Odin IV

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Planet Odin IV also known as the Sovereign Union of Odin is a planet situated in the Andromenda Galaxy, it serve as a home to the Odinians whom ancestry can be traced back to mainly Earth's Scotland and Ireland funded by the National Scots and Irish Space Colonization Program (SISCP), upon inhabiting the planet for generation under the rule of the Milky Way Federation, they finally fought for their sovereignty and reformed their society into a Republic Monarchy government known as the Sovereign Union. Followed by the name, the people of Odin enjoys their sovereignty for centuries and would not give in to anybody who's about to take their sovereignty away.

As centuries has passed, the ethnic of Odinian stretches from Scottish and Irish to all sort of Terran ethnic thanks to the rapid immigration at one point of their history. However the recent immigration policy has been implemented for population control reduces both immigration and emigration rate, limiting the Scots, Irish, Welsh, Afrikaan and South American as the majority population there.

On NSS Hypatia, most Odinians would work either as a security personnel, doctor, scientist or miner and maintains their pride as an Odinian.

Odin IV
Sovereign Union Flag

Basic Info of Odin IV

"God bless our sovereignty and long live the high king."

Official Titles:

- The Most Divine Sovereign Union of Odin (English)
- An Chuid is Mó Diaga Ceannasach Aontas de Odin (Irish and Scottish Gaelic)
- Y Mwyaf Dwyfol Sofran Undeb o Odin (Welsh)
- El Más Divino Soberano Unión de Odin (Spanish)
- Die Mees Goddelike Soewerein Unie van Odin (Afrikaan)

Capital: McKalley City, Highland Province, Odin IV, Odin Solar System

Government: Republic Monarchy

Officially recognized languages:

- Sol Gaelic
- Odin English
- Spanish
- Afrikaan

Official Religion: Odin Reformed Kraedurism

Upper house: House of Patrician

Lower house: House of Crofter

Currency : Sovereign Lion[SL] (0.20Cr/1SL)

Nationality adjective: Odinian

Known laws of Odin

The Sovereign Union of Odin do not follow Space-Law as they are the government of themselves. After their last civil war, their national laws were enforced to keep their citizens in line. Outsiders are not exempt from their laws.

Minor Crimes

Trespassing - 1 week detention. Summary Execution if under Martial Law.

Petty Theft - 5 weeks detention plus 10 flogging. Summary Execution if under Martial Law.

Minor Assault - 2 weeks detention plus 10 flogging.

Hooliganism - 1 month detention. Summary Execution if under Martial Law.

Suspicious Conduct - 3 weeks detention. Summary Execution if under Martial Law.

Violation of Injunction - 1 month detention. Summary Execution if under Martial Law.

Slander - 3 months detention.

Failure to obey official orders - Execution

Sexual Harassment - 5 months detention for verbal harassment. Additional 20 flogging if physical harassment is included.

Animal Cruelty - 2 years detention

Vandalism - Public Flogging depending on severity. Summary Execution if under Martial Law.

Threat of harms - 10 weeks detention

Serious Crimes

Resisting Arrest - Additional sentencing depending on crimes, summary execution can be granted by Police Chief or Military Commissioned officer. Summary execution if under martial law.

Abuse of confiscated items - Execution

Illegal detention - Depends on severity, 3 years for detention without harm, summary justice if individual under detention was harmed.

Neglect of duty as armed or official personnel - Execution

Infiltration - 9 years detention or execution

Assault - 10 years detention or execution if severe

Escaping from official confinment - Execution

Sedition - Execution

Contraband - Execution

Sabotage - Execution

Abuse of official power - Stripped of power and summary justice. Summary execution if under martial law.

Grand Theft - Execution

Illegal blocking of roads, or access - 3 months detention. Summary execution if under martial law.

Fatal use of excessive force - 3 months detention and 10 flogging

Murder - Execution

Manslaughter - 3 months detention. Summary execution if under martial law.

Capital crimes

Mutiny on Sovereign Union owned installation/ships - Summary Execution

Grand Sabotage - Execution

Minor assault/battery on officials or royals - Public flogging x40

Slander on officials or royals - Public flogging x30

Threat of harms on officials or royals - Execution

Assault on officials or royals - Execution

Treason - Execution

Rape - Removal of genitalia and execution

Immigration law

~ Immigrants must have their ID, passport, immigration slip, medical documents, security documents and employment documents present. Only two baggage are allowed. Narcotic items, weapons, foreign animals and foreign promotional materials are considered contraband and the carrier will be dealt with severe punishments. Immigrants must sit for the Sovereign Union National Common Knowledge Exam (SUNCKE) and must pass with at least 6 out of 8 questions. Non-human are not allowed to immigrate into the Sovereign Union of Odin for the time being.
~ Tourists and transient must have their entry permit, passport, medical and security documents present. Only one baggage are allowed. Carrier of contraband will be dealt with severe punishments.
~ Foreign workers must have their working pass and passport present. Carrier of contraband will be dealt with severe punishments.
~ Asylum seekers must have their passport, grant of asylum, medical documents and security documents present. Asylum seekers are an exempt from the contraband law, and would be let off with a warning, repeated offense may result in severe punishments.
~ Diplomats must have their ID and diplomatic authorization slip present. Diplomats are an exempt from the contraband law, and would be let off with a warning, repeated offense for the third times may result in deportation and barring of entering the Sovereign Union of Odin.
~ Odinian citizen must have their ID and passport present. They can carry to the end of their limit. Carrier of contraband will be dealt with severe punishments.

