Nation/The Campbell Nation

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The Campbell Nation
Campbell Nation Flag
|125px|border|alt=|Flag of Nation/The Campbell Nation]]
MottoLong Live the Campbell Nation!
AnthemHymn of Neo Situationalism
CapitalSector 1, Campbell City
Largest city Sector 3, Campbell City
Official languages English, Campblish
Recognised national languages English, Spanish, German, Campblish
Demonym of the Campbell Nation (formal), Campblish (informal)
Government Parliamentary Democracy
 -  Chancellor of the Grand Senate of the Federation Chancellor Campbell II
 -  Total 2,397,016 km2
925,493 sq mi 
 -  Water (%) 8.3%
 -  2013 estimate 4,314,125,976
GDP (nominal) 2013 estimate
 -  Total IC 179 trillion
 -  Per capita IC 42,000
HDI 0.96
very high
Currency Imperial Credit
Time zone Central European Time (UTC+1)
Date format yyyy-mm-dd
Calling code 97
Internet TLD .cam / .cnt

The Most Just and Free Grand Holy Righteous Sovereign United People's Social Democratic Neo-Situationalist Federation of the Campbell Nation, often referred to as the Campbell Nation, is a soviergn state located in North-Eastern Europe. It's sole land border is shared with Radakaie to the southeast, while its territorial waters border with Campbelot and Nova Campbell to the south.

The Campbell Nation government is that of the federation, with its Capitol in Campbell City. The Campbell Nation is the homeland of the Campbell Nation Federation, which also includes the nations of Radakaie, Campbelot, and Nova Campbell, all of which have devolved governments with varying powers. The territory of Zombie Processing Center is also a member of the federation, but does not have a full devolved administration. All members of the federation are automatically member states of the Allied States of the Campbell Nation. The Campbell Nation has been a permanent member of the Allied States since its founding as an international organization, and is responsible for most activities of the regional government. The Campbell Nation and the federation are also members of the Interregional Zombie Research Foundation (IZRF), the Zombie Defense Coalition (ZDC), and the Versutian Federation (VF).

Economically, the Campbell Nation enjoys a relatively stable and highly regulated economy focused around information technology, pharmaceuticals, and heavy industry. Due to the country's self-imposed economic isolationism, nearly 90% of all goods produced in the Campbell Nation are used within the federation or the region.

Etymology and Terminology

The 1697 Constitution of the Confederation of Campbells established "a land made up of the people of relation to the Clan Campbell of the scots, and of the descendants and friends of the peoples of the banner of Campbell." The confederation, which was largely a group of city states, was not given an official name. In the 1736 Imperial Constitution, the name "Kingdom of the Campbells" was coined. With the rise of the nation-state, in the 1700-1800s, the name "Nation of Campbells" became more popular, and in 1853, the modern name "the Campbell Nation" was used for the first time in official documents.



The origins of the Campbell Nation can be traced back to early settlers from Scotland, fleeing from wars, feuds and religious persecution. The majority of these settlers were either outcasts in their homeland seeking to establish a new life far away from prosecution, or prospectors seeking new and rich lands to claim. The largest waves of emigration to the Campbell Nation were during the Second English Civil War. After a string of humiliating defeats fighting alongside Royalist forces and the destruction of their ancestral home, the Clan Campbell was forced into exile by the new parliamentarian government. While some members chose to leave for the European mainland, many moved to Scottish settlements in Scandinavia, present day Campbell Nation.

Confederation of 1697

In 1697 in what would eventually become known as Campbell City, a group of leaders from the clans of Scottish immigrants met at a small public house and drew up the a constitution "to unite the scots of this land under one common banner." After much dispute between rival clans over which name and symbols would be used, Sir John Campbell led the militia to occupy the assembly. After this demonstration of force, the assembly was quick to adopt the Clan Campbell's name and symbolism for the confederation.

First Imperial Era

The Confederation of Campbells quickly dissolved into regional feuds, with powerful lords vying for control of sparse resources. From 1700-1730s, a rough feudal system evolved with powerful lords leading manors and city states to compete for control of farmland and trade routes. In March of 1736, another assembly met in Campbell City, hoping to solve the problems of famine and corruption. Accounts differ on whether or not force was used, but by the time the assembly disbanded in June, then-army commander John Campbell III was named Lord-Protector of the newly formed Imperial Confederacy, and granted absolute power in a five sentence long constitution written by the assembly. In 1738, to consolidate noble power, Lord Campbell III decreed that one man from all land-owning noble families must be sent to the Royal Military Academy to serve in the Imperial Legion. A short-lived revolt by several noble families who did not hold blood ties to Clan Campbell was crushed by the militia,which was largely made up of peasants, and so was called the "Farmers' Militia." Lord Campbell III founded the Imperial Science Academy in 1742, and opened the first public hospitals in Campbell City. He died from pneumonia in 1747 while visiting a noble estate, setting off a succession struggle. He is widely considered to be the founder of the modern Campbell Nation.

