Lauwiner Empire Legion

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Lauwiner Empire Legion
Lauwiner Empire Legion Flag.png
The Flag of the Empire Legion
Active 2017 - Present
Country Lauwiner Empire
Type Militia
Role Special Warfare
Size 125
Part of House of Lauwiner
General Command Imperia, Ukraine
Nickname Militia
Motto "nos defende populumo"
("we will defend our people")
Colors Black, Gold, Red
March Fight till the end
Commandant General of the Empire Legion The Emperor Jonas I
Chief of Staff of the Legion Lord Albert Delmore

The Lauwiner Empire Legion, or Empire Legion. (Volunteer Militia for National Security) are the primary military reserve as well as P.N.F. armed and security wing in Italy. The main role entrusted to the M.V.S.N. is to ensure national and internal security and protection for the top Regime personnel against internal opposition and to serve as a counterbalance against coup attempts by the regular Army. M.V.S.N. is organised like infantry, and is to supplement the military and police serving as security in rear areas during wartime or in political emergencies, such as major protests against the government. Over the years, the M.V.S.N. in Italy has become not an exclusive military/police organization, or for that matter a political, a cultural, and a social organ, but it is a collection of all these values rolled into one. From a formal point of view, the M.V.S.N. is a State organization under the control of the P.N.F. Secretary: since mid 1990s, however, it has increasingly become a sort of party police and has regained its role of party militia, beholden more to the Duce and to Fascism than the Italian State.
The Militia has delicate political tasks, but also military educational and strictly military duties. The M.V.S.N. also helps Police to maintain public order and to ensure the proper functioning of essential state services (in support to the Public Security), takes care of the pre-military education, and oversees State borders with special border units. Legionnaires are trained to counter any type of political or civil unrest and are prepared to seize control of the national infrastructure if needed. This effort results in a close working relationship with police organization that provides day-to-day order among the civilian population.
Recruitment is strictly voluntary and most recruits are drawn from the Avanguardisti (GIL) who are at least 18 years old. The solemn function of the Fascist Muster is set for April, 21st of each year, and finished with the symbolic rite of delivery of the musket to recruits. Applications for entry of young people are collected by the Legion commands, which act as centres of mobilization. In case of a general mobilization of the armed forces of the State, the Legionnaires are absorbed by the Army, the Navy and the Air Force, with some exceptions. Despite provisions and official rethorics, this merger is considered as being a source of problems. In general, the Militia advocates a civil war heroism, and the indiscipline is an Arditi source of pride, while the Armed Forces enhance the patriotic values against the foreigners. The Militia merges into a single politico-military organization the energies of the war voluntarism, the pride of a Corps of aristocrats, the ideals of a national-patriotic political romanticism.
As a matter of collective identity, Blackshirts often have a picturesque and disturbing look, with their skulls embroidered on the chest, helmets painted red, and daggers tucked into wide leather belts. Their corporate appearance, although shunning extreme and military-like uniformity, is picaresque, bold and menacing- The political battle is carried out through with the hardest, the most relentless, the most scientific forms of violence. Militiamen are a kind of peasant warriors, with square jaws and broad boxeur hands. Blackshirts are not only violent, they are ruthless.
M.V.S.N. personnel, strictly only when in service, are Public Security Officers and Agents, according the actual rank, while members of Specialities are also Judicial Police Officers and Agents, according the rank. The M.V.S.N. (excluding the G.N.R.) consists of three main branches: 20,000 Legionnaires permanently serving into the Local Police Corps, with special regulations and paid by the relevant Province or Municipality; 33,000 permanent-service Legionnaires and of 450,000 partly rotating Legionnaires on 6-turns basis, assigned to the Provincial Legions. The remaining 201,000 Legionnaires are assigned to the National Royal Guard (about 133,000 Legionnaires), O.V.R.A., the Specialities, the General Command, some special units and to the reserve personnel; Specialities have a permanent-rotating personnel mixed composition, although they are more oriented towards professionalism than the Provincial Legions. The basic subdivisions are the Provincial Legions, which are grouped into 15 "Area Commands".
Police and public security training is conducted by the Public Security apparatus at a local level, including Specialities and special units; however, all M.V.S.N. Legionnaires have served their time in the military. Party indoctrination is at least as important as technical training. Once upon a time, M.V.S.N. pursued military activities after the revolution because the main threat facing Italy at the time was a military one. Now the M.V.S.N. has become involved anywhere if the country's security, or national interests are threatened. The M.V.S.N. is a sort of parallel institution, a an organ of repression not fully integrated within the State, although under the firm and though grip of the State authorities, that is involved in crushing protests, detaining activists, writers, and journalists in Party and State prisons, and threatening pro-democracy speakers and audiences at public events. The M.V.S.N. also has a crucial role in war and during national invasions: apart of people mobilized within the army, the Militia is tasked with fight behind front lines and alongside the regular army. During a national emergency, the Militia is (or has to be) the hub which collects all volunteers. Although formed into combat units, the Militia (as separate from the G.N.R.) has not permanent line units, focusing on internal security and investigative duties. For the time being the main responsibility of the M.V.S.N. is to counter internal threats, and only aid the Army in case of external military threat; the aid to the Army comes from the G.N.R., which also provides the non-Italian armed corps, and from the Militia wartime organization.
Although the M.V.S.N. has to guard and defend the Fascist Revolution, in theory the M.V.S.N. as a whole has to avoid involvement in day-to-day politics by the Italian constitution, but its leadership is considered politically active. As a P.N.F.-related organization, the M.V.S.N. does not adopt the typical military salute of the Italian military, but the Roman salute: right arm extended forward slant.


The Blackshirts were established as the squadristi in 1919 and consisted of many disgruntled former soldiers. It was given the task of leading fights against their bitter enemies – the Socialists. They may have numbered 200,000 by the time of Mussolini's March on Rome from 27 to 29 October 1922. In 1922 the squadristi were reorganized into the "Militia" ("Milizia") and formed numerous Banners ("Bandiere"), and on 1 February 1923 the Blackshirts became the Volunteer Militia for National Security (Milizia Volontaria per la Sicurezza Nazionale, or M.V.S.N.).

The conquest of power

The Volunteer Militia for National Security was established for the purpose of the regimented action teams in a real militia recognized by the State. Therefore, Benito Mussolini instructed a study commission, composed by Emilio De Bono, Cesare Maria De Vecchi, Aldo Finzi, Italo Balbo and Attilio Teruzzi, to study the problem. Militia thus received its chrism of legality and came to light on 1 February 1923, which "armed guard of the revolution," "the service of God and of the Fatherland." At its peak the quadriumviri Emilio De Bono as Prime Commandant General and Balbo and De Vecchi as Commandants General. The M.V.S.N. was submitted to the Presidency of the Council of Ministers and, by law, conspired to maintain public order on the Italian territory and to defend national interests. In the event of mobilization, it was absorbed by the Royal Army and the Royal Navy.
Royal Decree No. 1292 of 4 August 1924 made the M.V.S.N. armed force of the state, with dependence on the Ministry of War, from the Royal Army and the Navy. The decree sanctioned art. 1 that "M.V.S.N. is part of the Armed Forces of the State. Its components lend oath of allegiance to the King and are subject to the same disciplinary and criminal provisions of those belonging to the Royal Army. " With reference to the latter incidentally, certain members of the PNF called themselves the legislative measure as "the emasculation of the militia".

The establishment of the National Republican Guard

Italy was threatened by the Allies invasion in July 1943, leading to the collapse of the Monarchy, which was plotting against Fascism with the United Kingdom, and the definitive rise of Mussolini. In these times, the Militia served as the ultimate game-changer, ensuring the defeat of the Monarchy. Italy became a republic after the Mussolini's proclamation, held on 28 October 1946, the 24th anniversary of the March on Rome. The National Republican Guard was founded on October, 28th 1948, on the second anniversary of the proclamation of the Republic. Between late days of October 1946 and the foundation of the GNR, the Carabinieri underwent a series of major changes and reforms, in order to make them suitable for the merger with the most elite M.V.S.N. units, which were organizationally separated from the bulk of the corps.
In order to have a reliable power instrument, in 1947 Mussolini began the reform path: on January, 30rd Mussolini appointed retired Field Army General Rodolfo Graziani as first Commandant General of the Republican Carabinieri; on March, 4th the new Regulation was enacted, as well as the new Republican oath of allegiance, and by the end of April the uniform changed, adopting the blackshirt. In the fall of 1947 began a significant personnel migration towards the Army, due to distrust of future: this migration was accepted and softly encouraged by the authorities, which did not want reluctant members within the new force.
By the end of 1947, the first M.V.S.N. military units qualified for combat tasks were established; these units were intended both for M.V.S.N. service and for the new Corps. In January 1948 the Provisional Consultative Committee for the Establishment of the National Republican Guard was established, presided over by Commandant General Rodolfo Graziani; both Carabinieri and M.V.S.N. officers were appointed as Committee members. On March, 23rd 1948, during a speech before a Carabinieri-M.V.S.N. joint exercise, Benito Mussolini told about the establishment of a new force, capable to keep traditions and to be a truly Fascist Republican apparatus. However, the M.V.S.N. officers formed the 86% of the G.N.R. officers corps. On October, 28th, 1948, after a massive parade, Duce Benito Mussolini officially established the National Republican Guard, with an intermediate status between the M.V.S.N. (which was subordinated to) and the Armed Forces (which cooperated with).
The first serious test bench was the African War (1950-1953) against the United Kingdom and its British Empire. The newborn force was still struggling to amalgamate its ranks and file with its officers and to rebuild an effective operational capability. Alongside the Folgore Division, the M.V.S.N. 1st Paratroopers Company fought heroically at El Alamein.

