Nation/Thatchertropolis/History of the United States of Thatchertropolis

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The United States of Thatchertropolis has a unique history behind it.

1813-1863: Thatchertropolis's first fifty years


Thatcher and his friends fell out of the other end of the vortex, which was situated in dense forest in the west coast of another incarnation of North America. They found that there were gigantic reserves of iron, uranium, aluminum, coal, oil, gold, and cinnamon, and that the forests on the continent were quite pervasive and dense. Thatcher's best friend, Boris Joh, said that he had a pickaxe and a hatchet with him, and another companion, Percy LaSalle, said that he had several guns with him, and that was all they needed to start their first settlement, which they named Thatchertropolis in 1815 for Howard, because he was the one who suggested that they settle on the land.

Once their first settlement had been founded, Thatcher et. al. began to explore the forests around them. The band did not find very many dangerous or "irresistibly cute" organisms (as a woman sticking with Mr. Thatcher had written in her diary), but they did find orca whales walking around in the area.