Georg IV of Brasland

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George IV (born 1990) is the eleventh and current King of Brasland. He is the son of King Paul II and Princess Arabella of New Chalcedon.

When he was four years old, his father abdicated the throne and the royal family went to live in exile in New Chalcedon, while the republic was proclaimed in Brasland. George studied at a private school in Constantinopolis Secundus, and then was sent to live to Solisbury as a guest of the Marseilles family (the former royal dynasty of that country). He also undertook extensive military training in the Solisburian Armed Forces.


In 2008 the republican regime collapsed and an interim government led by General Ralf Lütken took control of the country. A year later, a plebiscite was called to decide a new system of government for Brasland. Most of the population voted for the restoration of the monarchy with Crown Prince George as king. The new monarch arrived in his homeland a few days later and was quickly proclaimed as the sovereign of Brasland. Shortly afterwards, General Lütken and his cabinet resigned, and the King appointed his own ministers, advised by his cousin Count Lorenz von Henslen, who became Minister of Foreign Affairs.

During George IV's five years of reign, the country has stabilized its economy and restored its democratic institutions (the first legislative elections in ten years were called in 2009). Brasland also faced a war against Daytanistan and the Ostmark in 2012 (allied with Sabaristan and Balthorvia), which devastated the southern region of Falkenthal. The King has also signed new legislation to modernize the monarchy.

He has had some publicized disputes with his sister, Princess Sophia, but they have been solved.


In October 20th, 2012, George married Baroness Ludovika von Uylenberg. The marriage was highly controversial, as the bride belonged to a family that was deemed of insufficient rank (George had to derogate a law that restricted the King's marital candidates in order to marry the baroness, a step that caused criticism) and because it forced the resignation of Count Lorenz von Henslen, who is Ludovika's stepfather. Another issue that added to the controversy was the widespread rumour that the Queen was pregnant at the time of the wedding, which was proved to be correct after the birth of the couple's son, Crown Prince Frederick, on May 14th, 2013, only seven months after his parents' birth. Despite this, the couple's popularity is very high, especially after they toured the country with their son between August and November of 2013.