Summary Planetary Report

Current Power in Control: Sovereign Union

Population: 6,350,000,000


*~Odin Royal Brigade: 1,760,000
*~Sovereign Union Naval Fleet: 11,980,750
*~Sovereign Union Marine Forces: 7,912,881
*~Sovereign Union Mobile Infantry: 20,000,000

Planetary Season: Summer


*~16 villages
*~ 4 Cities

Capital: McKalley City

Current Event:

*~ The celebration of the first king's birthday.
*~ Pending public execution of a man accused of treason.

Current Goal:

*~ Improve planetary economy.
*~ Improve planetary defense.


Gravity: 8.34 m/s

Radius: 6,890 km

Surface Area: 521.3 km(square)

Length of day: 0d 24h 00m

Atmosphere: Earth Analog

Landscape: Grass/Forest/Snow

Current Influential Power: Sovereign Union

Import/Export: ???/Food Supplies

Moon: Cophus


Current Population: 6,350,000,000

Social Class:

*~ Royal and nobles: 5%
*~ Corporate Elites: 10%
*~ Upper Middle: 15%
*~ Working/Military: 70%

Most spoken languages:

*~ Odin Dialect (Mix of Gaelic, Welsh, Spanish & Chinese) [Tradeband]
*~ English
*~ Gaelic
*~ Spanish
*~ Chinese

Common Religion:

*~ Ways of the Great Lady Elzra
*~ Church of Kraedurism
*~ Earth-Religions
*~ Atheism
*~ Scientology
File:Odin IV Highland.jpg
Natural landscape of Odin IV


Seeing how the atmosphere is rather similar to Earth, it is no surprise to find the species that exists on the planet to resemble many Earth-like animals. Despise human presence on the planet for decades, due to the planet's enormous size, many species of flora and fauna on Odin IV still remains undocumented.


Iompróidh: Also known as bears or more well known as space bear to many of those whom had ventured as far as Andromenda. These creatures were commonly founded through out the planet and despise its aggressive nature, the highlander still wishes to protect them and their wild habitat. There's over 20 species of iompróidh on Odin IV.

Búraló: Also known as wolf, unlike those back on Terra. The Búralós were known to have poisonous bites and possess three tails. There are over 10 different species of Búraló all over the planet. They can grow as big as a horse, hence many Odinian took this as an opportunity to tame them and be able to ride them.

Rádala: Hoofed animals that wanders almost anywhere around the planet, it look almost like deers back on Terra except that they have have red-yellow striped skin and longer tails. They are commonly hunted for foods and for their tails which the druids craved for.

Gráen: Small bird animals that do not fly, they have six eyes and long wings that they would drag when they walk. Their name were given by the sound they made which sounded as though a human is shouting "Grain!". They were breed in farms and used for foods.

Eagym: Reptile species that has two pair of eyes, yellow scales and blue fins, it look almost like a crocodile and lurk around watery areas such as lochs and rivers. It normally hunts for Rádala or Gráen and rarely attacks human.

Maràm: Reptile species that has green scales and three pair of legs, it has poisonous bites despise being the size of a human palm.

Kïrnaub: Small mammals that look like a rabbit, except for their orange glowing snout and yellow furs.

Óswaé: Long limbless reptile with sharp set of teeth and two pair of eyes, yellow scales.

Yakïm: Purple feathered birds with brown beak, it share the same size as a pigeon.

Gèsh: A three eyed fishes that were commonly found through out the waters of Odin IV, they were commonly fished for foods.


Feochadán: Also known as Star Thistle, the flowers remain as Odin IV national symbol and due to superstitious, they were commonly used in weddings ceremony or other formal events.

Támala: Stout trees often used by the highlanders for their fruits and yellow leaves. Their fruits; Tám, has smooth and often wet outer layer and green glowing core or seeds, they are sour. They are normally mixed with Whiskey and Milk to make a Támala Ale cocktail. While their leaves, thanks to superstitious has been believed that if minced and mixed with its juiced fruit would cure fevers and coughs.

Notä: Akin to Terra's oak trees, it has orange-green leaves and instead of a pointy end, the top of the tree curves outward into four branches. These tree covers a third of the planet and were used by the Highlanders as their source of lumbers.

Góper: A fast growing tree that has orange-green leaves with red stripes. It produces many thin branches that grow yellow coloured apple-like fruits with red dots all over them called Góp, they taste sweet and were commonly enjoyed as a traditional delicacy for the highlanders.