First Parliamentarian Era

Great Revolt

In 1793 with the ideals of revolution spreading throughout the globe, reformers began to demand that the monarchy play a more limited role in government. The Night of the Masked Swordsmen saw a failed assassination attempt against Lord James II, and several hundred political activists rounded up by police in retaliation. A mass public execution was staged to be carried out on November 16th, with 116 prisoners in the public square of Campbell City, including 23 women and three children, were to be executed by guillotine. A mob formed in the square, with protesters shouting to the executioner, making appeals and threats for him to refuse his orders. Seconds after the first prisoner was executed, the executioner was shot by an armed protester, inciting a riot. The city was placed under curfew, inciting further rebellion. On May 14th, troops ordered to fire on protesters defected, and the commander of the city garrison was stoned to death. Amid widespread rebellion and defection, James II abdicated. His son, James III was forced to sign a declaration making sweeping changes to the old five sentence constitution, including the creation of a parliament, which would have full power of legislation.

Million Man War

Almost immediately after his son signed the document, James II fled to Scotland. He wrote in local newspapers about the new constitution, which was a disgrace to Scots everywhere. He alleged that the revolutionaries had brutally murdered any man, woman, or child who flew the banner of their clan, and had forced his son to sign the country over to a mob of foreign invaders. Although the British government did not act against another parliamentary democracy, hundreds of experienced veterans agreed to fight alongside James II to take back his kingdom, in exchange for land grants and slave labor. The first three years of the war were disasterous for the new democracy, which was exhausted from fighting during the revolution. Campbell City was taken in a matter of hours from landing. Although it was in no position to enforce it, the rump-government issued universal conscription for all males aged 15-18. Despite having nearly no authority, hundreds of men stepped up to fight. The army quickly swelled in number (although it did not, despite the name, achieve a force of one million men) The army had lost most of its weapons and supplies at the battle for Campbell City, so weapons were only distributed to every fifth man. Conscripts used kitchen knives or sticks to arm themselves. Before dawn on August 3rd, a surprise attack was launched on Campbell City. A soldier would later describe it in his memoirs "It was like a flood of human bodies, sweeping death into the faces of the invaders, with no gap in the breaker." The victory proved to be a turning point, as shortly after winter set in, the mercenaries led by James II began to succumb to starvation. James II was eventually killed by a revolutionary scout, who shot him in the throat. The Counterrevolutionaries quickly disbanded.


After its success in the Million Man War, the Campbell Nation revised the legal code to include permanent conscription. The conscripts were rarely used for actual fighting, a job reserved for veteran Legionairres, and were instead used as a massive labor force for reconstruction and public works. Public infrastructure quickly advanced to become one of the greatest in the region, and the economy slowly adapted to serve a permanent state of war. The contributions of the militia to infrastructure and quality of life became largely greater than its contribution to war.

Industrial Revolution

Despite its climate and for the large part lack of natural resources, the Campbell Nation became one of the first powers to industrialize. This is attributed partly towards the aforementioned government labor force which was used to help boost productivity, but largely from a mindset that the lack of natural resources meant that the needed to be used more efficiently. The Imperial Science Academy, which had been responsible for many technological advancements, was integrated into the Ministry of Production, with the goal of doubling domestic production by 1870. The government also participated in numerous industrial espionage programs and stole many of the early industrial designs from Great Britain and the United States, and encouraged domestic manufacturers to copy and improve upon these designs. In many cases the government would turn a blind eye and deny any patent infringement from other countries, and in one case actually sued another company for infringing on designs they had invented. These measures were largely protested by newspapers, which eventually sparked a wave of reform, but not until after the Campbell Nation had ascended to become a major industrial power.

Second Imperial Era

In the early to mid 1900s, a wave of nationalism spread throughout the Campbell Nation. In 1913, the National Unity Party won a majority of seats in parliament. The party had promised to put an end to the "soft" diplomatic policy of previous administrations and "make our country something to be proud of, so that even those who hate us will aspire to be like us." In 1915, the new government passed an emergency powers act, giving the head of the party, Chancellor Roger Campbell (whose relation to the original Clan Campbell is disputed), full power to rule by decree. In 1917, Chancellor Campbell declared himself emperor of the Campbell Nation, proclaiming a new Imperial Age.