The Republican M.V.S.N.

The Rome Treaties of 1957 marked the appeasment between Fascist countries (most notably Spain and Italy, while Portugal backed the United Kingdom) and Western democracies against the Soviet bloc, as well as the beginning of general decolonization. Italy granted to its colonies the status of "Special Government Regions" in 1963. The Italian Social Republic begun to establish separate branches for each Colony, by merging local Special Militias with indigenous Fascist units and party security sections. Over the years, the M.V.S.N. in Italy has become not an exclusive military/police organization, or for that matter a political, a cultural, and a social organ, but it is a collection of all these values rolled into one. From a formal point of view, the M.V.S.N. is a State organization under the control of the P.N.F. Secretary: since mid 1990s, however, it has increasingly become a sort of party police and has regained its role of party militia, beholden more to the Duce and to Fascism than the Italian State.


The mission of the M.V.S.N. is twofold: responding to the need to protect the Country and the Regime by supporting the military and the police, but also meet the desire of the Italians and Fascists to serve the nation and protect both the Party and Fascism itself. Specific tasks vary from peacetime to wartime. On a general basis, the tasks of the M.V.S.N. are:

  • Political tasks: support in public order services (O.P.), public security (P.S.), and civil protecion (P.C.);
  • Military educational tasks: sports, pre-military and youth training, organization, discipline;
  • Military tasks: G.N.R.; territorial anti-aircraft defence.
  • In expertise areas where armed and internal security forces have specific needs.

In peacetime, M.V.S.N. runs pre-military training, performs combat readiness support, takes part in emergency rescue and disaster relief efforts, maintains social order and provides security to the Regime. M.V.S.N. Legionnaires patrol the streets of big cities to secure major events and work in military staff offices. They are fully integrated into regular troops and police forces during national emergencies, from a few days to several months. Legionnaires can be engaged in military operations abroad, surveillance patrols and public security missions, and can combat crime or work in the spheres of health and cyber issues.
During wartime, the M.V.S.N. may be mobilized to support the war effort within their home province. Under the command of military organs, the militia in wartime helps the standing army in its military operations, conducts independent operations, and provides combat support for the standing army.
Despite its legal status as armed corps, the M.V.S.N. at large can be more accurately described as a paramilitary rather than a strategic force, neither geared nor equipped towards the fighting or winning of wars, but to its duties of protection of Fascist order and where needs be, execution of armed services; the component units also have the missions of engaging hostile troops on Italian territory and eliminating local underground elements.
In general, expenses for the establishment and operation of the M.V.S.N. are charged to the budget of the Ministry of the Interior.

Civil defence role of the M.V.S.N.

M.V.S.N. mobilizations in cases of public calamities are regulated on the basis of specific provisions. Having reported a disaster that has damaged an area of the national territory, the M.V.S.N. Commands having jurisdiction in the affected area, with its own technical training (if necessary supplemented by the rest of M.V.S.N.), must urgently bring to the places of the accident, and to the largest extent, the first assistance, making itself available to the competent Authority (local Prefect or central authorities). In such cases the Militia facilitates and performs its task by:

  • Providing rescue resources and operators and adopting any emergency measure needed, subject to the direction of the rescue work;
  • Caring and assisting, in the affected area, the injured and the sick, and providing them shelter;
  • Organizing of refugee and displaced camps and providing the relative administration (subject to the overall direction of the emergency);
  • Provinding any further asset needed.

While M.V.S.N. physicians and medical assets are provided, the medical activities are provided and organized by the National Health Service and by the Public Rescue Complex.

Military role of the M.V.S.N.

The M.V.S.N. does not recruit its part-time members within the military nor within other law enforcement agencies. This reflects the role of the M.V.S.N. during major military operations other than war or national security crisis. While regular active-duty Army (and combat units of the G.N.R.) focus its training primarily — although not exclusively — on conventional war, which requires constant training and rapid deployment in case. In this scenario, the M.V.S.N. has focus on counterinsurgency and stability operations. Guerrilla wars and reconstruction efforts unfold over longer timescales — long enough to mobilize citizen-soldiers — and they require skills best acquired in civilian life, from law enforcement to city management to agriculture. Units used in counter-insurgency activities are General-duty class units, or at least chosen Regional-duty class units.

Legionary Oath

Before being admitted in the M.V.S.N., each aspirant must take the Legionary Oath (Giuramento Legionario); the Oath is the same for all ranks.

Oath in Italian: Oath translated to English:

Io, Legionario della Milizia, giuro davanti a Dio che servirò sempre con dedizione e fedeltà l'Impero, la Patria, la Rivoluzione e il Duce;
Io, Legionario della Milizia, giuro davanti a Dio che svolgerò opera di apostolato della Rivoluzione in Patria e nel mondo.
Io, Legionario della Milizia, giuro davanti a Dio che coltiverò scrupolosamente la mia preparazione politica e militare, e che eseguirò gli ordini degli ufficiali superiori e del Duce.
Io, Legionario della Milizia, sono pronto a difendere con il sangue l'Impero, la Patria e la Rivoluzione contro i nemici interni ed esterni.
Fino alla Fine!
Lo giuro!

I, Legionnaire of the Militia, swear to God who always serve with dedication and loyalty of the Empire, the Homeland, the Revolution and the Duce;
I, Legionnaire of the Militia, swear before God that I shall devote apostolic work of the Revolution at home and in the world.
I, Legionnaire of the Militia, swear before God that I wll carefully cultivate my political and military preparation, and that I will execute the orders of superior officers and the Duce.
I, Legionnaire of the Militia, are ready to defend with the blood of the Empire, the homeland and the revolution against internal and external enemies.
Until the end!
I swear!

Code of conduct

Legionnaires are governed by general regulations which closely resemble military service regulations; according to these regulations, discipline and obedience are the foundations for each legionary unit. Punishments provided include the following:

  • Reprimand in private;
  • Reprimand in presence of superiors and announcement thereof to the unit;
  • Prohibition of right to carry weapon;
  • House arrest;
  • Arrest and confinement;
  • Demotion in rank;
  • Prohibition of right to wear the uniform.

The Legionnaire, of any rank, incurs expulsion for slanderous allegations against superiors, for any type of corruption, for false services, for embezzlement, as well as deficiencies against honour or against the decorum of the Militia or reasons for which the Legionnaire does not give full guarantee of a faithful discharge of his duties or is placed in a position incompatible with the general political guidelines of the Government. Recidivism in offences which are not sufficient for expulsion per se also can be grounds for expulsion.


The organization of the militia consists of a General Command, which is in control of "Militia Regions", composed of provincial Legions, which are the basic units: there are 110 metropolitan Legions and a War Veteran Legion, based in Rome and with a War Veteran Unit for each Legion, established in the provincial capital. Each Legion consists of mainly ground assets; air and naval assets are framed under the National Royal Guard. In recent years the organizational structure has been optimized to increase the capabilities of the militia to support combat and emergency response forces, and to gradually shift the center of its responsibilities from rural areas to cities, areas along communication lines and other key areas.


In order to ensure that Legionnaires are always ready to respond to the call in case of a contingency, the Italian government has formulated a militia combat readiness system, whereby combat readiness education is carried out regularly among the militia with the purpose of enhancing their national defense awareness, and exercises are conducted in accordance with combat readiness plans to enhance the militia's operational capabilities.
Each Legion consists of three Cohorts, in their turn formed by three Maniples, which consist of two Centurie each. Each Centuria is made up of ten Squads.
The Legionaries, and especially the officers, they are divided into three categories:

  • Permanent Service (mostly officers, some sub-officers and troops and specialized permanent units, as well as the whole staff of G.N.R. and O.V.R.A.). In M.V.S.N. proper, the Permanent Service Legionnaires (of all ranks) constitute less of 5% of total personnel;
  • Cadres (the vast majority of active personnel usually not in service, but rotating in service two months a year). The structure of the militia system stipulates that the Legionnaires keep their own personal equipment, including all personally assigned weapons, at home. Officer candidates are usually not career regulars: after seven weeks of basic training, selected recruits are offered the possibility of a cadre function. From the rank of Tribune (corresponding to Major), officers are only in active service;
  • Reserves (personnel ordinarily not active nor rotating, but callable in service at any time, should the need arise).