Fashèm: Tall trees with five to six branches shooting out of its top which grows Fashberries; berries with hairs, a disgusting sight, but their tastes are irresistibly good.


Founded by a Terran Space Pioneer, named Sir Anguus Mckalley. The colony started off as a single plantation, which then eventually grew due to high immigration rate and high birth rate. The population of the colony would largely comprises of citizens from the Earth's Scotland and Ireland. It adopts the culture of the Earth's Celtic descendants, and embodies Monarchy.


  • ~2360 - Colony founded by Sir Anguus McKalley, the name Odin IV were given after Sir McKalley claim to have dreamed of attending a feast with Odin in Valhalla.
  • ~2374 - Expands into an agricultural colony, and declares itself independent by Sir McKalley.
  • ~2375 - Milky Way Federation invades the planet in order to retake the colony.
  • ~2380 - The colonists won the war of independence, turning Odin IV into its own planet and monarchy.
- Sovereign union was formed.
  • ~2382 - Odin IV embodies Monarchy as its government system, Sir Anguus Mckalley crowned as the first King of Odin IV and Sovereign Union.
  • ~2390 - Death of Sir Anguus Mckalley, his only son Sir Dunham McKalley succeeds the throne.
  • ~2395 - Establishment of the Sovereign Union Military, Odin IV Royal Infantry and the Royal Navy.
  • ~2422 - Large amount of agricultural exports brings interests to other food manufacturing industry.
  • ~2445 - Assassination of Sir Dunham McKalley during the celebration of St.Patricks Day.
- New King, Sir Aulay McMorrow was appointed to take over the throne.
  • ~2450 - King Aulay implementing illegal tariffs on the exports of apples and wheat from the Eastern Mountains of Odin IV, a poor district. This enrages the entire Eastern population.
- Highlanders of Eastern Mountains declare themselves as a sovereign state known as the Eastern Republic.
  • ~2452 - Eastern Republic arms up and violently rebel against the Odin IV's royalist, resulting in a bloody civil war.
  • ~2465 - Death toll of the civil war reaches over 90,000 of the population, other empires around Andromeda intervene.
  • ~2470 - Invasion of the enforcers from other empires of Andromeda on Odin IV, fighting on the side of the Eastern Republic rebels.
  • ~2481 - Parliament of Odin IV signs unconditional surrender after defeat and King Aulay McMorrow exiled from the throne, letting Queen Morvin Jameson to rule the throne.
  • ~2500 - Queen Jameson begins project Garden of Fionn.
  • ~2510 - Completion of Garden of Fionn.
- Queen Jameson had successfully reunited the planet again.
  • ~2521 - Reconstruction of the Queen's Palace.
  • ~2525 - Completion in the reconstruction of the Queen's Palace.
- Odin IV's capital expanding into a sprawling city.
- Heavy Industrial activities barred from the Parliament.
  • ~2524 - A marxist movement known as the Worker Front United incite a guerrilla warfare against the Sovereign Union and the Queen herself.
  • ~2550 - Orion Blade's raiders plundered the planet, resulting in a vast loss.
  • ~2553 - Worker Front United were defeated and its remnants briefly executed.
  • ~2560 - First Tajaran immigrant moves into Odin IV, Sir Amir Al'Yusof.
  • ~2561 - Increased numbers of Alien Immigrants.
  • ~2562 - Another uprising happened in the Eastern Mountain of the planet rebelling against the Sovereign Union, inciting the planet's second civil war.
- Civil war had been put to end again by the Sovereign Union soldiers and Dmitri Tarkov with his private army.
- Sovereign Union collapsed.
- Due to increased population of Terran immigrants, several Spanish, French or even Tajaran themed city had been founded. Education Minister approves the study of Spanish and French languages and made them compulsory for the Highlanders to learn.
  • ~2564 - Two new cities Ciudad de Susana & Aelham were founded along the borders between The Highlands and The Eastern Mountains thanks to combined effort and fundings of both internal and foreign organisations, this event leads to the establishment of The Great Divide, a name for the border and mountains that divide The Highlands and The Eastern Mountain.
  • ~2567 - Archduke Daniel Norgan appointed as the most potential candidate for the royal throne.
- Archduke Daniel Norgan attempts to revive the Sovereign Union, starting with the navy. He also established the first Sovereign Union Aerotroops.
  • ~2568 - Odinian lost faith in Lady Elzra.
- Melrose Druids discovered a new set of lost pantheons from Terra, thus founding a new religion, Kraedurism.
- Odinian replace The Ways of Great Lady Elzra with Kraedurism as their primary religion.
  • ~2569 - Present days.

