Marc de Soyes

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Marc de Soyes (born 1960) is the current Chancellor of the Realm.

Early life and education

He was born in Halvan as the eldest son of Pierre de Soyes and his wife, Émilie Dreux. His paternal grandfather was the late Ambassador Richard de Soyes, a close collaborator of King George III who died in his Solisbury posting on a terrorist attack to the Braslander embassy.

Marc was educated at the Institut St Alban and later went to the Pontifical University of Markund. After this, he served for two years in the Royal Army.

Business and political career

In the mid 1980s, he and Eugen von Prach founded the Spitzer Group, a fund of funds company, which was extremely successful. In 2002, Marc left the company to focus in his interest in public life. He became a vocal opponent to the administration of President Olav Palmerson. He served a period in prison for some months in 2007 due to his involvement in illegal activities (speaking at a public raid against the regime as well as distributing pamphlets calling for public manifestations against the government). By 2008, he was one of the leaders of the dissidency's public face, and positioned himself as a key figure.

After the restoration of the monarchy and the call for legislative elections, Marc was elected Member of Parliament and shortly after chosen as the leader of the Conservative Party. He also became Speaker of the House, which gave him great prominence.

In 2012 King George IV created the office of the Chancellor of the Realm, equivalent to the President or Prime Minister in other countries. As leader of the largest political party, Marc de Soyes was appointed and began his tenure that same year. In order to avoid conflicts of interest, he sold all his shares from the Spitzer Group and put them in a trust.

Personal life

In 1988 he married Countess Myriam de Sauvage-Leroy. They have four children: Blandine (born 1989), Georgine (born 1991), Richard (born 1994) and Flavia (born 1998).