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International Spydom of Drasnia
Motto"A Land of Merchants, Spies, and Merchants Who Spy."
and largest city
Official languages Alorn
Recognised national languages Alorn, Modern Angarak
Demonym Drasnia
Government Federal Monarchy
 -  King Rhodar XII
Currency Drasnian Half-Mark
(DHM) (hm)

The Drasnian Protectorates (Often referred to as The International Spydom of Drasnia, Drasnia, or The Protectorates) is a federal monarchy comprising the upper northern region of Capitalist Paradise.

Drasnia’s land area is [Undefined], population [Undefined], and GDP [Undefined]. The nation has 5 districts in Drasnia Proper - Drasnia, Cherek, Algaria, Gar Og Nadrak, and Sendaria - and 3 official colonies - DWAsnia, its WA embassy, Aja, a nation in CP sister-region Capitalist Libertarian Freedom Region, and “The Colony”, a place never spoken about. The main ethnicity of the region is Alorn, with a concentration of Angaraks (Mainly Nadrak in origin) in Gar Og Nadrak, and Ajans in Aja, while small populations of Tolnedrans, Nyissans, and other Angaraks. (Malloreans, Thulls, and Murgos.)

The current king of Drasnia is King Rhodar, a portly monarch weighing over 700 pounds, who lives in the capital city of Boktor. Rhodar is married to his wife, Porenn, and has one 8 year-old son, Kheva.

Drasnia is a developed country and is often ranked as one of the top-30 economies in Capitalist Paradise. Among its industries, Drasnia leads in Information Technology, Automobile Manufacturing, and Arms Manufacturing industries. Drasnia also ranks in the top 1% of the world in Toxicity, Shortest Average Lifespans, Fattest Citizens, and Most Armed. The country is a leader in both economic and scientific research, funneling what little budget away from the military. Drasnia has no military as is usually thought of, but many mercenaries are hired by private companies to protect its holdings. Any hostile incursion in its territories would soon find both the populace and hired guns slaughtering the intruders.

Drasnia’s territory, DWAsnia, was Delegate of Capitalist Paradise from October 2013 until April 2014.


Thousands of years ago, the countries now known as Cherek, Drasnia, Algaria, and Riva were all one, named Aloria. The reason for their breaking apart and renaming is told in the The Book of Alorn.The evil god of the Angaraks, Torak One-Eye, held a jewel begat with immense magical power called The Orb of Aldur. In order to hide it, he fled to Mallorea in the city of Cthol Mishrak, literally translated to “The City of Darkness,” and locked it in an iron box inside an iron tower.

The current Chieftain of Aloria, Cherek Bear-Shoulders, and his three sons, Dras Bull-Neck, Algar Fleet-Foot, and Riva Iron-Grip, sneaked into Cthol Mishrak and stole the jewel. The Orb, however, did not want to again be enslaved by an evil master, so it caused that all with impure hearts would be destroyed if they touched it. Only Riva Iron-Grip was so innocent. When he touched it, it seared a perfect white circle into his palm that would be passed down to his descendants.

After the four fled from Mallorea and back in Aloria, the country was dissolved. Cherek Bear-Shoulders took the western part of the land and named it Cherek, after himself. Algar Fleet-Foot took the southern portion and named it Algaria, after himself. Dras Bull-Neck took the northern reached and he too named it after himself – Drasnia. Riva and his descendants would rule on the Isle of Winds, a rocky island in the Western Sea, protected by the three other countries.

In the spring of 4865, Kal Torak and his Angarak hordes spilled down out of the mountains of Nadrak and onto the plains, destroying over three quarters of the kingdom. The capital city of Boktor was not spared from this and was in fact destroyed at that time.

[To Be Finished Later]


Drasnia proper is a large northern country lying between the mountains of the east and the Gulf of Cherek to the west. It is, by and large, a plain extending from the Aldurfens in the south up through Mrin Marsh and thence to the Drasnian Moors which extend northward to the polar ice. The two major cities, the capital Boktor and the island seaport Kotu, have been important trade routes since time immemorial. Drasnia proper is bordered in the west by Cherek, the south by Algaria, and the east by Gar Og Nadrak.

Cherek is a mountainous peninsula on the northwest coast, extending northward to the polar ice. With the exception of the Alorn River and the fertile basin south of Val Alorn, Cherek is too mountainous to be arable. There is some fisher on the Gulf of Cherek, and fairly extensive mineral deposits in the mountains – iron, copper, gold, silver, tin, and certain gemstones. The largest city is Val Alorn, followed by Jarviksholm. Cherek borders Drasnia to the east.

With the exception of the Aldurfens to the north and the area south of the low range of hills that mark the upper reaches of the Aldur River, Algaria is a vast, rolling grassland lying between the two arms of the mountain range that forms the spine of the continent. The land is fertile and well-watered by the Aldur and could farmed, but the Algars prefer instead to remain nomadic herdsmen. Algaria is bordered in the north by Drasnia, and the northwest corner by Gar Og Nadrak.

Gar Og Nadrak is covered with the vast forests in its central and north central portions and with mountains to the west and north. To the east and south, moor-lands stretch to the shores of the Eastern Sea. Two major rivers, the Cordu and the Drak on Du, flow generally southeasterly, joining at the Yar Turak in the central moors to from the Greater River Cordu which empties near the city of Yar Marak. The only other significant population center other than the former capital city of Yar Nadrak, is the fortified city of Yar Gorak on the northwest border with Drasnia.

Culture and Racial Characteristics

With the possible exception of the sphinx-like Rivans, the Drasnians are the most enigmatic of the Alorns. Perhaps because of the isolated frontier situation and the brute savagery of the Drasnian winter with its winds howling down across the Drasnian Moors, they are at once openly friendly, but with a certain reserve, seeming to draw a line beyond which a stranger is not invited. They are hard traders. They also can be scrupulously honest at times yet cunningly dishonest at others. Drasnians also have a curious prediction to eaves dropping, making them natural spies.

To talk about the archetypal Alorn is to talk about the archetypal Cherek. They are a noisy, boisterous, hard-drinking, rowdy race, with little reverence for proprieties and little patience for subtlety. Chereks are master ship-builders and superb seamen, but unfortunately have always had little taste for 'honest' commerce, preferring piracy on the high seas to legitimate trade. Chereks are taller than their Alorn brethren, possibly because their stock is less diluted.

The Algars are similar to their northern cousins. They are tall, fair, and generally an open people, honest in their dealings and firm in their friendships and alliances. They tend to be more formal than other Alorns. Elaborate etiquette about who eats first, seating, etc. is closely followed. They are very touchy about insults.

It is nearly impossible to be as acquisitive as Drasnians, but the Nadraks may have their western neighbors beat. It was this characteristic that brought the growth of trade to the country. Nadraks share a repulsion to honest occupations, preferring such jobs as gold hunters, hunters, and merchants. They also have an extreme tolerance to alcohol. Nadraks could beat Chereks in a drinking contest any day. Interestingly enough, slaves are still legal in Gar Og Nadrak. This may be because of the strict laws dictating humane treatment of the women. Nadrak slave women conceal sharp knives on their person to dissuade any 'funny business.' Whenever a slave is sold, she receives half of the profits.