Housing and infrastructures

The Highlanders have a rather unique taste when it comes to their home. Those of the cities stays in skyscrapers apartments and condominiums that are connected with many networks of tunnels. Each apartments and condominiums can house up to 50,000 citizens, and each of them also have their own hospital and education department. As for other services, the Highlander developed a system called 'Hovering Service System' where as it is mentioned in the name, shops and restaurants comes in the form of hovering mobile structures, patrolling the city like buses and taxis, a civilian can summon a hover service just by using the 'Hover Service Summon Console' that can be found in almost every block of the city and input the service number. Once entered, the hover service will automatically hovers towards the summoner's location and lowers an elevator to lift the summoner up.

As for towns, it resembles those of Earth's, except for their english-style pavement roads, but their buildings are just plain futuristic houses.

Villages however are either made of metal but beautifully decorated huts or network of shallow tunnels made by early-era miners repurposing the mines into housing networks when laws of mining were tighten.


Most of the Highlanders or Odineers are people of celtic-descent, so hence most celebration and cultural traditions were actually those of Scotland, Ireland and Wales. However, after centuries of living on a place far-away from Earth, the Highlanders has begun to adopt new traditions and celebration based on historical reasons. For example, native Highlander parents would teach their young on how to use various weaponry, and how to fight, they would also be brought into the wilderness to be trained on how to survive in dangerous situations, this is mainly due to the several harsh warfares that Odin IV has gone through, causing many civilians to be paranoid and worried as warcrimes are frequent whenever there's a war.

However, things are different in the city as most of those that stays in the city prefers to rely on their national defence service instead of fighting themselves. Those in the city would normally excel in many professional fields, ranging from commerce to research, thanks to Odin's effective education system.

With the effectiveness of the Odin's education system, most Highlanders from the city carries positive values and rarely resolves to violence, but this works the opposite for those from the rural areas such as villages or the Eastern Mountains, excluding Darling City where crime rates are very high.

Despite the monarch as their government, the society of Odin IV are still considered to be modern and are most likely to preserves human's rights. However, there are still crimes that warrants capital punishments ranging from permanent imprisonment to public executions. The Highlanders feared and understands public executions the most as the monarch favours it, believing that it would keep civilians in line, despise such punishment, very few Highlanders view it as an act of tyranny as most of the prisoners to be executed are war criminals or severe capital offender.

Public executions being carried out varies on situations, if the planet or capital is under marshal law, firing squads or summary point-blank executions will be used. Otherwise, the prisoner(s) would be paraded through the capital of Odin IV, McKalley Ciy and finally stops at the city square. From there, the prisoner(s) would be given a chance to confess their crime to the public while doing so will give them the privilege of a very quick death, if not, the high-magistrate will read out the charges and their crime, if this were to happen, the prisoner(s) will have to undergo a more painful process of death. First, they will be flogged for 30 times, then the executioners will begin by stripping their skin with a saw and pour salts all over it, they would then be given a several jolts of non-lethal electrocution before the executioners finally gives them the choice of either be hanged or beheaded, if the prisoner remains silent, the public gets to cast their vote for the death of the prisoner. If hanged, the body will be left in the city's square for one-week before finally being taken down for cremation, if beheaded, the head will be put on display inside a glass tank for a week as well.

To look at a more brighter side of the Highlander cultures, every year, a Búraló racing competition will be held where hundreds of Highlanders that has the ability to ride a tamed Búraló would race from Eastern Moutains to McKalley City (A 900km journey), where the winner would be gifted with an energy claymore, 90,000 credits, a golden saddle and a chance to compete with other riders to earn the title of Búraló Knight.

The Highlanders also favour fishing, every month in every recognised loch, an event called the Valhalla Longboat Race would be held that allows participants to rent or built their own traditional viking longboats and launch it into the loch, they must row the boat to the end of the loch while fishing for Gèshes only with two fishing rods, the longboat with the highest catch wins, a tie-breaker normally require one representative of each neck-to-neck boaters to dive into the loch and catch one Gèsh with their bare hands and the first one that makes it back ashore with a Gèsh wins. The prizes are 60,000 credits, a modern yacht and a chance to compete with other first prize winners to win one light vessel from the Sovereign Union.


Odin IV have a moderate military power, their first regiment was established at 2395 AD, using the remnants of the colonists militia. Orbital manufacturing plants were launched in 2397 AD in an effort to decrease pollution to the planet's environment.

The standard combat gear for an Odin IV Royal Infantry and Sovereign Union soldiers would be a white hide cape, a green beret, white utility uniform, a kilt-style armor vest, C-20R Sub-machine gun or their own model of K-35 Semi Automatic rifle, a G18 pistol and occasionally a Scottish claymore.

Odin IV's Royal Navy were established at the same time as the establishment of Odin IV Royal Infantry, reconstructing old trade vessels into combat vessels

There's one unsorted branch with only one batallion, The Royal Guards. They are working more closely to the Palace, mainly protecting the Queen. They are well-trained soldiers, armed with a domestically made semi-automatic rifle Kenzy Mk.I, Glock.18 and nothing more, their uniform resembles a traditional Scottish dress; kilts, except that there's no plaid nor tartan but a dull light green on it.

