Iverik Socialism

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Iverik Socialism a social, poltiical, and economic variant from Socialism. The most basic concept of Iverik Socialism is the nationalization and ownership of theoretically everything, including the means of production, by the State. The single greatest way that Iverik Socialism achieves is through a inherent totalitarian system. Another way is by the State deciding which jobs every citizen will participate in. With addition to this Iverik Socialism also stresses extreme industrialization and maximum productivity and efficiency within the economy and even the general populace, usually there is only one or no says off, poor working conditions, and poor pay. Imperialism, Nationalism, State-Atheism, a class-less society, Militarism, and Anti-fascism are also core tenants within Iverik Socialism.

The most iconic person and the most credited man with founding Iverik Socialism is John Krakenour. However, there is debate over if he truly founded the ideology. The first man that proposed a form of Iverik Socialism was Xavier Fvel. This, however, was only a precursor to modern Iverik Socialism. While it was very similar, it lacked the concept of Imperialism, as Xavier Fvel proposed that Imperialism is harmful and countries or areas shouldn't be forcefully annexed. While be believed the State should be authoritarian and be able to efficiently get it's task done, he believed the people should have the basic right of free speech and privacy incase the State becomes inefficient and most be overthrown. There has been an ongoing debate over if this can be considered Iverik Socialism and therefore has been proposed before John Krakenour was even born.

Philosophy and Freedoms


John Krakenour argued that for the State to have control over the economy and to keep control, Totalitarianism was both preferable and even necessary. Under Iverik Socialism, the State can act both secretly and publicly without consequences from the general population. While the general population has no guaranteed rights, the State has supreme authority and cannot be questioned.

It was also argued that if the general population never had freedoms, they will without question follow and serve the State. This will promote economical, political, and social unity, will increase stability, and will make the country a lot harder to overthrow or annex. John Krakenour also argued that without the knowledge of ever having freedom, the general population will never ask for it and will grow accustomed to a lack of freedom in the long-term history of the country, reducing revolutions.


The only country ever to practice Iverik Socialism is the Iverik Empire, hence Iverik Socialism. Within the Iverik Empire, some if the most notable freedoms such as the Freedom of Speech, press, assembly, petition, and arguably religion have been revoked and punished harshly. The freedom to bear arms has not only been effectively outlawed so only police, military, and State officials can have firearms, but the populace have been trained to believe that no citizen has the need for a gun unless they want to kill others or overthrow the government. Privacy, especially when the Iverik Empire entered the digital age, has been nearly non-existent. Police can search houses, personal devices, vehicles, body-searches, and more without restraint. It should also be noted, that all but one political party are outlawed. The official and mandatory party is the Socialist Federative Party.

Perhaps the only liberation that happened due to the Socialist revolution was that of sexual freedoms. Under the Iverik Empire, homosexuality was decriminalized, illegal to discriminate, and same-sex marriage was eventually legalized relatively early. Sexuality in Iverik culture eventually was no longer considered taboo, and sometimes even something to be proud of.


Extremely strong nationalism is an inherent part of the very core of Iverik Socialism. John Krakenour believed that without nationalism nor patriotism the State will fall quickly and easy. He believed in the culture where the State interjected and proposed Nationalistic ideals and tendencies whenever it could. John Krakenour argued for several different ways for Nationalism to exist and for it to be vibrant.

Indoctrination of Children

One of the greatest ways to install Nationalistic ideals was through education. A famous quote from John Krakenour "If we secure the children, we secure the country, the party, the State, and the future." Education would be completely nationalized, with private schooling being illegal and treasonous, the State can easily twist classes and educational standards without opposition.

Within schools under Iverik Socialism, children are taught from the youngest age until graduating school how their country is superior to all others, even if the things taught are factually wrong. They're also taught to obey the State, always believe what the Party says, and to always serve your country. Within the Iverik Empire, there literally is a course about how to turn in strangers, freinds, and family members that may be against the State or Party. Children are also taught that the enemies of said nation are theocrats or, most usually, fascists. There is an inherent trait of Atheism in Iverik Socialism and in education the State uses that to label enemies theocrats. If a country is at war, the opposing country or alliance will be labeled as theocrats or theocracy even if it's not true. If a revolution or riot occurs, the leaders who organized said protests will be normally labeled as theocrats. The word "theocrat" is interchanagble with several words that are publicly viewed as bad or unacceptable. This includes "fascist," "anarchist," "corporatist," "right-wing," and more.


Another important function of the State is to provide a variety of Propaganda. Propaganda under more modern Iverik Socialism normally takes form in music, video games, movies, and books. However posters, banners, ads, parades, radio, leaflets, statues, and many more are also used. There is, however no one prices goal of the propaganda. Propaganda can and normally is used for things such as promoting nationalism, promoting the military, state, or party, promoting atheism and anti-theism, justifying actions by the State, informing the public of news, informing the public of current and upcoming laws, and more.

