Index of Yulisian Law

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The Index of Yulisian Law (Dúc: "Lon Indéx dunèn Löièn Yulisas") is a collection of documents covering the entirety of Yulisian Law. It was created in 2281 by the Emperor Mærdek I to better organise the laws for ease of access. An updated edition of Lon Indéx is now released every 6 months. It is avalaible in six languages (Yulisian Dúclan, Hosbiarnan Dúclan, 1913 Dúclan, Yulisian English, English and Yulisian French) and has been translated into a number of other languages. The most recent edition is the October 2508 (Vendrance 2508) 334th Edition.


In early 2281 Mærdek, with his huge sweeping reforms, sought to create a single collation to encompass all Yulisian law. The result was Lon Indéx. The first edition contained only sixteen Acts (and the constitution) but has since mushroomed in size, now being a much larger volume. It was released yearly until 2401, when it was increased to every six months. The Constitution remains the longest law in Lon Indéx and is the least modified of them.

(Selective) Contents of Lon Indéx

Lon Indéx is organised chronologically (in order of original passing) beginning with the Constitution and its related Acts.

The Constitution of Yulis

Lon Constéterźion dun Yulis - Dúclanse Name
The Constitution is the founding document of the Empire of Yulis. It outlines the Government, the States (and lesser governments), human rights and identity of the nation.

Interim Mandate

Lon Mandat óGóverneźion Intérméd - Dúclanse Name
The Interim Mandate is a document that allowed an Interim Government to pass laws (specifically the Electoral Act) before the inauguration of the first elected government. It was repealed in 2282 and replaced by the Interim Government Act.

Judiciary Act

Lon Löil ó Judicairźy dun Yulis - Dúclanse Name
The Judiciary Act is one of the Acts tied directly to the Constitution. It was written as the Constitution was going through its final stages of ratification and was passed the moment that the Legislature was functioning (Amathance 22 2280). It outlines all functions, limits and structures of the Judiciary.

Supreme Court Act

Lon Löil ó - Dúclanse Name
The Supreme Court Act is the second Act directly tied to the Constitution, it was originally written as part of The Judiciary Act, but for the purposes of the Constitution it was separated. It deals with the functions of the Supreme Court on the national level and also on the international level. It states the situations where the Supreme Court may be used and where the Supreme Court must be used.

Electoral Act

Lon Löil ó Vóveźien - Dúclanse Name
The Electoral Act is the third and last Act directly tied to the Constitution. It explains in detail how the members of the Senate must be elected, what processes must be used and the security surrounding an Election. It was passed in February 2280 (Údrence 23 2279) before the first election by an interim government.

Income Tax Act

Lon Löil ó'lon Impónet - Dúclanse Name
The Income

Education Act

Lon Löil ó'Estúdiźien - Dúclanse Name

Eponym Act

Lon Löil ó'llèn Éponymièn - Dúclanse Name

Jaméor University Act

Lon Löil ó'Onnevercéźy dun Jaméor - Dúclanse Name
The Jaméor University Act was passed in 2280. It was originally called the "Mærdegárd University Act" (Lon Löil ó'Onnevercéźy dun Mærdegárd), as, when the Act was passed, the city of Jaméor was still known as Mærdegárd.

Interim Government Act

Lon Löil óGóverneźien Intérméd - Dúclanse Name

Yulisian Imperial Military Acts

Llèn Löièn dun Militair Impierce Yulisas - Dúclanse Name
The Four Acts concerning the Yulisian Military are grouped into Llèn Löièn dun Militair Impierce. They were all passed separately and were not grouped together until the passing of the Outer Space Act and the Coordinated Yulisian Space Program Act.

Imperial Yulisian Army Act

Lon Löil ó Soldéatr Yulisas - Dúclanse Name

Imperial Yulisian Navy Act

Lon Löil ó Marinier Impierce Yulisas - Dúclanse Name

Imperial Yulisian Air Force Act

Lon Löil dun Lon Soldéatr Impeirce ó'Yair dun Yulis Dúclanse Name

Coordinated Yulisian Space Program Act

Lon Löil dun Lon Prójest ó'Espace dun Yulis

A full list of the Laws contained in Lon Indéx

These laws are in chronological order (of first passing)

  • The Constitution of Yulis (Údrence 2279)
  • Electoral Act (Údrence 2279)
  • Judiciary Act (Amathance 2280)
  • Supreme Court Act (Amathance 2280)

Quite obviously this isn't finished. I'll update it and finish it as I have more time.