However, at 2567 AD, under the decree of Archduke Daniel Norgan, the Sovereign Union undergoes a military revolution, and hence the Sovereign Union's Aerotrooper were born and the Odin IV Royal Infantry were rebranded as Sovereign Union Mobile Infantry

Sovereign Union Naval Fleet

Most combat vessels of the Sovereign Union was actually freighters and trading ships being retooled for fighting purpose. Upon launched, they will normally undergo a 10-30 slow orbiting patrol around the planet before docking again for resupplying purpose. Odinians from his branch were trained with extended engineering and commanding skills as well as EVA combat but receive very little weapon training.

Sovereign Union Aerotrooper

The Sovereign Union Aerotrooper are well trained soldiers that are normally stationed on ships, space-stations or asteroid outposts similarly to the marinens. Their purpose would be to fight and to defend their posts so that the navy personnel wouldn't have to abandon their posts and risk getting killed. They specialize in boarding enemy vessels and EVA combats. The corps however was recently established and several platoons from the Royal Division were randomly selected to be rushed into immediate training and branch transfer for the marine corps. The marines were given access for Odin's Loki-Class Mech that specializes in anti-personnel battle and EVA combat. Odinians from this branch were trained with martial arts, extended weapon training, EVA combat training and has very high discipline.

Sovereign Union Mobile Infantry

The Sovereign Union Mobile Infantry are basically the army of Odin IV and the Sovereign Union, they are normally stationed on planetary outposts and bases. They were used for planetary ground defense or ground invasion forces. They were given access to use the Vegas-Class Mech that specializes in anti-personnel and armor, and the Raider-Class Mech that specializes in anti-air. Odinians from this branch were trained to use various type of weapons and mechs.

File:Odin IV Royal Infantry.jpg
An Odin IV Mobile Infantry

File:Odin IV Marauder.jpg
Odin IV Mobile Infantry with their Vegas-Class Mech at the ready


Minister of Economy - Callum Maxwell

Minister of Education - Wendy Stevenson

Minister of Foreign Affair - Andrew McBain

Minister of Interior - Luthais McBeth

Minister of Defense - Robert Grant

Minister of Justice - Mariá de Alfònso

Minister of Environment - Susan Yeo

Minister of Agriculture - Christine Dothery

Minister of Health - Gaspard Leal

Minister of Immigration - Fernándo de Sánchez

Minister of Sport - William Brown

Royal Hierarchy

High Queen or High King ~ The official ruler of the entire planet, rules over kings and queens, they only have authority over some part of the planet now.

High Prince or High Princess ~ The heir of the throne that has biological ties with the High Queen/High King.

High Overseer ~ The court general that serves only the High Queen or High King and help them to plan their war.

Sovereign Bishop ~ They serve as the steward/stewardess to the High Queen or High King and High Prince or High Princess.

Mechatronic Duke ~ A member of the monarchy and military which rules over the Mech Division.

Mechatronic Knight ~ A nobility title given to a military member to serve and protect the royal members, using mechs.

Mechatronic Esquire ~ A status for an attendant to a Mechatronic Knight.

Sovereign Diplomat ~ The ear and mouth for the Sovereign Union and High Royalties when dealing with foreign diplomacy situation.

Patrician ~ A nobility title given to those whom the High Queen or High King viewed as favorable and very trusted out of the normal Odinian citizen.

Notable Inhabitants

Charles Davidson ~ A marine serving under Nanotrasen.

Ruez 'Lavant' Davidson ~ A scientist working for Nanotrasen, married to Charles Davidson.

Queen Morvin Jamison ~ Queen of Odin IV.

Riley McPherson ~ A security/command staff working under Nanotrasen.

Hunter Tyler ~ Immigrant to Odin IV, worked for Nanotrasen as an Aerospace Engineer on board the research station, NSS Hypatia.

Elena Addison ~ Immigrant to Odin IV, worked for Nanotrasen as a Station Engineer on board the research station, NSS Hypatia. Engaged to Hunter Tyler.

Basura Nephilim ~ A former military vanguard of the Sovereign Union, now a civilian/security staff on NSS Hypatia.

Seneca Ragner-Anders ~ Immigrant to Odin IV, worked for Nanotrasen as a medical staff on NSS Hypatia.

Xander Remus ~ A CCIA member for Nanotrasen.

Hugh Harpman ~ A security officer working for Nanotrasen on NSS Hypatia

Regions of Odin IV

The Highlands

McKalley City

Named after the founder of the planet, Sir Anguus Mckalley, it is also the capital of the Highlands and Odin IV, it houses most of the royal infrastructures and also serve as the largest trading hub of the planet.