The majority of Legionnaires of the territorial organization hold a full-time civilian job while serving part-time as a M.V.S.N. Cadre member. These part-time guardsmen are augmented by a full-time cadre of Permanent Service personnel, plus M.V.S.N. Technicians and Reserves; on the contrary, Legionnaires of the Specialities are mostly in Permanent Service. While both Reserves and Cadres are allowed to work for a living, Permanent Service is incompatible with any other activity. Membership is encouraged mostly among certain categories, and businesses must allow their employees to enlist. Students under the age of 25 who join the M.V.S.N. a minimum of five years get a monthly state grant; similarly, all Legionnaires who renew their initial period for a new contract with a duration of 3 to 5 years receive a loyalty bonus, regardless of his rank. At the end of the period, the State values skills acquired by any Legionnaire for the duration of its commitment to serve in the M.V.S.N., creating institutional pathways to the trades of private security.
The actual military service, prior to entry into M.V.S.N., in other Armed Forces counts as useful to the length of service effects. The same effects are calculated for the merits of war. The system provides the chance for officers to pass upon demand from the Armed Forces in the Militia (with some exceptions) or vice versa. The General Command provides for the appointment and commission of M.V.S.N. officers.
The services performed by the Legionaries up to the rank of Primo Caposquadra is not of a continuing nature (with the exception of some Permanent Service Legionnaires), but is based on the periodic visits, especially for rotation to the territorial garrisons and detachments, but also in view of particular events or reasons for training missions. The general mobilization is the responsibility only of the Duce. Enrolment is possible only if enrolled in the National Fascist Party.
Legionaries in permanent service are in turn divided as follows:

  • Actual permanent service: providing non-stop service to the Commands and are paid on a monthly basis with fixed remuneration;
  • Cadres who have a Command: despite being in service, they do not receive fixed pay, except in cases of service outside of their residence.

The recruitment centres of the Militia are the Legion Commands, which examines applications and have a special Personnel Office. The appointment of M.V.S.N. Officers is carried out by the General Command on its own, differently from the Decree of the Duce required for Armed Forces officers. Alongside the division between Cadres and Permanent Service, M.V.S.N. units are classified according their operational range:

  • General use units: mobile units designed to operate at national or at least inter-regional level; these are highly motorized, trained and armed units. All G.N.R. units are considered to belong to the "General use" class, and some Provincial Legions in richest provinces may have one or two "General use" Maniples.
  • Regional use units: units which carry a city defence or guard important sites within a relatively smaller (region or provinces group) territory. These are well motorized and armed units, but inferior to "General use" units. Most Provincial Legions and O.V.R.A. are capable to provide Regional use units. All Public Order Maniples must be at least Regional use units.
  • Local use units: such units are assigned to local objectives and sites, and they perform territorial and provincial service only.

General Command

Commandant General of the M.V.S.N. Tullio Di Domenici with Undersecretary of National Defence Ermilio Vannoni.

The General Command (Italian: Comando Generale della Milizia Volontaria per la Sicurezza Nazionale) is the complex of the managing bodies of M.V.S.N. The General Command provides disciplinary and administrative functions to the whole M.V.S.N., as well as policies and requirements for training and funds for Territorial Legions. It is made up of the Commandant General, the Central Commission and the General Staff. Within the M.V.S.N., the General Command is a legal entity on its own, which receives appropriations also for its own purposes, mainly ceremonial ones.

Commandant General

The Commandant General of the M.V.S.N. is the commander in chief of the Militia and is appointed and revoked at any time by the Duce of Fascism, after consulting the Chief of Defence Staff. As part of the Militia, the Commandant General has hierarchical rank higher than all the M.V.S.N. officers. In case of absence, impediment or vacancy of office, he is replaced by the designated general officer. The Commandant General of the M.V.S.N., despite his functional duty to cooperate with various organs and to abide to directives issued, is subordinate and responsible only to the Duce.

The Commandant-General, according to the directives issued by the Political Secretary of the Fascist Party, is responsible for the planning, preparation and use of the Militia and prepares, after listening to the commanders of the various branches, the general financial planning and operational joint and defines the resulting technical-financial programs. In addition, the Commandant-General may propose to issue a decree by the Secretary of P.N.F. for the reorganization of the Militia.

The rank of Commandant General of the M.V.S.N. is defined in the M.V.S.N. hierarchy as the highest possible rank of the M.V.S.N. In this position, the Commandant General of the M.V.S.N. can issue orders and commands to the National Royal Guard. Hold-outs exist for some aspects of the G.N.R. however, as well as within special bodyguard units. During wartime or within joint operations, the authority of the Commandant General of the M.V.S.N. over the G.N.R. is mainly administrative in that M.V.S.N. offices control some supply and logistics aspects of the G.N.R. The Commandant General of the M.V.S.N. also holds authority to create new G.N.R. military units.

Central Commission

The Central Commission of the M.V.S.N. is the body tasked with assisting the Commandant General of the M.V.S.N. It consists of the four highest ranking officers: the Chief of Staff of the M.V.S.N., the Secretary General of the O.V.R.A., the Commandant General of the National Royal Guard and the Director General of the Central Security Office. Being the terminal of the three Party-controlled security organizations, the Central Commission is considered to be the counterpart of the Defence General Staff; however, it is a much weaker organization, due to the direct dependence of its constituent branches also on the Party and State leaders, but still useful in order to provide common logistical and operational support to all M.V.S.N. branches.

General Staff

The Militia General Staff (It.: Stato Maggiore Generale della Milizia) is a military staff tasked with managing the M.V.S.N. (and some aspects related to the G.N.R. and the O.V.R.A.):

  • Organization Department
  • Information Office
    • Situation Section
  • Public Order Office;
  • Training Department;
  • Personnel and discipline Department;
  • Health Department;
  • Administration Department;
  • Political Office;
  • Legal Affairs Office;
  • M.V.S.N. Military Police Office
  • Army Liaison Office;
  • Public Security Liaison Office;
  • Civil Protection and Technical Emergency Liaison Office;
  • Press Office

M.V.S.N. Military Police Office

The M.V.S.N. Military Police Office (Ufficio Polizia Militare della M.V.S.N.) is the military police with authority within all military branches of the M.V.S.N. The Office is staffed and commanded by G.N.R. personnel, and it is under the operational authority of the Chief of Staff of the M.V.S.N. and in turn of the Commandant-General of the M.V.S.N.

Militia Press Office

The M.V.S.N. has a Press and Propaganda Central Office at the General HQs. It is subdivided into five sections:

  • Internal and Foreign Press Section (It: Sezione stampa interna ed estera);
  • Propaganda Section (Sezione propaganda);
  • Historical Section (Sezione storica);
  • Radio-TV Broadcasting Section (Sezione Audiovisivo);
  • Internet Communications Section (Sezione Comunicazioni Internet), which operates the official websites, with minimal security responsibilities but more than a hundred personnel who create and post regime-friendly content across

multiple public cyberspace venues. The Press Office is responsible for the regular publication of the fortnightly "Foglio d'Ordini", which works as official newspaper about the activities of the militia and the regular weekly "Milizia Fascista". The Legion Libraries are under the direct control of the Office. The Press Office also coorinates its counterparts in the other Realms of the Italian Empire.

Special Services Unit

The Special Services Unit (Italian: Reparto Servizi Speciali, R.S.S.) is an organization of the Militia, created to suppress dissent against the regime. The goal of the Unit is to work as a military police with the task of discovering and aiding to counter any military plans of the enemy. The Unit is known in intelligence circles for its hardness and ruthlessness against opponents and employs a staff of about sixty elements, divided into three teams: the "Scorpion", which was responsible for the murders; the "Falcon", in charge of counter-espionage, and "Team of Four Saints", in charge of the analysis and operational management. The Special Services Unit is directly suborinated to the Chief of Staff of the M.V.S.N., in order to ensure the strictest political compliance.
The activity of the Unit focuses not only against the anti-fascists, but also against corrupt political leaders who are deemed to be dangerous for the military security. Intelligence operations of the Unit mainly consist of actions of gathering information and infiltration among the dissidents.

Information Office: M.V.S.N. Bulletins

The Information Office is the branch of the General Command tasked with the centralized direction of the Political Offices of Investigation. It has close ties with the O.V.R.A., although the Office is aimed to a surveillance duty. It also prepares the M.V.S.N. The bulletins of the Information Office of the General Command are typewritten police reports, which are prepared daily and sent in confidence to the Duce, the Commandant General and a few other fascist leaders. The news sent by provincial legions (Political Offices of Investigation) are collected from the General Command, which provides for the drafting of the bulletins, sorting breaking news and information by geographic area and by topic:

  • "Abstention from work or strikes,"
  • "Subversive and anti-national activities,"
  • "Military News"
  • "News received in the last hour"
  • "Operations against bandits and rebels"
  • "Public Order and public spirit"
  • "Confidential notes and reminders"
  • "Attachments"
  • "Miscellaneous".

