This Is Our Beloved Fatherland

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This Is Our Beloved Fatherland
National Anthem of
Cape Erindoon
Lyrics and Music Mikalai Galadzed, 1921
Composed 1920s
Adopted 1922
Official Instrumental

This Is Our Beloved Fatherland is the national anthem of Cape Erindoon. The lyrics and music were both written by Mikalai Galadzed in the 1920s and it was adopted upon independence in 1922.


Sun, sweat, verdure, and sea,

Centuries of pain and hope;

This is the land of our ancestors.

Fruit of our hands,

Of the flower of our blood:

This is our beloved fatherland.


Long live our glorious country!

The banner of our struggle

Has fluttered in the skies.

Forward, against the foreign yoke!

We are going to build

Peace and progress

In our immortal country!

Peace and progress

In our immortal country!