Area of interest:

  • The Royal Palace 
    A large palace which houses the Queen and the other royal members.
  • Great Cathedral of Elzra 
    A large Cathedral for the followers of Lady Elzra.
  • The Highland Parliament
    Parliament of Odin IV where laws and governmental decisions were made.
  • Camp Aberlaig 
    Sovereign Union military installation housing large number of SU armed forces.
  • Loch Barclay 
    A large loch with the surface area of 22,300 sq mi.
  • Queen Royal Spaceport 
    A spaceport which is only accessible to Odin IV's vessels, it is able to support up to 40 ships at once.
  • Nidon Museum 
    A museum which houses royal paintings and historical entities.
  • Fort Constadore 
    A large metallic fort built during the first civil war, now act as the headquarter and garrison for Odin IV and SU military.
  • Sovereign Union Headquarter
    The heart of Sovereign Union where edict were passed and orders were made.
  • The Krazze Club
    The city's most largest, loudest and packed nightclub.

Regional Usage:

Commercial: 30%
Residential: 50%
Industrial: 20.5%
Agricultural: 0.5%

Olaf Town

The first town situated at the south-outskirt of the capital, most of the industrial activities within the Highlands goes here, mainly manufacturing activities. Due to heavy industrial activities, the town is normally covered with haze and thick chemical smokes. It is per safety regulations for the residents there to wear gas-masks and hazmat gloves whenever they're going outdoor.

Area of interest:

  • Harefoot Manufacturing Plant
    The largest manufacturing plant within the planet, it is owned by the One-Way Public Ltd Company, a monarchial-funded company. It manufactures 85% of the planet's metal products.

Regional Usage:

Commercial: 10%
Residential: 40%
Industrial: 50%
Agricultural: 0%

Sidewind Town

The first town situated at the east-outskirt of the capital, it is a former mining complex and was later on repurposed into a farming town by the Sovereign Union. Due to historical reason, most buildings were actually former mining tunnels repurposed into housing and shopping areas.

Area of interest:

  • Sidewind Mine 
    The first official mine of Odin IV, which was later shut down by the parliament to prevent pollution.

Regional Usage

Commercial: 20%
Residential: 40%
Industrial: 0%
Agricultural: 40%

KyleStone Town

A town situated further east after Sidewind, it is a market town, meaning that it is also a very busy and profitable trading place. Some described it to be as beautiful as Hallstatt of Upper Austria back on Earth. It is also located by the seaside, making it one of the best tourist attraction within the planet. Hypatia's Station character Seneca Ragner-Anders is a resident here.

Area of Interest: None

Regional Usage

Commercial: 40%
Residential: 50%
Industrial: 5%
Agricultural: 5%

Lime II Town

A town situated further east after Kylestone, it is also a market town and look akin to Kylestone, except that is has a several historical landmarks especially from Independency War dated back in 2374 A.D to 2380 A.D, the Milky Way Federation once successfully occupied the town after a week long of battle and summarily executed over 3,000 unarmed civilians before burying them in a mass grave in 2375 A.D. The Sovereign Union regained control of the town at 2377 A.D, specifically by the 20th Royal Mech Brigade. After another intense week of bloody war, just when the brigade was about to lose, the brigade's mech knight Peter Jedediah piloted his mech towards the enemy line and overloads his mech's core, thus inflicting a critical damage to the Milky Way forces with a large explosion.

Area of interest:

  • The 20th Royal Mech Brigade Memorial
    A metal-made statue of an Odin Mech with three Sovereign Union soldier standing gloriously beside it, one of them holds the national flag of the Sovereign Union. The statue was made by the locals of Lime II to honour the 20th Royal Mech Brigade for their bravery.
  • The Trench
    An unmarked mass grave that surrounds the town, it is where civilians of both gender ranging from the age of 12 to 60 were taken to be shot, bayonetted or buried alive.
  • Jedediah Crater
    A large crater where mech knight Peter Jedediah blew his own mech up out of desperation to stop the onslaught of the Milky Way Federation.

Regional Usage:

Commercial: 40%
Residential: 35%
Industrial: 10%
Agricultural: 15%

Harron Village

A farming village, Hypatia's Station character Hugh Harpman was known to originate from here. It is common for the local parents to train their children on survival in the wilderness and even teaches them on how to use various weapons at very young age. Due to poor educational funding, the village has only one primary education institute and nothing more.

Area of interest:

  • Fort Herrings 
    A large metallic fortress built during the civil war, now act as the garrison for the Odin IV and SU military.

Regional Usage:

Commercial: 5%
Residential: 50%
Industrial: 5%
Agricultural: 40%

DryStone Village

A farming village. It is common for the local parents to train their children on survival in the wilderness and even teaches them on how to use various weapons at very young age. There are no educational facilities in the village.

Area of interest: None

Regional Usage:

Commercial: 2%
Residential: 49%
Industrial: 0%
Agricultural: 49%

Elanor Village

A farming village. It is common for the local parents to train their children on survival in the wilderness and even teaches them on how to use various weapons at very young age. There are no educational facilities in the village.

