Mazna Arnora

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Mazna Arnora (Alaizian, "great king") is a title given to the kings of Alaizia. The Mazna Arnora is the supreme leader of the Kingdom of Alaizia, who may be either male or female. The Mazna Arnora resides in the Supreme Palace, located in the capital city, Echelon. The title was founded after the end of the Great Revolution and the establishment of monarchy by Azalon I.

The current Mazna Arnora is Azalon I.


After the end of the Great Revolution and the end of the theocratic rule of the Council, the people of Alaizia were already faithfully following their revolutionary leader, Azalon. However, they were also puzzled as to what would happen next. The country was in disorder and needed a new kind of rule. It was at this time that Azalon decided that he would take the responsibility of re-organising the state and bring an end to the chaos that existed. Thus, he announced the creation of an absolute monarchy with him as the single supreme ruler. The people rejoiced. So, in the 1st of July 2015, Azalon Zortazia was crowned Azalon I, Mazna Arnora of Alaizia.


The position of Mazna Arnora is hereditary, traditionally passed from parent to eldest child when the reigning Mazna Arnora dies or steps down. In order to prevent wars of succession between rival siblings, many Mazna Arnora designated their first born as Crown Prince or Princess while living, thus confirming their choice of successor. However, in the case that there are several claimants to the throne and no way to negotiate or mediate anymore, it is ordered by Azalon that the claimants are to fight a Blurn Sakkai (eng. Blood Fight) for the throne. The winner will be crowned official Mazna Arnora and the loser has to step down.


The Royal Family includes its head, the Mazna Arnora; a spouse, if present; and their children. The children of the Mazna Arnora are referred to as 'Prince' or 'Princess', as is anyone married to the Mazna Arnora's children.

Known Mazna Arnoras

Azalon I


The Mazna Arnora's most common set of clothing are robes. These robes contain multiple shades of red and black, as well as a ornate gold trimmings and are supposed to be worn in conjunction with the Mazna Arnora's crown.