Militia Officers School

The flag of the M.V.S.N. Officers School

The loftiness and complexity of the tasks entrusted to a Permanent Officer of the Militia (in all its subdivisions, including the National Royal Guard and even the O.V.R.A.) needs the entailment of a qualified professional training, supported by a broad general education, while extolling the fascist values: the activity of the M.V.S.N. Officers School (Italian: Scuola Ufficiali della M.V.S.N.), reporting directly to the General Command of the Militia, is therefore fundamental and over the years it has evolved constantly. The fundamental objective of the Officers School is the training of future Permanent Officers and Commanders through the Application courses (lasting three years after the two years of the regular E.N.R. Military Academy which every Permanent Officer must attend), which is associated with the political and professional development along the career. The M.V.S.N. Officers School fulfils also the functions of a think tank, proposing research and development of professional and political issues.


The Officers School of the Militia is commanded by a M.V.S.N. Lieutenant General (who is also in charge of all training activities), and is structured on:

  • Officers School Staff, which assists and advises the Commander in the operation of ordinary activities and planning of complex issues;
  • Institute of Professional and Political-Military Studies, established in September 2000 with the aim to ensure better coordination of civilian and military education of teachers (next to the existing courses of Professional Techniques, Staff Service and Security Techniques, the following courses were established: Informatics, Military Law, Military Security, Territorial Control, Art of Military Operations, Security Keeping, Administration, Logistics and Military Medicine);
  • Students Cohort, which takes care of the framing of students, contributing to their moral, political, ethical and military education.

Educational content

The educational commitment is further increased with the establishment of new roles and with the changes of curricula for officers: from the Academic Year 1994/1995, in fact, Officers coming from the Military Academy in Modena integrate the five-year training with graduation course in Science of internal and external security at the University of Rome Tor Vergata; in the same University, Officers can graduate in Law. By the school is provided a quarterly magazine in political-professional, the Review of the Militia (It: Rassegna della Milizia), established to update the preparation of the Legionaries, offering their insights concerning the development of fascist thinking and professional disciplines of interest and reviews of various books.
The school has always had intense international relations and exchanges with foreign institutes and academies.

Youth Challenge Academy

The Youth Challenge Academy is a nationwide school network for teenager dropouts run by the M.V.S.N. with a contribution of public funding. The network headquarters, separate from both public and charter schools, is based in Naples at the former city juvenile jail. According to official datas, about 60 percent of the student body have obtained high school diplomas, and some have gone on to college. According official stance, pupils are deemed to be kids with potential, needing only to be firmly conducted.

Ideological-Political Training

Since its inception, the Fascist regime has used Ideological-Political Training (Addestramento Ideologico-Politico, AIP) in order to forge the M.V.S.N. as a strong security force, tasked with confronting internal unrest and social revolt As time went on, the ideological component of the training has become almost more important than the military one: nowadays ideological-political training is incorporated into all levels of M.V.S.N. training, from basic training to refresher courses. Furthermore, Legionnaires have to take the AIP programs every year during their membership. Therefore the Ideological-Political Training is responsible for both basic and permanent ideological issues and for current political questions. Accordingly, daily bulletins are issued on key social, political, and economic issues, guiding political educators with respect to how to provide convincing answers to Legionnaires, especially in potential crisis periods occasioned by elections, political unrest, and other similar events.
The Office of the Training Director is in charge of the ideological-political training: it designs the programs, prepares the syllabi, writes textbooks, and trains educators. Political trainers in the M.V.S.N. are divided into three groups: organizational trainers, non-organizational trainers, and external trainers. They are responsible for strengthening the Fascist ethics and for justifying the national, regional, and international policies of the regime and for removing doubts with respect to these policies among Legionnaires.
Organizational trainers are employed as full-time Permanent Service M.V.S.N. Legionnaires, and their job is solely to teach the ideological-political course. A majority of this group have high school diplomas or less, and have passed short courses of ideological training at the Officers School. Non-organizational political trainers are members of the M.V.S.N. who are not official educators, but on account of their rank teach some political courses. Most are officers and commanders who are selected to discuss political issues with elite Legionnaires such as students, professors, engineers, and doctors. Finally, external trainers are usually P.N.F. leaders (mostly connected to Italo Debalti's faction) or prestigious Fascist scholars, such as elements of the School of Fascist Mysticism.


All uniformed M.V.S.N. components and subcomponents, including even the National Royal Guard, wear the same standard uniform elements: black or field-grey trousers and black shirt. Additional equipment varies according to the task assigned. The Legionnaire shown above is in its summer uniform.

M.V.S.N. Specialities provide police and public security specialized services within the broad scope of the whole M.V.S.N. As of 2015 there are 8 Specialities:

  • Border Militia (Milizia Confinaria) - alongside Public Security.
  • Medical Militia (Milizia ruolo medico).
  • Militia Military Chaplains (Assistenza spirituale della Milizia).
  • Railway Militia (Milizia Ferroviaria - Ministry of Public Transportations) - alongside Public Security.
  • Labour Militia (Milizia del Lavoro - Ministry of Corporations).
  • Forestry Militia (Milizia Forestale - Ministry of Agricolture and Forestry) - alongside Carabinieri.
  • Port and Air Militia (Milizia Portuaria and Milizia dell'Aria)- Coast Guard duties alongside Navy and airport police.
  • Highway Militia (Milizia della Strada - Ministry of Public Transportations) - alongside Public Security.

Each Speciality has an its own Inspectorate, Speciality Staff and Speciality Training School (the latter also crewed with police, for matters related to the police activities), which coordinate the relevant Speciality activities across national territory; specialities of the Militia also recognize a technical and professional dependence on the competent Ministry and the competent Public Security authority.

Border Militia

The Border Militia (Milizia Confinaria, Mil.Co.) is a M.V.S.N. Speciality tasked to provide support to Division VIII - Border Police in volunteer control/patrol activity of the Italian international land borders, looking for and migrants. In times of international crisis, the Speciality is one of the most popular choices, especially for Fascists living in communities near the border; nowadays Border Militia patrols are deployed almost exclusively on the Eastern Border, shared with Jugoslavia. Such M.V.S.N. patrols usually apprehend and detain migrants before handing them over to the Public Security, sometimes beating and humiliating them before forcing them back across the border; sometimes, migrants are killed when trying to cross into Italy. Patrol Legionnaires usually wear camouflage and balaclavas; alongside standard weaponry, many are armed with close combat wwapons: long knives, bayonets and hatchets.

Railway Militia

The Railway Militia (Milizia Ferroviaria, Mil.Fe.) is a M.V.S.N. Speciality governed by the Ministry of Transportations and the tasks of entrusted to militia are all related to the railways security and safety. Main tasks are prevention and repression of misuse in transportation of people and goods, personnel surveillance, railway patrols, guard service to freight and in mobile material depots, escort to trains and political police on the rail. In addition, they often conduct joint police activities with the Railway Police Service.
The personnel of the Railway Militia is drawn from the officials and agents of the administration of the State Railways, preferably members of the Fascist Railwaymen Association. The elements who provide permanent service are then seconded by the State railways to the M.V.S.N. for the duration of this service; personnel of the Railway Militia do not receive pay for the service (aside they ordinary pay) and in recruiting it appeals "to Patriotism, to the loyalty to the State and to the loyalty to the railway company". The Railway Militia is organized on 23 Legion Detachments, 100 Railway Station Commands, a Speciality School and the Speciality Inspectorate. Railway Legion Detachments are assigned by the Inspectorate to the relevant Railway Police Compartments and are under the functional leadership of the Group Commander, with the exception of P.N.F.-led services. Members of the Railway Militia in service wear standard M.V.S.N. uniform, which is often accompanied by the Railways service cap and with a brick red armlet with a width of 10 cm with black lettering "MIL.FE.", located on the left arm.

