Personal Defense Force Climate & Geography

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The nation of PDF is formed from three small cracks in the tectonic plate that flooded a relatively high level plane with lava flows, and over time formed both the flat plane the nation is located on, and the mountain range that cuts the island in half. Although a majority of the volcanoes are now dormant or tapped so they slowly seep lava in controlled flows, the island is still growing as soil is deposited on the outer edges of the island, gaining several millimeters a year.


The nation is separated into 9 separate regions, each on focused a different part of the national economy.

Kapitol district:

Head city: Peacekeeper (National Capital) The Kapitol district is home to the national capital as well as the offices of nearly all of the private industries on the island. Sprawling skyscrapers colored a deep rich ebony color blanket the district and deep underground suburbs and offices make up the city. Designed as a fortress in times of war, a mandatory Carbon Nanotube construction and reconstruction of a majority of the facilities and a maze-like construction is designed to disorient and confuse enemy infiltrators and prevent tactical weapons from harming civilian structures. Primary Economic functions: Housing, offices, Insurance, retail, Information Technologies, mining industries

Anfuhr District:

Head City: None The Anfuhr district is primarily a warehouse sector, with thousands of interconnected systems transporting goods to the proper locations before being shipped out. This district controls both of the cargo bridges going into PDF, as well as controls the commercial import/export taxes, and regulates the materials going into and out of the country as par the PDF district of commerce. Primary Economic Functions: Housing, Warehouses, Import/Export control, Mining industries

militärische Hafen District:

Head City: Port Mcevintine The Militarische Hafen district is the super massive dry dock and ship construction port that is part of the military construction zone. Co-located in the main city is the Naval Command Center, as well as the Naval Research & Prototype center. All major production of ships and naval munitions also occurs in this district, as its dry dock is located alongside a major military port. Primary economic functions: Military Shipbuilding, Naval Guns, Munitions production, Naval Research.

Publik Hafen District:

Head City: Port Pentraviches The Publik Hafen district is the primary civilian shipbuilding and fishing industries center, as well as home to the major refining and fuel industries. One of the largest shipbuilding centers in the region is located in this region, and to this very day it produces the finest ships, and nearly the entire nations supply of Hydrogen Fuel. Mineral and chemical refining is also done in this region, and high restrictions are placed on pollution and waste. Primary economic functions: Civilian Shipbuilding, Fisheries, Mineral Refining, Mining, Chemical Refining, civilian research district

vojenský district:

Head City: Petrovich Composed entirely out of the housing, maintenance, and production facilities the PDF's military needs, the Vojensky district is the true heart of the countries force projection. With the militaries research divisions also co-located here, and the primary military storage facilities also located here, it is as heavily defended as it is populated. Primary Economic Functions: Military housing, maintenance, and production facilities.

Kohlenstoff district:

Head City: Tgenev The heartland of the carbon nanotube and advanced material production in PDF is in the Kohlenstoff district at the northwest edge of the island, where automated facilities work day and night to produce the finest materials in the world for both construction and research. While the production methods are unknown, it is known that on a cost per gram bases, the PDF's industries are the leaders in the world. Primary Economic Functions: Advanced Material Production

Ackerbau district:

Head City: Landwirtschaft With industry being the PDF's primary economic for profit industry, the agriculture center of the nation is often neglected. Contrary to most nations, with lush fields and fertile soil the PDF's agricultural sector booms in productivity and relishes in the glory of self sustainability. High greenhouse skyscrapers are complimented by far spreading fields that are carefully tended by farmers to produce the best the land can offer. Without very many native insect populations, and a majority of crop diseases wiped out, the PDF's crops flourish. Located here are also the nations Genetic research stations, each striving for a variety of purposes. Primary Economic Functions: Agriculture related industries

Places of Interest


