Green Zone

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Executive Plaza's neon lights glow over Paradise City's Green Zone.

The Green Zone is an area in central Paradise City containing key Kennyite government buildings and some national embassies. Because Omigodtheykilledkenny currently allocates zero funds for an administrative budget, the country is able to house all its federal offices in one heavily fortified complex, containing several skyscrapers, Executive Plaza at 10 Frowning Street, and a massive Capitol building nicknamed "the Snakepit." The government's former digs at Thor Plaza were heroically burned to the ground by terror-arsonists in 2000.

Much of the zone is situated at or around the intersection of Frowning Street and Van Diesel Road, with most government buildings bearing a Frowning Street address. These include 10 Frowning Street, the world-famous address for Executive Plaza and a metonym used to describe the institution of the Kennyite presidency. The 30-story skyscraper comprises office suites for the president's considerable personal and professional staff, museums, libraries, gift shops, staterooms, the Cabinet Room, the Situation Room, secure below-ground bunkers, the Executive Office of the President, and the president's roof-level private residence/Karmicarian embassy. The highrise building, the roof of which glows neon-green at night, is across the street from the Capitol Dome, and surrounded on three sides by various other buildings housing government departments and agencies.

Nextdoor to Executive Plaza if the Jackson Office Building, where the offices for the State, Treasury and Justice departments are located; on the other side is City Place, housing the offices for the Interior, Commerce and Welfare departments. Behind these buildings sit the separate headquarters for SVS, the central intelligence agency; various slums and crackhouses (one of which was a proposed alternate site for UN Headquarters); and the Department of Mysteries, created in 2003 so the relentless conspiracy-mongers would finally shut the hell up. Its primary function is wasting tax dollars on investigating UFOs (most of which turn out to be Yeldan spacecraft) and other reports of paranormal phenomena.