Labour Militia

The Labour Militia (Milizia del Lavoro, Mil.La.) is the M.V.S.N. Speciality which has the task of effectively combating the phenomena of social unrest related to work, labour and industrial security. The Labour Militia frames the Labour Militia Inspectorates Squads. The Labour Militia operates at functional dependencies of the Ministry of Corporations, is head-quartered in Rome at the Ministry, and is a structure which belongs to the Voluntary Militia for National Security for what concerns the training, sorting, discipline and career progress. From a personnel-related point of view, the Mil.La. consists of personnel with a high level of professionalism and operational efficiency and is set up to be able to exercise vigilance in the application of laws relating to labour and social security systems wherever there is a wage or salary or a salary. Differently from all other Specialities, the Mil.La. is completely autonomous from Public Security or other State corps.
Personnel is selected in relation to tilt and preparation of inspection efforts, experience and or aptitude for investigative activities and technical and professional preparation in the particular field, achieved by attending special courses.
The tasks are mainly directed at ascertaining violations of labour law. The personnel of the Labour Militia, in the exercise of their functions, are given "powers of inspection and supervision" necessary to carry out all the tasks of monitoring and verification.
The Labour Militia, at the central level, consists of:

  • Speciality Inspectorate;
  • Speciality School;
  • Central Office for Combating Illegal Work: a branch specialized in fighting illegal work and hiring;
  • Analysis Section with a monitoring tasks of inspection activities at the national level, as well as observation of the phenomena related to the world of work.

While, at the peripheral level, it consists of:

  • 5 Groups with inter-provincial responsibility, with offices in the cities of Milan, Padua, Rome, Naples and Palermo, which report to the Inspectorate and are directed by officers having the rank of Prime Tribune;
  • 110 Legion Detachments Labour Inspectorates, established at the Provincial Corporatist Labour Inspectorates. Each Detachment is administratively dependent on the Legion of the province where it is deployed;
  • Industrial Security Group, established to protect government-owned and private industrial facilities classified as being of "Strategic Importance".

Within each Group there is an Investigative Squad that operates within the territorial jurisdiction and increases the contrast of the greatest social phenomena, the connotation and the resulting inter-activity of the Judicial Police. The provincial detachments receive from their respective inspectorates general guidelines regarding the particular service they are asked to perform.

Industrial Security Detachments

The Industrial Security Group is part of the Labour Militia Speciality of the M.V.S.N. The Detachments provide security cover to over 70 industrial units, government infrastructure projects and facilities and establishments located all over Italy. Industrial sectors like atomic power plants, space installations, mints, oil fields and refineries, major industrial ports, heavy engineering, steel plants, barrages, airports and chemical plants owned and controlled in various forms by the Government of the King, as well as currency note presses, are protected by the M.V.S.N. It thereby covers installations all over Italy straddling a variety of terrain and climatic conditions. Industrial Security Group and its Detachment also provide consultancy services to strategic private industries as well as other organisations within the government.
The Industrial Security Group is, for the operational part, directly under the Director-General of the Public Security. The Industrial Security Group is subdivided into 22 Detachments (Ports, Training and 1 Detachment in each Region). Within each Detachment are a number of Units, each under the command of a Centurion, or a Maniple Chief for certain major Units.

Forestry Militia

The Forestry Militia (Milizia Forestale, Mil.Fo.) is a volunteer corps for the environment defence, which is also operating as civil protection and defence and preservation of cultural heritage. It is a speciality of the M.V.S.N. and serves as an auxiliary corps to the Forest environmental and food protection Units Division; its part-time personnel is drawn from forestry workers and technicians, as well as from sympathizers and environmental activists. The Corps operates in a specialized way in the context of the Environment, in the fight against environmental crimes, to the poaching phenomenon and against various crimes related to the eco-mafia. Under the direction of Public Security, the Forestry Militia deals with the prevention, investigation and prosecution of administrative offenses in the field of public water diversions, discharges of industrial wastewater, municipal and corporate purifiers, supervision of holiday farms, mining-quarrying activities. The Forestry Militia plays a role on the supervisory activity on the exercise of hunting, for the prevention and repression of various phenomena of poaching and the protection of wildlife, performs control functions on inland fishing. The Forestry Militia is also the body that exercises control and limitation of wildlife, if this has a negative impact. Under the direction of the Administrative Police (both central and provincial) and the Forestry Division of the Carabinieri, the Forestry Militia exercises policing mycological, of forest and environmental police, police state property, police hydraulic, mining police and building police. All full-time Legionnaires are Agents or Officers of Judicial Police and Agents of Public Security when on duty; part-time (cadre) Legionnaires are Agents of Judicial Police only.
The organization has at its top the Speciality Inspectorate, which directs the activities at national level, while Regional Commands officially represent the Speciality in each region. At the regional level the Regional Commands are divided into Provincial Detachment and in Municipal Teams. The Municipal Teams have a level of autonomy limited to operations in the municipality and depend in all respects by the Regional Command.
The Regional Command is organized into Operational Divisions: Forestry Police Operations, Fire Operations, Forest Warden Patrols, Technical Operations. Both Regional Commands and Provincial Detachments have their own Chief of Forestry Police Operations, in charge of all Legionnaires on duty. Each Provincial Detachment is in charge of mobilizing and managing all volunteer part-time personnel.

Cadre Legionnaires

The nature and regulation of Forestry Cadre Legionnaires is somewhat different from the ordinary Cadre Legionnaires, most notably because they are in a M.V.S.N. Speciality. The Forestry Cadre Legionnaire provides the Nation of his free time in the education measures, environmental protection, information, prevention and vigilance. The Forestry Cadre Legionnaire is a volunteer Agent and is a public official who proceeds to the finding of unlawful administrative penalties for infringement. When expressly prenisto by law you play the role of the Judicial Police Agent.
The Forestry Cadre Legionnaire, in its assessment activities, has the power to ask the identity, something that unnormale citizen or a simple private guard cannot do. The citizen, when faced with a public official, can required to provide, if required, their personal details by showing a valid document for identification. The Forestry Cadre Legionnaire can and sometimes must undertake precautionary seizure: a measure by which a person is deprived of the possession of a thing of his property in order to have a proof of the violation committed. There are four steps to take before an ordinary Cadre Legionnaire can be fully a Forestry Cadre Legionnaire: attending the course of training and apprenticeship, passing the exam, issuing the Decree of Ecological and Environmental Sworn Guard decree by the Prefect. After taking the oath before the local Legion Commander the Forestry Cadre Legionnaire is entitled to discharge his duties.

Special Units Command

The M.V.S.N. maintains some specialized units to be used in police or security tasks. These may be public security units, as well as special operations forces. All special units outside the General Command, Specialities and Provincial Legions are grouped under the Special Units Command (It.: Comando Unità Speciali, C.U.S.).

M.V.S.N. Public Security Special Unit

In the Legions Group of Rome, there is the Public Security Special Unit (It.: Reparto Speciale di Pubblica Sicurezza, R.S.P.S.), under the direct dependence of the Minister of the Interior and the Governor of Rome. The RSPS is concerned with high-profile investigations and with security duties. All its personnel is in permanent service. The Unit consists of 144 Legionnaires, distributed between the individual ranks:

  • Prime Tribune, Unit commander ........... » 1
  • Tribune ........... » 1
  • Maniple Chief ........... » 2
  • Centurions and Vice-Centurions ........... » 4
  • Prime Adjutant ........... » 1
  • Chief Adjutant ........... » 1
  • Adjutant ........... » 3
  • First Team Chiefs 1st Class and First Team Chiefs ........... » 20
  • Deputy Team Chiefs and Team Chiefs ........... » 25
  • Legionnaires and Legionnaires 1st Class ........... » 86

M.V.S.N. Special Intervention Group

The Militia Special Intervention Group, commonly abbreviated G.I.S.Mi. (Italian: Gruppo di Intervento Speciale della Milizia), is a special operations unit of the M.V.S.N. and is trained to perform counter-terrorist and hostage rescue missions in Italy or anywhere else in the world. The GISMi was formed in 1973.
Alongside with the Command and Support Squad, there are three distinct parts to the unit:

  • Intervention force
  • Observation & search force
  • Security & protection force

After the Munich massacre during the Olympic Games in 1972, and several prison mutinies the years before, Italy started to study the possible solutions to extremely violent attacks, under the assumptions that these would be difficult to predict and deflect. In 1974, the GISMi became a permanent force of men trained and equipped to respond to threats of this kind while minimizing risks to the public and hostages, for the members of the unit, and for the attackers themselves. The GISMi became operational on the first of April, 1975. The total man power is expected to increase to about 510 soldiers in 2015 in order to enable the deployment of a 200 strong unit, trained together, for large-scale interventions, such as a Beslan-type mass hostage-taking.
All members go through training which includes shooting, long-range marksmanship, an airborne course and hand-to-hand combat training. Members of the GISMi are widely regarded as having some of the best firearms training in the world. Like most special forces, the training is stressful with a high washout rate - only 7–8% of volunteers make it through the training process. GISMi members must be prepared to disarm suspects with their bare hands.

Territorial organization

The organizational structure of M.V.S.N. units and the training they receive varies from one province to another, according to the nature and severity of the potential threats identified by the G.N.R. and M.V.S.N. commanders in different regions. M.V.S.N. legionnaires in the border provinces perform different duties to those stationed in central Italy; legionnaires are employed against drug traffickers or border-guard duties, also in addition to the proper Speciality. The bulk of the provincial Legions are regularly trained in riot-control tactics and how to deal with domestic uprisings.