Area of interest: None

Regional Usage:

Commercial: 2%
Residential: 49%
Industrial: 0%
Agricultural: 49%

Vinnar Village

A fishing village. It is common for the local parents to train their children on survival in the wilderness and even teaches them on how to use various weapons at very young age. There are no educational facilities in the village.

Area of interest: None

Regional Usage':

Commercial: 2%
Residential: 49%
Industrial: 0%
Agricultural: 49%

McMallus Village

A fishing village. It is common for the local parents to train their children on survival in the wilderness and even teaches them on how to use various weapons at very young age. There are no educational facilities in the village.

Area of interest: None

Regional Usage':

Commercial: 2%
Residential: 49%
Industrial: 0%
Agricultural: 49%

Brandenrock Pass

This village serve as both a border and a fishing village, a great battle that takes the live of 43,000 soldiers has happened here when the Eastern Republicans attempts to occupy the village and the twin artilleries built by the Sovereign Union to repel the Republicans.

  • Twin Artillery Hills 
    Two large artillery with the size of a large hill placed along the borders of Brandenrock to the Eastern Mountains. It was built by the Sovereign Union at 2363 to repel Republican forces from entering the Highlands. Now it is retooled to be able to fire into orbit as well.
  • Fort Hunderbrog 
    A large metallic fortress built during the first civil war, now act as garrison for Odin IV and SU military.

Regional Usage:

Commercial: 5%
Residential: 45%
Industrial: 10%
Agricultural: 40%

The Great Divide

Ciudad de Susana City

A futuristic hispanic themed city, home to the planet's best wine and silverware industries. Best known for their high class delicacy and an annual event known as La Fiesta de Valhalla, where a legal policy was made for all works and schools to be stopped during the event and everyone is to enjoy themselves with free foods, sponsored entertainments and mass party.

Area of Interest:

  • La Casa de Odin Vino
    The planet's largest wine processing plant, it also has a built-in hotels and restaurants.
  • Costa Mañana
    A long coast with walls of markets, restaurants and other entertainment hubs

Regional Usage:

Commercial: 60%
Residential: 30%
Industrial: 10%
Agricultural: 0%

Aelham City

A futuristic city, best known for their highly advanced architecture and technology. One would always expect holographic interface with almost every machine used there. The monarchy invest mostly on their technologies and researches.

Area of Interest:

  • Helpheus Research Complex
    The largest research complex on the planet, it excels in various field of research, ranging from plant genetic to aerospace engineering.
  • Ceti Aurora
    The second largest trading hub on the planet with access to automated and robotic cranes, lifter and trade interface.

Regional Usage:

Commercial: 45%
Residential: 20%
Industrial: 35%
Agricultural: 0%

The Eastern Mountains

Darling City

Capital of the Eastern Mountains across Tildor Village.
  • Fort Darling 
    A large metallic fortress built during the civil war, now act as the garrison for Odin IV and SU military
  • Darling Interstellar Spaceport 
    A large interstellar spaceport that is able to support up to 10 ships at once.
  • Craigpool Military Spaceport
    A Sovereign Union military spaceport that is able to house up to 58 ships at once.
  • Hendo Observatory 
    A large observatory for astronomical studies.
  • Richardson Museum 
    A museum containing antiques, old fossils and portraits of the early Odin IV era.
Tildor Village (Fishing)
  • Loch Darling 
    A loch with the surface area of 20,500 sq mi.
Rylde Village (Fishing)
  • Fort Argava 
    A large metallic fortress built during the civil war, now act as the garrison for Odin IV and SU military.
Krogar Village (Fishing)
Uhlay Village (Farming)
  • Fort Akkin 
    A large metallic fortress built during the civil war, now act as the garrison for Odin IV and SU military.
Antiona Village (Farming)
Vankirk Village (Farming and border)
  • Eastern Rebel Bunker Line 
    A line of concrete fortress standing at 50 foot tall, 20 meters thick and 80 meters long. Used by the Eastern Rebellion during the civil wars to hold off any Royal troops from entering the Eastern Mountains. Now serves as a border defenses for the Odin IV and SU military.

Eastern Rebel Bunker

Fionn's Palm

Meltose Woods
Large forest covering 3/5 of the planet.
Loch Kilai 
A loch with the surface area of 22,100 sq mi.
Fionn's Garden

A huge botanical dome which houses exotic plants from Sol and Andromenda System.

North Winter Military Base

The largest Odin IV military installation that has a build in spaceport and factories.


On the orbit of the planet Odin IV, the Sovereign Union of Odin has installed numerous of their nationally manufactured missile satellites which has the ability to launch heavy warheads at any given coordinates. All ships except Sovereign Union Military are required to pass through the checkpoints for processing, if they're anywhere but in line, they will be fired at.