Conquest of nearby territories

The National Militia was reworked into the Imperial Army, which began a rapid program of rearmament. Under the guise of stopping illegal immigration, a massive series of forts was constructed along the Campbell Nation-Radakaie border. In March 1918, the Imperial Government annexed most of Radakaie, and a few nearby kingdoms, setting up a puppet administration. Radakaie resistance was crushed swiftly and decisively at the Battle of New Thomas. In addition to annexing Radakaie and a portion of Northern Europe, the Imperial Government blatantly conquered Iceland, naming it Nova Campbell, and a series of nearby islands, launching a long series of wars. At home and in the occupied territories, a campaign to "cleanse the gene pool" began, with nearly 500,000 being sent to concentration camps. A brutal crackdown on political dissent began and all news stations were nationalized by the Ministry of Propaganda.

Civil War

A dispute between party leaders over whether the official ruling ideology should lean towards fascism or socialism quickly descended into bloodshed. On December 8th, 1934, roughly 1000 pro-fascist protesters were gunned down by Imperial Army forces. On November 3rd, 1936, Emperor Campbell declared a state of emergency and instituted curfews nationwide. News of defeats and disease outbreaks triggered soaring prices and sparked more demonstrations. Protests against food prices quickly deteriorated into open violence between right and left wing factions. In a desperate attempt to unify the country, on February 18th 1941, Emperor Campbell proclaimed a "fascist empire" and launched a campaign against communist insurgents. Many former party members and army commanders fled the country. For a brief period, a series of military victories produced a period of relative stability for economic and social conditions. However, in April of 1954, a sudden stock market crash triggered riots. Emperor Campbell resigned from office on September 3rd, 1955.

Post-Imperial and Federation Era

The new constitution established the Campbell Nation as a federal democracy and ensured the rights to free speech and equal representation. The new constitution also meant to safeguard against future dictators by spelling out precisely how and when emergency powers could be granted. After the citizens of the occupied territories were granted the freedoms they had fought for, they were relatively content to remain a part of the Campbell Nation. During the 1960s a wave of nationalist movements brought Radakaie and the newly formed nations of Campbelot and Nova Campbell were granted independence. In the 1980s amid a boom of demographic and economic growth, the government of Campbelot applied to join the Campbell Nation as a semi-autonomous territory. In response to this, the Campbell Nation Government founded the Campbell Nation Federation, under which member states have devolved administrations operating under the governance of the Campbell Nation. Since its establishment, the Federation has grown to include Radakaie and Nova Campbell.


The Campbell Nation is located in the northernmost portion of continental Europe, containing within it the entirety of the region of Scandinavia and a small portion of European Russia and Northeastern Europe. The Campbell Nation comprises roughly one third of the total land area of the Campbell Nation Federation and contains the largest amount of territorial water both as a percentage and total of and federation territory. Notable are the glaciers and and mountains that cover a large part of the inner country and make it extremely hostile to life. The southern portion of the country contains many lakes and moraines left over from the last ice age. The coasts are dotted with many tiny archipelagos with more. Than 75,000 islands extending the national borders.


The climate of the Campbell Nation is relatively mild compared to other countries at the same latitude, mainly due to the effect of the North Atlantic Current. The May average for Campbell City is aproximately 16°C, aproximately 20°C warmer than other costal cities at the same latitude in other countries. The southern and western parts of the Campbell Nation experience substantially more rainfall with other areas being rain shadow deserts. The lowlands in the Capititol Province have the warmest and sunniest summers but also cold weather and lots of snow in wintertime (especially further inland).

Light and Timezone

Areas of the Campbell Nation north of the arctic circle experience midnight sun in the summer, and corresponding winter darkness. Although continuos sunlight and darkness are confined to the northern parts of the country, given the country's location, even the southern provinces experience large variations in sunlight hours. In the Capitol Province the sun rises at 03:54 and sets 22:54 at summer solstice, but is only above the horizon from 09:18 - 15:12 at winter solstice. The northern half of the country is inside the Aurora Borealis Zone, and is the only territory inside the federation to be located there. The entire country is sometimes subject to Aurora Borealis, making it a popular tourist attraction. For all official purposes the Campbell Nation observes Central European Time, in accordance with its 15°E longitude. In practice, because of the country's elongated shape, and the wide variations between sunlight hours, Central European Time is only used in the Capitol Province, where it is referred to as Campbell Nation Standard Time (CNST). Other provinces are then given times to use depending on their sunlight hours (on the solstice) relative to the Capitol (i.e. CNST+59 minutes).


Human settlement is focused almost entirely on a handful of major cities in the Campbell Nation. As a result, though most of the enviroment is unkept and not always safe for tourists, it is almost entirely untouched. Multiple environmental activist groups have criticized the government for taking a "progress at all costs" stance when it comes to industry, in particular mining.