Interregional Command

There are 5 Interregional Commands, modelled on those of the Public Security apparatus:

  • 1st Command "Rome and Centre"
  • 2nd Command "Padua and North-East"
  • 3rd Command "Milan and North-West"
  • 4th Command "Naples and South"
  • 5th Command "Palermo and Isles"

Each Command has the following fulltime Offices:

  • Administrative Office
  • Training Office
  • Medical Office
  • Signals Office


The M.V.S.N. Legion is the basic organizational element. It has a provincial-related jurisdiction, and each Legion manages all M.V.S.N. activities within its Province, ranging from protection of local P.N.F. facilities and headquarters, territorial political security, presence to public order, public security and civil protection support activity. Each Provincial Legion has its own "honour title".
The M.V.S.N. of both the Italian Provinces and of the other Realms of the Italian Empire serves as part of the first-line of Regime defence and security. The provincial Militia is organized and operates under their respective Prefect or Lieutenant General of the Realm (and under relevant territorial governors according to the government of the relevant State), as well as under their local Party leaders. Prefects (in Italy) exercise control through the Quaestors and the P.N.F. Provincial Federal Secretary. Outside the Party hierarchy, the M.V.S.N. may be called up for active duty by a variety of bodies and figures: Prefects, local military authorities and the Minister of Interior to help respond to domestic emergencies and disasters, such as riots and civil disorder, unrest, revolts, hurricanes, floods, and earthquakes. The M.V.S.N. units are trained to be local combat units (primarily infantry but also signal troops). Although current doctrine states that M.V.S.N. units can act anywhere within Italy, local knowledge is one of the strengths of the organization. Training focuses on guard duties and weapons proficiency.
During wartime, permanent personnel of each Legion form infantry units attached to the Army; M.V.S.N. officers act as Army officers within the M.V.S.N. units. However, during wartime the vast majority of Cadres personnel is mobilized as ordinary part of the Armed Forces. During military actions other than major wars, whole Legions can be recalled as M.V.S.N. formations and transformed into combat units; in this case, each Legion forms an Infantry Battalion-level unit (down to early Regiment-level formation). Moreover, Legions are in charge also of Local Police Corps, which are recruited among M.V.S.N, personnel; however, Local Police are not part of the Provincial Legions.
Each Legion has an average strength of 1,000 men; however, the Legion of Rome has three times the average Legionnaires numbers, while Legions of Milan, Naples, Palermo and Cagliari are twice the average Legion size.
During peacetime, Legions' primary task is the territorial presence, organized trough a garrisons and detachments network, in order to watch over political stability and over police forces.
The whole complex of the Provincial Legions, at any point of the year, deploys in active service 123,000 Legionnaires: from this number, however, are excluded all Specialities. The presence of 123,000 Legionnaires at any point of year means that the Provincial Legions (sometimes dubbed as "Territorial Militia") have a total rotation of 450,000 Legionnaires with a permanent cadre of 18,000 Legionnaires all across Italian Provincial Legions.
Each Provincial Legion is commanded by a Seniore (equivalent to a Colonel), who directs all offices subordinated to the Legion Command, in turn held by a Prime Tribune (It: Primo Tribuno, corresponding to a Lieutenant Colonel), who also acts as Commander's deputy. Offices and Services are each commanded by a Tribune (It: Tribuno, equivalent to Major) or a Maniple Chief (It: Capomanipolo, Captain). All commanders and staff teams are of permanent service, while troops and platoon leaders are Cadres.

  • Legion Command Maniple (permanent service)
    • Chaplain detachment
    • Personnel Office
    • Political Office of Investigation: supporting the Political Office of the Questura;
  • Speciality Detachments (with the exception of Medical Militia; mixed): not counted within the numerical limits of the Provincial Legion;
    • Speciality Detachment Commands (permanent service)
    • Speciality Detachment troops (Cadres)
  • Public Order Maniple (permanent service + Cadres)
  • Civil Protection Maniple (Cadres)
  • Auxiliary Firefighting Maniple (permanent service + Cadres)
  • Medical Detachment (Cadres)
  • Territorial Garrisons (Cohort-level) and Detachments (Maniple-level)
    • Garrisons and Detachments Commands (permanent service)
    • Garrisons and Detachments troops (permanent service + Cadres)

Territorial Units

Territorial Detachments are frequently head-quartered near to large State factories, in order to "defend the property of the Italian people", while Garrisons are based next to large provincial centres, and usually carry out general and political police surveillance duties. The Detachment Commander (a Maniple Chief) has a Political Deputy (It: Delegato Politico, belonging to the PNF) and a Deputy Commander, plus a supply officer and a chief medical orderly. Other personnel include the four platoon leaders, four deputy platoon leaders, 184 Legionnaires and four medical orderlies (one per platoon). Each Detachment has one or more Station, tasked with rural and public security surveillance; these Posts are manned by permanent-service Legionnaires. The Territorial Detachments and Garrisons also ensure that civilian companies and authorities continue operating during times of crisis or catastrophe.

Political Office of Investigation

The Political Office of Investigation (Ufficio Politico Investigativo, U.P.I.) is, in any Legion, the office of the political police of the M.V.S.N.. Political Offices of Investigation at the provincial legions are among the principal OVRA territorial instruments of repression. These offices are partially overlapping with the public security apparatus, which have to cooperate with. Each U.P.I. depends on the relevant Legion Command and is usually subdivided in three sections: central section, interrogations section, investigative section.
Theoretically, all politically relevant information are to be transmitted to the Political Office of the Questura and to the Second Central Directorate of the O.V.R.A. In practice, the UPI acts more as provincial branch of the OVRA, and few information are transmitted to the Public Security. Moreover, UPI are often used by local Party Federal Secretaries in order to keep an eye over their internal adversaries, as well as their own power instrument.
The members of the Political Offices of Investigation are also charged with using their local knowledge to track down and arrest deserters from the military and to track down rumours and those who instigated or spread them.

Wartime organization

During wartime and in case of danger of a national invasion, the provincial organization radically changes its organization and assets in order to replace military personnel under arms. M.V.S.N. units during wartime are placed under direct command of the local PNF. Though normally under party control, the "War Militia" units are placed under Army command when engaging in action. The basic unit is a War Cohort of 642 men. Units are mostly composed of members of the GIL, invalids, the elderly, or men who had previously been considered unfit for military service:

  • A War Cohort (Battalion) in every Province;
  • A War Maniple (Company) in every Administrative District (It: Circondario Amministrativo)
  • A Platoon in every Subdistrict (It: Mandamento)

Each Federal Secretary has a M.V.S.N. Chief of Staff to assist him in handling militia problems. Such units guard economic and strategic installations, assisted with Civil Defence and police units, help maintain public order, assist as auxiliary frontier customs agents, etc.

M.V.S.N. in the Italian Empire

In each Realm of the Italian Empire it is organized a M.V.S.N. autonomous branch, individually reporting directly to the M.V.S.N. General Command. Each "colonial" branch of the Militia carries out the same general duties and shares the control of the local G.N.R. with the G.N.R. General Command. As of 2015 there are six Militia branches:

  • Albania: Albanian Fascist Militia (Albanian: Milici Fashistë Shqiptare, M.F.S.; Italian: Milizia Fascista Albanese, M.F.A.);
  • Eritrea: Eritrean Militia for Internal Security (Italian: Milizia Eritrea per la Sicurezza Interna, M.E.S.I.; due to the numerous languages in Eritrea, the only language used for official names is Italian, although every Italian name has unofficial translations in every language);
  • Ethiopia: Fascist Guard (Amharic: የፋሺሽት ጠባቂ, Yefashīshiti T’ebak’ī,<ref>Google-provided translation and transliteration.</ref> Y.F.E.; Italian: Guardia Fascista, G.F.);
  • Libya: Volunteer Militia for Libyan National Security (Arabic:ميليشيا الطوعي للأمن الوطني الليبي, Milishia al-ttawei lil'amn al-watani al-Libi,<ref>Google-provided translation and transliteration.</ref> M.T.A.W.L.; Italian: Milizia Volontaria per la Sicurezza Nazionale Libica, M.V.S.N.L.);
  • Montenegro: Volunteer Militia for Internal Security (Montenegrin: Волонтер Mилиција за Yнутрашњу Безбедност, В.M.Y.Б., Volonter Milicija za Unutrašnju Bezbednost, V.M.U.B.; Italian: Milizia Volontaria per la Sicurezza Interna, M.V.S.I.).
  • Somalia: Somali Militia for National Security (Somali: Maleeshiyo Soomaali Amniga Qaranka ee, M.S.A.Q.; Italian: Milizia Somala per la Sicurezza Nazionale, M.S.S.N.);

Volunteer Militia for Libyan National Security

The Volunteer Militia for Libyan National Security (Arabic:ميليشيا الطوعي للأمن الوطني الليبي, Milishia al-ttawei lil'amn al-watani al-Libi, M.T.A.W.L.; Italian: Milizia Volontaria per la Sicurezza Nazionale Libica, M.V.S.N.L.) is the main extra-Italian branch of the M.V.S.N. in the Italian Empire. It is also the main source of Islamic Fascist personnel for Militia missions in the Arabic region. The mission of the 40,000 Militia, founded in 1955 as a separate branch collecting both the former Libyan Special Militia and local Fascist paramilitary units, is to provide territorial defence, and it is to function under the leadership of local military commanders and local party leaders. Militia units are reportedly generously equipped with arms, transport, and uniforms.
The Libyan Militia is organized on provincial basis, with each of the Province providing a 1,000-strong Katiba (serving on part-time shifts). The 25 Katibas are organized into 4 Militia Brigades (كتائب, Katayib) based in Tripoli, Tunisi, Benghazi and Sabha, which correspond to the four regions of Libya; the Sabha Legion, responsible for Fezzan surveillance, consists of few fixed units and highly mobile patrols, based on tribal subdivisions.

