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< Nation
Revision as of 19:16, 4 September 2014 by PoutineNation (Talk | contribs)

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April 2014~ Ok. Hi. I don't know why you're reading this. I don't know what to write all up in herrrr. So, ah, I guess you can just keep reading everything that I'm writing. I hope I can edit this later. That would be a little embarrassing if I couldn't... I'll just keep typing as though I can edit it later. For some odd reason, you're reading this and I can't figure out why. I mean, I told you I don't know what to write here. I'm just going to keep rambling on until I get tired of rambling. Some Wikipedia pages are so long. How in the world do people have the dedication to sit down and type like 40000 words on a blue whale. I guess that whoever did that must really like whales or must've been paid handsomely to do it. Why are you reading this? Even I would rather not be reading this. Hey, want to make a bet? I bet that from the time you read the first word of this to the end of this, I'll have wasted a small portion of your life. You're welcome by the way. Ok, I think I'm done.♣♣♣♣♣

September 2014~ Update: I still don't know what to write here. And I still don't know why you're reading this. And I still don't know how people could write so many words on one subject. But, I will make use of this large space to say that my nation is pretty cool. And poutine is not pronounced "poo•tin" or "poo•teen". It's more kind of like "poot•sin". So yeah.......