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The Five Islands of Miencraft (main-krah; demonym main-krae-tik) are a chain of inactive volcanic islands situated in the Atlantic Ocean, with sea access to the rest of Libertatem. They were discovered in 1350 AD and colonized 50 years later. The islands would not be unified until 1900, when they were brought under the rule of English explorers who had stumbled upon the archipelago.

The nation has historically been ruled by cruel, all powerful Emperors descended from Achiettes Ductor, who claimed power when the British monarchy in the area was driven out. In 2012, however, the country adopted a more democratic approach, kicking the Emperor Ariera Ductor III from the throne he had held since 1997. Since then, the Miencraftic government has changed to focus less on taxation and public works and more on laissez-faire policies that, in fact, aimed to remove the policies restricting internal trade. They have also focused on lowering taxes and allowing the citizens to go about doing whatever they want, while ensuring that a strong military presence was still enforced to defend the nation from attackers.

The Miencraftic economy is driven by the Gambling and Mining industries. Gambling is promoted throughout the major cities of Miencraft, and people walk away with almost all of their winnings, with a very small amount going to the government to pay for the military. The sheer amount of people gambling more than makes up for the otherwise small amount of money that each person brings in on average. However, public demand has made the government mandate a minimum gambling age, which presently is 16. The mining industry, the other driving force to Miencraft's wealth, is based largely around diamonds and precious metals, which are turned into fine jewelry and shipped all across Libertatem, though a majority of the finds go directly to coining money, which is made out of copper, iron, gold, and diamonds.

Miencraft currently has a population of about 60,000,000, with 20,000,000 people living on the island of Ravenshire, which houses the capital city, with the other four states each being home to around 10,000,000.