"Corrective" Therapy

One of the more darker functions that the State most uphold under Iverik Socialism is providing a "corrective" service to those that oppose the State or Party. Generally, if someone that has been detained has been decided to be rehabilitated, the State will put them under "Corrective Therapy"." There is no one way to do correct therapy as long as the end result is the patient becoming genuinely loyal. However it normally starts with beatings and shock therapy, not enough to be lethal but still extremely painful. The patient is forcefully pushed into guilt and sadness. They slowly are taught to turn on themselves. Eventually, at the patient's breaking point, they are told and educated that they themselves are not a bad person but their current beliefs and ideals are. They're told constantly about how they are hold back by their "false" thoughts, and how they just need help. The patient is soon educated about Iverik Socialism and loyalty to the country, State, and Party. To increase guilt at this stage they will often be asked questions such as "why do you hate the State when it has given everything to you for so little in return?" Once the patient is so overwhelmed with guilt, they will told to turn in anyone else that also has the patient's thoughts. And finally, once they've given in, became loyal, they will be able to confess their love for the State and will be considered cured.


John Krakenour argued greatly on the topic of Imperialism and colonization. He theorized that if multiple countries were constantly competing for power and resources, it will force the State to constantly try to push for militaristic, scientific, and social achievements and in the long run would increase the standard of living for everyone. John Krakenour also believed that without Imperialism the general population will become poor because they lack a large access to land and resources. He believed that if a few superpowers control the world and were in perpetual war that will spread resources out a lot quicker. He also believed that with constant world-wide warfare overpopulation wouldn't be such a problem.

John Krakenour also believed that there should be no alliances, pacts, of unions. This would weed out the weaker nations, and increase the resources to larger Empires. However, he has said that the concept of alliances and pacts should only be forgotten when the entire world has fallen under Iverik Socialism and until then countries that practice Iverik Socialism should work together to survive and to spread the ideology to all other nations.

State Atheism

John Krakenour, also very notable for his anti-theist views, has argued that nearly all atrocities and many problems are due to religion and theism. He believes that another purpose for Iverik Socialism on a spiritualistic level is to completely eradicate religion. While John Krakenour did agree that the State should not forcefully have people convert to atheism, he believed in laying the foundation of future generations with atheism. Under Iverik Socialism, the State's official stance on religion is Pro-Atheist and Anti-Theist,

One aspect is education. Since all forms of education is under State control, it has the right to indoctrinate children and atheism is no exception. It's mandatory within the Iverik Empire to teach only evolutionism and to teach how creationism is false. Another program is known as "Spiritual Reality." Within the program, religion and theism is put into an extremely negative point of few. For example, I children are taught about the crusades, inquisitions, and genocides in the name of religion while teaching them that religion has done nearly no good.

Another way is to silence the point of few. While telling others about your religion isn't illegal, you cannot put up posters or religious symbols outside of your home. This includes clothing with religious symbols. While people may hold prayer sessions in each other's homes, major churches are not allowed. Buildings build exclusively or mainly for the purpose of religious worship are banned.


While several ideologies including Capitalism, Monarchism, Anarchism, Theocracy, Democracy, and more are looked heavily down upon, John Krakenour declared that the ideological opponent to Iverik Socialism is Fascism. Unlike disliking other systems, Anti-Fascism is an inherent core of Iverik Socialism as John Krakenour has even gone as far to say that if a country is pro or even just neutral on Fascism, it cannot be an Iverik Socialist nation.

While the intentions of John Krakenour are clear, he stated that every ideology needs a political opponent to unite the general population such as Communism and Capitalism. John Krakenour picked Fascism as the main political opponent to Iverik Socialism for unclear reasons. Currently the most likely idea is that he claims Iverik Socialism as "Extremely-Left Wing" while Fascism is extremely right wing. It is also likely that there is no purpose besides uniting the general population. It should be noted that John Krakenour has also criticized Fascism greatly for having a biased pro-religion view. Lastly, John Krakenour has commented several times that without a universal opponent for the general population to focus it's hatred on, the citizenry would rebel. He has implied heavily that Anti-Fascism is a tool used to unite the general population and to reduce chances of uprisings.

Economic System

Under Iverik Socialism, the most basic description of the economic policy is where the State owns literally everything. The means of production, Products, Land, Resources, even People are on a legal level property of the State. The economic system within Iverik Socialism is planned, closed off system controlled entirely by the State and only the State. John Krakenour argued that if the general population controlled or even had an effect on the economy, the option of revolution would become much more viable. John Krakenour also argued against corporations and business directing the economy is inherently against the core of Iverik Socialism, and allowing other parties to direct will have further complications.

State Job Determination

One feature the makes Iverik Socialism stand out from other variants of Socialism is that the State determines everyone's job. Using the education system, the State determines what everyone's most practical and productive jobs would be. The State then assigns everyone (When they complete Basic or Advanced Education) a job that can range from a farmer to surgeon.

It had been argued that forcing everyone to a select job would ultimately reduce productivity. John Krakenour counter-argued that with indoctrination and through nationalism, everyone would be happy enough with their job. The education system and culture stress serving the State anyway you can, hence doing any job would make said worker happy. Also, the threat of force and the detainment of those that refuse their jobs or don't work hard enough enhance productivity. Combining this with the ultra-heavy industrialization would keep productivity high.