Upstart Class Destroyer

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Following the disintegration of the Kistani Empire, what was left of the country approached the United Federation of Prizyetsa to construct revamp it's navy and bring it up to date. In turn, the Federation pointed the new government to Sverd Industries, the provider of much of Prizyetsa's military hardware and arguably the best shipbuilders in the region, to design and build the Kistani Navy's new class of frigates, the Upstart class.

The Upstart class, designated Proyekt-3330 by Sverd Industries needed to fill two main roles, namely picket duty and fleet air defense. Additionally, the Upstart class is also tasked with deploying mines for coastal defense and area denial. Because of the need to fill these multiple roles, Sverd Industries decided that a modular approach would be best, allowing developers to keep it's size and unit cost down. To further save costs, the class would be built using lessons learned from the Prizyetsi M Class Frigate (Prizyetsa).




Armaments & Capabilities

Offensive Armaments

Defensive Capabilities

Sensor Suite


Operational Use