Ethiopian Fascist Guard

The Fascist Guard (Amharic: የፋሺሽት ጠባቂ, Yefashīshiti T’ebak’ī,<ref>Google-provided translation and transliteration.</ref> Y.F.E.; Italian: Guardia Fascista, G.F.) was established in 1948 in order to "safeguard the Fascist revolution". The government intended to raise a representative force on a regional basis to carry out police duties, to protect national property and to enforce the decisions of the government and tribunals. The militia has always remained largely a rural organization.

Sinai Fascist Militia

The Eastern Suez Canal Bank is subject to Italian military government; this is a major issue with Egypt and Arab nationalists in general, since the occupation was a result of the Italian-British African War in order to ensure the passage of Italian ships across the Suez Canal. During the decades, however, a local Italian population developed (mainly officials, soldiers and their families, but also some other people), and Italians are organized in the National Fascist Party; the local Fascist Militia is therefore very small, and is not considered as an autonomous branch, but rather as an Autonomous Cohort (Maniple-sized) of the Italian M.V.S.N.

Syrian Fascist Militia

Fascism in Syria historically enjoyed of high consideration and prestige; in 2012, after the suppression of the UK/USA-backed 2011 revolt, Sunni Muslim Libyan Brigadier General Massoud Abdelhafid was sent to Damasco in order to help the Ba'th government in the Syrian Civil War and to counterbalance both Russian and Iranian influences. There he has organized a Syrian Fascist Militia (الفاشي ميليشيا السوري, al Fashi Milishia al Suri)<ref>Google-provided translation and transliteration.</ref> explicitly loyal only to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, to Syria, to the Syrian Arab Republic and to Fascism, and explicitly rejecting any role as colonial vanguards.

Uniforms and insignia

The M.V.S.N. and its subcomponents have a complete set of rank insignia, military badges and military uniforms, in order to display the unity of action of every member and body; this improves the esprit de corps, and contributes to the identity formations of both the collective body (as opposed to the Army and in general to the State Armed Forces) and the individual member, because an uniform is the best media by which deliver the message of belonging to a particular Corps or political militia.

Ranks and insignia of the Empire Legion

The Empire Legion and its subcomponent (Empire Intelligence) are military-organized bodies and have complete ranks and uniforms. While the Empire Legion has retained the orginal rank structure of its founding years the Empire Intelligence has adapted those ranks.

Empire Legion Special Ranks insignia
Special rank General
English translation General Field marshal
Rank NATO code OF-9 OF-10
Shoulder board insignia Lauwiner Empire Legion Officer Rank OF-9.png Lauwiner Empire Legion Officer Rank OF-10.png

Lauwiner Empire Legion officers ranks and insignia
English Rank Under-Lieutenant Lieutenant Captain Major Lieutenant Colonel Colonel Brigadier General Major General Lieutenant General
Rank NATO code OF-1 OF-1 OF-2 OF-3 OF-4 OF-5 OF-6 OF-7 OF-8
Shoulder board insignia No equivalent Lauwiner Empire Legion Officer Rank O-1 A.png Lauwiner Empire Legion Officer Rank O-2.png Lauwiner Empire Legion Officer Rank O-3.png Lauwiner Empire Legion Officer Rank O-4.png Lauwiner Empire Legion Officer Rank O-5.png Lauwiner Empire Legion Officer Rank OF-6.png Lauwiner Empire Legion Officer Rank FO-7.png Lauwiner Empire Legion Officer Rank OF-8.png

Empire Legion Enlisted ranks and insignia
'Enlisted Rank Recruit Private Lance Corporal Corporal Sergeant Staff Sergeant Sergeant First Class Master Sergeant Sergeant Major of the Legion
Rank NATO code OR-1 OR-2 OR-3 OR-4 OR-5 OR-6 OR-7 OR-8 OR-9
Shoulder board insignia No insignia Lauwiner Empire Legion Enlisted Rank E2.png Lauwiner Empire Legion Enlisted Rank E3.png Lauwiner Empire Legion Enlisted Rank E4.png Lauwiner Empire Legion Enlisted Rank E5.png Lauwiner Empire Legion Enlisted Rank E6.png Lauwiner Empire Legion Enlisted Rank E7.png Lauwiner Empire Legion Enlisted Rank E8.png Lauwiner Empire Legion Enlisted Rank E9.png

Blackshirt (rank)

Blackshirt is a military rank of the M.V.S.N. While in early years it was the entry rank of all legionnaires, since 1985 Blackshirts have been members of the M.V.S.N., enlisted in modes other than ordinary.
Ordinarily, Legionnaires of the M.V.S.N. have completed ordinary military service within State Armed Forces; Blackshirts are conscripts who, after an approved application, apply for service at the M.V.S.N. in the 24 months of ordinary military service. The majority of Blackshirts come from the G.I.L. youth militants who are distinguished by their particular ardor.
Blackshirts can be taken within the limits of the organic plant vacancies of the permanent service personnel.

Ordinary and Full Uniform

M.V.S.N. senior officer in Full Uniform.

The Ordinary Uniform (It: Uniforme Ordinaria, often shortened in "Ordinaria") is worn both in service only for part-time units and both in service and out of service for permanent personnel. The jacket is in twill and has the form prescribed for the Army, with black buttons which have the "RSI" cyphers. The neck is opened and black cloth-trimmed, adorned with the relevant insignia. The hand guards are red. The four pockets are of patch-type, with central torch and flaps. The shoulder boards bear the rank insignia.
The shirt is black and his tie is in black rayon. The trousers are riding short pants, with double black stripes; also long trousers without bands are provided. The cap is in grey-green twill fabric and bears the frieze of the Militia; alternatively is worn the fez of the Militia. Finishing touches: blacks boots with spurs or shoes depending on the type of used trousers and black leather gloves.
In winter the Legionnaire wears the mantle of black fabric, with the same cut prescribed for Army officers, that is up to 20 cm long below the knee, double-breasted and closed by a double row of three large buttons silver; the two slit pockets are closed by the same number of fins and, for officers, below the left side there is an opening to allow the passage of the pendants of the flakes of the garnet red officer scarf which is always worn over the jacket.
The Full Uniform is based on the Ordinary Uniform, with the adding of some items, namely the officer scarf, the black belt (with golden trims for officers) and the Squadrist dagger.

Service Uniform

The Service Uniform (It: Uniforme di Servizio) consists of a pattern simpler than the Ordinary Uniform; this is the most common uniform and it is widely used. All personnel wear black cargo trousers, black shirt and black infantry combat boots. The shirt may be long or short sleeved according the season, and has two patch-style breast pockets; the winter shirt is in heavy wool specifically treated. Under ordinary circumstances the cap which is used is the beret, but if required by the situation also the helmet can be worn.
Units deployed in mountain areas with particularly cold climates use a black sweater instead of the black shirt, and wind-breaker jacket with heavy internal lining. The sweater can replace the shirt even in public order, patrolling, manhunts and round-ups services.

Historical uniforms

The M.V.S.N. and its branches (such as the National Royal Guard and the OVRA) has adopted through its history several uniforms, until the 1980s, when the current uniform was issued. The most famous uniform model was the so-called "German Model", which was adopted in 1949: the model was designed along the lines of the former German Allgemeine-SS and caused severe criticism from the international community. In order to avoid actual repercussions, the Regime quickly issued another model; however, the "German Uniform" remained among the most famous types.


The lauwiner Empire Legion on its own (separated from the Empire Intelligence) has both civilian and military equipment for the fulfilment of its duties. Most of the heavy equipment is not owned by the Lauwiner Empire Legion but more rented in different sets for each specific operation or strike. Following equipment is standard operation equipment used worldwide.

