Nation/Imperial Royal Union

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This page is a work in progress by its author(s) and should not be considered final.

Imperial Royal Union, officially the Second Atheistic Empire of the Imperial Royal Union of Imperialia, is an absolute monarchy comprising of territory within the Crown Federation of Recon, on mainland Imperialia and its surroundings islands. Imperial Royal Union also has several overseas territories, mainly protectorates, principalities and duchies under the protection of the nation.

Imperial Royal Union has a been a major power ever since the declaration of the First Empire of the Imperial Royal Union of Imperialia under Emperor Thales III, and even more so in the prominent wars of Emperor Thales XII and Emperor Thales XIII which saw the nation's massive and advanced armies conquer territories abroad which have been absorbed into the nation as its protectorates. Imperial Royal Union thus reached its golden age during the Industrial Revolution.


Imperialia is the true name of the nation, since the mainland where it was founded on was called Imperialia. However, due to the significant collection of protectorates and overseas territories added during the reign of the ruling House of Thales, the name Imperial Royal Union was used to signify the union of its colonial territories and the homeland, ruled under the power of the royalty, which till now, remains in the hands of the Thalean Monarchy.







