Queen Ludovika of Brasland

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Queen Ludovika of Brasland (born 1994), née Baroness von Uylenberg, is the wife of King George IV of Brasland.

She was born in Markund in 1994, as the eldest child of Baron Simeon von Uylenberg and Baroness Esther de Bonneseule. Esther is the granddaughter of Princess Ludovika of Brasland.

Ludovika grew up in Markund with her two younger brothers. She attended the prestigious International School of Markund, attended mostly by foreigners and children of diplomats. Her parents wanted their children to grow open to different influences, unlike the children of most of Braslander noblemen, who tend to grow up in very closed circles.

In 2002 Baron von Uylenberg died suddenly in strange circumstances. It is believed that he was poisoned, but an investigation has never been carried.

At the age of fifteen, Ludovika was moved to a Catholic boarding school in the countryside. She adapted quickly and became very active in sports and debate.

In 2011 she met King George IV, and they fell in love. In 2012, during the war with Daytanistan, Ludovika became pregnant, and the King decided to marry her. The ceremony took place later that same year.

As Queen consort, she has devoted most of her time to take care of her children, although in 2014 she has started to appear more in public, supporting causes such as education and microcredit.

Ludovika is known as a very practical and intelligent woman, with an acute political instinct. Although she is very charming and kind, some criticize her for not being very sensitive.