Heir to the Mazna Arnora

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Heir to the Mazna Arnora, also known as the Crown Prince or Crown Princess is the title normally given to the eldest eligible son or daughter of the Mazna Arnora and is used to refer to the person who is next in line to the Alaizian throne.

The current Crown Prince is Zirkon.


In the Kingdom of Alaizia, primogeniture, the right of a firstborn to inherit a position, usually determines the appointment of the crown prince or princess. However, the eldest is not necessarily the heir apparent; the title may be conferred and removed according to the reigning Mazna Arnora's wishes. One way for a royal to reclaim his or her lost birthright is to challenge the current heir to single combat or Blurn Sakkai (eng. "Blood Fight"). The first Heir to the Mazna Arnora since the establishment of monarchy in Alaizia is Zirkon.

Distinguishing features

The Mazna Arnora's heir, along with all other members of the Royal Family, has a number of distinctive trappings that distinguishes them. The heir wears a smaller and less ornate version of the Pheonix Crown worn by the Mazna Arnora. The heir is dressed in formal robes and outfits while in certain areas of the palace. They are a deep, blood red, and are trimmed with gold along the sleeves and collars. These robes differ from the ones worn by the other princes and princesses of the Royal Family in their more lavish and rich design.

For matters involving the Mazna Arnora such as war meetings and audiences, heirs wear a formal military uniform. This uniform is black and deep red, with gold trimmings. The heir is expected to wear his or hers crown respectively while they wear this uniform.

Life and duties

Due to the Kingdom of Alaizia's warrior culture and praise to bravery, potential rulers are expected to "prove their worth" before taking the throne. From young ages, heirs and potential heirs are trained extensively in combat and academics. They are educated extensively on the history of the Kingdom of Alaizia, from subjects ranging from the lives of past Mazna Arnoras to the strategies and techniques used by past Generals to defeat districts from other nations. Those who do well are more inclined to become the Mazna Arnora in the future. Royal family members undergo a number of tests throughout their lives to determine their value to the Kingdom of Alaizia. The heir to the Kingdom of Alaizia's throne also share the duty of commanding or overseeing their nation's forces overseas when deemed necessary and also take an active role in political decisions. They can command Alaizian troops when it serves their purpose as well. Such involvement in politics and wartime exposes potential heirs to the political structure and functions of the Kingdom of Alaizia, and thus gives them insight into their own future policies should they inherit the throne.

List of Heirs

Zirkon (2015 -)