Private security in the Kingdom of Italy

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In the Kingdom of Italy, private security activities are carried out by licensed enterprises, which are under firm government surveillance. In general, allowed private security activities include private investigations, private security guard duties, for non-strategic private facilities and for goods privately owned by private subjects, and bouncer duties.

Most of the international academic community, as well as international (western) analysts, see the complex of private security activity as a privately-paid unofficial reserve and support for the public security apparatus.

Special Sworn Guards

The security guards, in Italy, are called Special Sworn Guards (Guardie Particolari Giurate, G.P.G., often shortened in Guardie Giurate or Sworn Guards). Security guards are called Special Sworn Guards because they must take an oath before the Prefect. The Special Sworn Guards are also required to wear the authorized uniform or, in special cases, the badge. These objects must in any case be approved by the prefect upon application by the employer who has hired the Special Sworn Guards. Special Sworn Guards does not have any kind of protection for persons, whose safety is a burden and exclusive prerogative of the public security authority.

The security guards have as their employer an Intitute of Private Vigilance, and the employment relationship is regulated by a special collective labour contract and by ministerial regulations (Ministry of Corporations and Ministry of the Interior). The Special Guards Sworn in service recognize the legal status of "in charge of public service". They can be used in entertainment facilities in places open to the public or in public places through their Institute of Private Vigilance (Istituto di Vigilanza Privata).

Prefectorial Decree

In order to be able to operate, Special Sworn Guards must hold a specific nomination decree issued by the competent state authorities: the qualification of Special Sworn Guard is obtained following the issuing of a decree issued by the Prefect of the province of headquarters of the Institute of Private Vigilance. The Prefectural Decree is valid for two years. The title of Special Sworn Guard is therefore subject to renewal every two years, subject to verification by the public security authorities responsible for the persistence of the psychophysical, behiavoural, attitudinal and legal requirements.


After obtaining the nomination decree, the Special Sworn Guard must take an oath. The oath is pronounced before the prefect or his delegate with an official report.

Text: English translation:

Giuro di essere fedele al Duce e al Fascismo, di osservare lealmente le leggi e le altre disposizioni vigenti nel territorio del Regno e di adempiere le funzioni affidatemi con onore.

I swear to be faithful to the Duce and Fascism, to loyally observe the laws and other provisions in force in the territory of the Kingdom and to fulfill the functions entrusted to me with honour.


Required requisites are indicated by the law and are:

  • be an Italian citizen;
  • have reached the age of majority and have fulfilled military obligations;
  • know how to read and write;
  • not having been convicted of a crime;
  • be a person of good moral and political behavior;
  • be enrolled at P.N.F .;
  • be provided with an identity card;
  • be enrolled in the national insurance fund for social insurance and accidents at work.

Functions and powers

The particular security guard exercises surveillance and supervision as well as the protection and custody of assets belonging to natural persons and to individuals governed by private law. The Special Sworn Guards, if placed to protect property or goods, hold the status of "charged of public service". They have the right to draw up reports in relation to the service for which they are intended, which are authentic in a possible trial until proven otherwise. They also have the right to renew a reduced-rate firearms license.
Special Sworn Guards that carry out values escorts on behalf of a Institute of Private Vigilance with the service car are exempted from the safety belt obligation, as established by the Italian traffic code, so that the belts do not hinder an eventual rapid descent from the vehicle.

Limitations and obligations

The Special Sworn Guards cannot work as bodyguard, a function which, according to Italian law, is the exclusive responsibility of the Italian public security apparatus; Special Sworn Guards are not public officials. They have a reinforced legal obligation, if requested, to cooperate with officers and officers of public security and judicial police.


Private security activities are overseen by Prefects and the Public Security Administration. In particular, at central level, Section VII - Private security (Sezione VII - Sicurezza Privata) of Division V - Administrative and Social Police deals with the matter.
This section is in charge for dealing with private security service and firms other than the private military/combat companies (which are not dealt with by the Administrative Police Division). It deals with general affairs, licensing, inspecting, regulations drafting and with the support of local Prefectures in this matter.

See also