Minotaurus Orbital Defense Base 
A large and heavily reinforced Sovereign Union space station that houses interceptors and bombers for orbital defense. And have over 10 battleships docked on it.
Firearch Orbital Defense Base 
A large and heavily reinforced Sovereign Union space station that houses interceptors and bombers for orbital defense. And have over 10 battleships docked on it.
Lumborough Orbital Checkpoint 
A space checkpoint where ships that are coming in and out are required to go in for processing. Excluding military ships.
Xaenhol Orbital Checkpoint 
A space checkpoint where ships that are coming in and out are required to go in for processing. Excluding Military ships.
Turdonil Orbital Checkpoint 
A space checkpoint where ships that are coming in and out are required to go in for processing. Excluding Military ships.
McJadoah Solar Array Station 
A large space station that harvests the sun's energy to manufacture power cells.
Centron Solar Array Station 
A large space station that harvests the sun's energy to manufacture power cells.

Planetary Project

Sovereign Union Star Base Zertone

  • ~ Proposed by Doctor Jennifer Wilburn, an aerospace professor and economic analysts from the University of Darling, Darling City. This project aims at the construction and launching of Star Base Zertone to the orbit of planet Odin IV. The estimated completion and launch date for the Starbase would be at 2573 AD. The construction will be carried out by construction frigates and silicon-based lifeforms. The Highlanders defined starbase as a multi-purposed space hub that are heavily-armed and defended. It serves as both a repairing and docking station for both civilian or military class space vessels. The starbase would be divided into the following sectors:
  • Trading hubs and way-station for civilian vessels
  • Main naval defence garrison and secondary naval defence commands and coordination
  • Diplomatic hubs and service station
  • Media & entertainment broadcast station
  • Orbital satellite base
  • Asteroid Mining Operation
The estimated cost for the project including the indirect labours and resources totals up to 9.4billion credits. Funding of the projects comes mainly from the government's revenue and investment funds from private agricultural conglomerates on the planet.

Internal Factions

Sovereign Union ~ The royal and official members which rules over the planet. A government under the influence of Nanotrasen.

Eastern Republics ~ A large communist community formed by the Eastern populations which are opposed to the royal monarchy. Ever-since their defeat, many of their remnants were scattered and later on becomes bandit.

Melrose Druids ~ A small community of druids living in Fionn's Palm, they had been known to practice magics and possesses supernatural abilities, much akin to a Space Wizard.

Hassan Al'Itsah Movement ~ A small movement formed by citizens of Tajaran descendants peacefully demanding the constructions of Srandarr and Messa worshipping places.

Ravenclaw Bandits ~ Bandits lurking in the outlands, Fionn's Palm and sometimes even patrolling the orbit. Much akin to the Orion Blades

Foreign relations

  • Nanotrasen ~ Anonymous
  • Milky Way Federation ~ Neutral
  • Sirius Federation ~ Neutral

So you want to create an Odinian character?


Odinian are generally human and rarely xenos, and even if they're xenos they would be Tajarans and no other.


*~Odinians are very proud people, this is most likely because of their planetary timeline which makes up a good history.
*~They are extremely patriotic and loyal to their home and High King/Queen and if their homes or the royals were threatened by foreign forces (e.g Nanotrasen)they would fight the aggressors to their death. But this does not stop them from working with Nanotrasen or even serve with Nanotrasen armed force, but as stated, if their home's under danger even from the organisation they are working with, they will immediately switch side unless they work with the NTIA.
*~Odinians are introverted when they are around Non-Odinian individuals, it's hard for them to make new friends but surprisingly easy for them to make enemies.
*~Regardless of their background, and Odinian can be easily irritated if one were to talk bad about their home planet or ancestors and would normally burst into rage until the other side apologizes.
*~Odinians always speak in accent and Odinian slang e.g "Aye", "Nothin'", "Git oot!" and etc. ( Do Not confuse with Odinian dialect )
*~Odinians can easily get along well with a fellow Odinian.
*~Odinians are either an atheist, Christian, Nar-sie cultist or a follower of Kraedurism, unless you're a Tajaran in which case you could remain worshiping Mesa and that other sun.
*~Odinians only enjoy whiskey-based cocktails and drinks.
*~Odinians can be extremely loyal to their superiors, e.g HoS, CMO, QM and etc, even if they're not Odinian, but in the case of them talking trash about Odin or the Odinian's ancestors or even questioning the Odinian loyalty to Odin IV, the said Odinian would lose their loyalty to the said superior staff.
*~Despite having an accent, an Odinian would always speak clearly enough for a normal being to understand. (It means you better type properly, capitalize your first letter of a sentence or name and spell properly!)
*~Odinians are strongly against feminism, homophobia and racism.
*~Odinians security officer can be generally brutal when engaging but would remain highly disciplined.
*~Odinians scientists prefers plasma research as they enjoy playing with explosives. (Do not use this as an excuse to grief!)
*~Odinians doctors only knows field medicine, surgery, how to operate a sleeper or cryogenic chamber and nothing more. They lack knowledge about chemistry, genetics and virology. This is due to controlled education system on Odin IV.
*~Despite lack of educations, Odinians are known to be wise in many aspects and remain with rational mentality.