Cossack Armed Forces

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The Cossack Armed Forces is the defense and offense forces of the Cossack Khanate.


Royal Cossack Ground Forces

Cossack Royal Air Force (CRAF)

Royal Naval Forces (RNF) The Cossack RNF does not defend Khanate borders, as the Khaante is a landlocked country. However, the RNF is active in colonies and participates frequently in Farkasfalkan operations. The RNF also covers amphibious and freshwater operations.

Cossack Special Forces (CSF) The most elite military force in the Cossack Armed Forces, the CSF are deployed in high-risk missions and usually work in stressful and dangerous conditions. Training is intense and recruits are required to have served in other military institutions.

Cossack Nuclear Command (CNC) The CNC oversees all nuclear and unconventional weaponry. It was created after the RGCF created a separate council for nuclear affairs.

Cossack Cyber-Warfare Corps (CCC) Created in 2013 by the RCGF, the CCC deals with militant groups online, conducts cyber attacks on enemies, and maintains the Cossack Cyber Defense Network, a vast firewall protecting government utilities.

Cossack Military Intelligence (CMI) The CMI gathers intelligence during wartime, and on enemies during peacetime. The main difference between the intelligence operations of the CSF and the CCO (see below) is that the CMI operatives usually rely on data for reports, whereas the CSF and CCO investigate the situation with human troops.

Orbital Defense Command (ODC) The ODC is a small division of only 270 trained officers, with several other trainees and engineers. The ODC designs, launches, and operates armed spacecraft with the help of the Cossack National Space and Aeronautics Command (CNSAC).

National Security Guard (NSG) A large force that is stationed in all major towns and cities throughout the Khanate, the NSG aids the police and the Department of Defense in maintaining order and peace, as well as enforcing laws and arresting high level criminals.

Cossack Covert Operations (CCO) The CCO is the main intelligence agency of the Khanate, conducting both domestic and foreign operations. However, the CCO are only usually used for preliminary investigations on foreign territory and only uses firearms in self-defense.


Although most military supplies are manufactured in the Khanate, and at most in Farkasfalka, the Khanate does occasionally import technologies or buy the domestic production rights to products. It's main import partner is Allanean Defense Exports. A detailed list of technologies and material imported by the armed forces is available here.
