to be unable to feel pity for those punished.



Family is held in high regard by the average Tyalarine, which is reflected in their culture. It is incredibly common for an extended family to live together in the same home; although, it is becoming more common in recent trends for a newlywed husband and wife to leave their family's home and create a new one. However, close ties are commonly maintained.


All marriage proposals must be sanctioned by a representative of the Imperium, lest the union be deemed counter to the state's interest. After receiving a "blessing" bestowed by the representative from the Sovereign, the couple is given a license allowing them to wed. As travel is uncommon in Tyalimar, almost all marriages are between citizens in the same community. Homosexuality is illegal and punishable by death.


As abortion is illegal and the state encourages a large family, 8-10 children per household are fairly common. After being born and raised by the mother until the age of 5, a child is bound by law to learn from the state's education system, which will direct a male child to be proficient in his state-chosen career, and a female child to be able to produce and care for numerous offspring.

Gender Roles

Gender roles, which are enforced by the state, are simple: the man works in whatever role the state deems, and the woman bears the children and tends to the home. Both are raised to be strong and able, so that the man may be of more use and the woman may produce more offspring.


Law Enforcement

For an authoritarian state, it has been publicly stated by Tyalarine officials that law enforcement receives less funding comparatively than other such nations. However, while the population obeys the laws mainly out of terror of eternal punishment, exceptions are often made. Lawbreakers are said to be snatched away by the Thās̄ī Pīṣ̄āc, translated as "painted demons." These elaborately masked otherworldly beings are said to stalk the streets at night, snatching children and evil ones from their homes should the demons detect disobedience. They rarely appear in daylight, doing so only in the direst of circumstances.

Despite the supposed lack of funding, inhabited areas of Tyalimar are under an extensive surveillance web. There is hardly any home free from a device for state scrutiny. As the Sovereign purportedly can already see all in Tyalimar anyway, the citizens are said not to mind.