Small Arms

Model Image Caliber Type Origin Details
G7 1280px-Glock 17 MOD.png 9×21mm Pistol Template:Country data Lauwiner Empire Standard issue sidearm.
M45 4-Five.png .45 ACP Pistol  Ironcastle Limited use by officers and special forces.
Submachine Guns
M12 Vermin.png .45 ACP Submachine gun  Ironcastle Used by aircraft crews.
MP6 Protector.png 9x21mm Submachine gun  Ironcastle Used by military police.
M97A1 ADR-97.png 5.7x28mm Submachine gun  Ironcastle Used in night operations, close quarters, hostage rescue, and escort.
MP7 MP7.png 4.6x30mm Submachine gun  Ironcastle Used by special forces.
Bulldog Bulldog.png 12 Gauge Shotgun  Ironcastle
AA-40 AA-40.png 12 Gauge Shotgun  Ironcastle
M1014 M1014.png 12 Gauge Shotgun  Ironcastle
Assault Rifles and Carbines
M5 MX.png 6.5x39mm Assault rifle  Ironcastle Standard service rifle.
M5C MXC.png 6.5x39mm Carbine  Ironcastle Used in close quarters and vehicle crews.
M4A4 SPAR-16.png 5.56x45mm Assault rifle  Ironcastle Former service rifle, in limited use by reserve units and CDF.
TRG-21 TRG-21.png 5.56x45mm Assault rifle  Scuro Limited use.
TRG-20 TRG-20.png 5.56x45mm Carbine  Scuro Limited use.
SDAR SDAR.png 5.56x45mm Carbine  Ironcastle Underwater rifle.
Machine Guns
M5S MX SW.png 6.5x39mm Light machine gun  Ironcastle Support machine gun.
M4A4S SPAR-16S.png 5.56x45mm Light machine gun  Ironcastle In limited use by reserve units and CDF.
M85A2 LIM-85.png 5.56x45mm Light machine gun  Ironcastle Limited use, replaced by the M200.
M200 Mk200.png 6.5x39mm Light machine gun  Banana Federation Squad automatic weapon.
M300 SPMG.png .338 Norma Magnum General-purpose machine gun  Ironcastle
M30 Mk30.png 12.7x99mm Heavy machine gun  Ironcastle Often mounted on vehicles or tripods.
DMRs and Sniper Rifles
M5M MXM.png 6.5x39mm Designated marksman rifle  Ironcastle
M4A4M SPAR-17.png 7.62x51mm Designated marksman rifle  Ironcastle
M18 Advanced Battle Rifle Mk18 ABR.png 7.62x51mm Designated marksman rifle  Ironcastle Mostly replaced by the M20 EMR.
M20 Enhanced Marksman Rifle MK-I EMR.png 7.62x51mm Designated marksman rifle  Ironcastle
M40A5 M40A5.png 7.62x51mm Sniper rifle  Ironcastle Limited use.
M100 MAR-10.png .338 Lapua Magnum Sniper rifle  Ironcastle
M320 M320 LRR.png .408 CombatTech Sniper rifle  Ironcastle
M107 M107.png .50 BMG Anti-materiel rifle, sniper rifle  Ironcastle
Grenade-Based Weapons
M32 Mk32.png 40mm Automatic grenade launcher  Ironcastle Often mounted on vehicles or tripods.
3GL MX 3GL.png 40mm Grenade launcher  Ironcastle Often mounted underbarrel.
M33 MGL M32 MGL.png 40mm Grenade launcher  Ironcastle Revolver-style standalone launcher.
EGLM EGLM.png 40mm Grenade launcher  Scuro Single-shot underbarrel or stand-alone.
M67 M67 Frag.png Fragmentation grenade  Ironcastle
M18 M18 Smoke.png Smoke grenade  Ironcastle
M84 M84 Flash.png Flashbang  Ironcastle
Portable Anti-Materiel Weapons
M4 MAAWS Mod 1 MAAWS Mk4 Mod 1.png 75mm Anti-tank recoilless rifle.  Ironcastle Light anti-vehicle weapon.
PCML PCML.png 127mm Anti-tank weapon.  Ironcastle
SMAW SMAW.png 83.5mm Bunker-busting weapon.  Ironcastle
FGM-150 Titan (compact) Titan Compact.png 127mm Fire-and-forget anti-tank missile.  Ironcastle
FIM-150 Titan Titan Launcher.png 127mm Anti-aircraft missile.  Ironcastle


Model Image Caliber Origin Numbers Details
M224 M224 Mortar.png 60mm  Ironcastle Unknown
M6 Mortar Mk6 Mortar.png 82mm  Ironcastle Unknown
M4 Scorcher M4 Scorcher.png 155mm self-propelled howitzer  Ironcastle Unknown
M119 M119.png 105mm howitzer  Ironcastle Unknown
Rocket Artillery
M5 Sandstorm M5 Sandstorm.png 230mm self-propelled rocket artillery  Ironcastle Unknown Self-propelled armoured multiple launch rocket system.
Air Defence
HMMWV Avenger HMMWV Avenger.png  Ironcastle Unknown
M6A Cheetah IFV-6a Cheetah.png  Ironcastle Unknown Self-propelled armoured anti-aircraft vehicle.
M163A1 VADS M163 Camo.png  Ironcastle Unknown Self-propelled anti-aircraft vehicle. Retired.
NASAMS NASAMS.png  Scuro Unknown Medium-long range air defence system.
C-RAM C-RAM.png  Ironcastle Unknown Trailer-mounted version of the Praetorian 1C.
MIM-104 Patriot MIM-104 Patriot.png  Ironcastle Unknown Mobile, long range surface-to-air missile with anti-ballistic missile capability.


Model Image Origin Numbers Details
Quad Bike Quad Bike.png  Ironcastle Unknown Various types are used.
Quad Bike 6x6 Quad Bike 6x6.png  Ironcastle Unknown
Prowler Prowler.png  Ironcastle Unknown
HMMWV HMMWV.png  Ironcastle Unknown Mostly replaced by the Hunter MRAP. Undergoing final phases of retirement.
HEMTT HEMTT.png  Ironcastle Unknown
Tempest Tempest.png  Sibaria Unknown Limited use.
FMTV FMTV.png  Ironcastle Unknown
MTVR MTVR.png  Ironcastle Unknown
Armoured Vehicles
M1 Abrams M1A2 Abrams.png  Ironcastle Unknown Replaced by the M2 Slammer. Retired, in service with some Civil Defence units.
M2 Slammer M2A1 Slammer.png  Ironcastle Unknown Includes M2A1 Slammer and M2A4 Slammer UP.
M7 Marshall AMV-7 Marshall.png  Ironcastle Unknown Infantry fighting vehicle.
M6C Panther IFV-6c Panther.png  Ironcastle Unknown Armoured personnel carrier.
M9 Rhino Rhino MGS.png  Ironcastle Unknown Mobile gun system.
M720 Mora FV-720 Mora.png  Banana Federation Unknown Infantry fighting vehicle. Limited use.
M10 Gorgon AFV-4 Gorgon.png  Scuro Unknown Infantry fighting vehicle. Limited use.
M113 M113 Gavin.png  Ironcastle Unknown Armoured personnel carrier. Replaced by the IFV-6c Panther. Retired, in service with some Civil Defence units.
M1117 ASV M1117 ASV.png  Ironcastle Unknown
M6E Bobcat CRV-6e Bobcat.png  Ironcastle Unknown Combat engineering and armoured recovery vehicle.
Hunter Hunter MRAP.png  Ironcastle Unknown
Strider Strider.png  Banana Federation Unknown Limited use.


Aircraft Image Origin Role Version Numbers Note
AH-64 Apache AH-64D Apache.png Boeing Attack helicopter AH-64 Unknown
MH-6 Little bird MH-9 Hummingbird.png Hughes Helicopters Multi-mission helicopter MH-9
CH-47 Chinook CH-47 Chinook.png Template:Boeing Cargo helicopter CH-47
Unknown Replaced by the CH-67 Huron. Retired, in service with some Civil Defence units.
UH-60 Blackhawk UH-60 Blackhawk.png Sikorsky Aircraft Utility helicopter UH-60
Unknown In service


Current attire
Name Pattern name(s) Pattern Image Notes
Army Combat Uniform (ACU) Multiple Terrain Pattern (MTP)
Multiple Terrain Pattern - Tropic (MTP-T)
Multi Terrain Pattern.jpg

Multiple Terrain Pattern.png

Enhanced Tropical Pattern.png
MTP is the standard camouflage for most deployments and is effective in a wide range of environments. It replaced several older camouflages as the standard for the Ironian Federal Army.

MTP-T is a variant of MTP, originally developed as the Enhanced Tropical Pattern. MTP-T was created specifically for tropical environments such as Banana Federation, but also functions well in more temperate climates.

See also

Notes and references

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