Nation/Imperial Royal Union

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Imperial Royal Union, officially the Second Atheistic Empire of the Imperial Royal Union of Imperialia, is an absolute monarchy comprising of territory within the Crown Federation of Recon, on mainland Imperialia and its surroundings islands. Imperial Royal Union also has several overseas territories, mainly protectorates, principalities and duchies under the protection of the nation.

Imperial Royal Union has a been a major power ever since the declaration of the First Empire of the Imperial Royal Union of Imperialia under Emperor Thales III, and even more so in the prominent wars of Emperor Thales XII and Emperor Thales XIII which saw the nation's massive and advanced armies conquer territories abroad which have been absorbed into the nation as its protectorates. Imperial Royal Union thus reached its golden age during the Industrial Revolution.


Imperialia is the true name of the nation, since the mainland where it was founded on was called Imperialia. However, due to the significant collection of protectorates and overseas territories added during the reign of the ruling House of Thales, the name Imperial Royal Union was used to signify the union of its colonial territories and the homeland, ruled under the power of the royalty, which till now, remains in the hands of the Thalean Monarchy.








Foreign Relations


Almost half of military doctrine, tactics and strategy origination from Europe in the early 18th Century. As a result, military tradition in Imperial Royal Union has its roots in Napoleonic warfare and to a certain extent highly unconventional amongst its enemies and therefore highly effective during that time. In the exact same fashion as Napoleon Bonaparte, the army has since been called La Grandé Armée, comprising of all ground troops in the nation.

The military is separated into four branches - La Grandé Armée, Greater Imperial Navy, Royal Air Arms and Greater Arms of Imperial Royal Union Strategic Command (GAIRUSC), all of which are integrated into the nation's defense system. The Greater Imperial Navy is the largest branch of all, comprising of one the largest regional fleets with aircraft carriers and even the obsolete battleship, while the Royal Air Arms is the smallest, yet the most technologically advanced branch due to the nation's investment into the aerospace industry. GAIRUSC was only formed after World War Two, in response to the development of nuclear weapons, as an effective control centre to direct the nation's ballistic missile defenses against incoming nuclear weapons.

The entire military, officially known as the Greater Arms of Imperial Royal Union, is directly managed by the Ministry of Aggression & Defense (MAD), which is directly controlled by the Emperor. Imperial Royal Union is recognised as a nuclear state, in which intelligence analysts from worldwide believe that the nation has about 300-600 operationally-ready nuclear warheads. Despite Imperial Royal Union's nuclear capability, nuclear testing had long ended in 1962, after 11 successful attempts and 3 failed attempts in the open sea, and the nation has never employed nuclear weapons in any of its wars. In practice, the position of the Chief Commander of the Department of WMDs is usually seen as an undesirable post for any Marshall in the military as it serves no practical use except for the caretaking of such weapons.

The majority of the weapons and armaments sector in Imperial Royal Union is closed to foreign exports, due to the superiority of most of its military hardware. The high operating costs also place a strain of the nation's military budget, although its serves as a highly effective deterrent against hostile nations. 90% of the nation's military designs are specifically targeted at eliminating American-made technology especially the F-22 Raptor and the M1A1 Abrams, since foreign relations with the United States have severely taken a turn for the worse since the new millenium started.

Every year a ceremonial parade consisting of marching regiments from the military and civilian services will take place on 2 December to commemorate the national day in Port Imperial.

Government Finance


