Media of Diadochia

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Media of Diadochia consist of several different types of media: television, radio, cinema, newspapers, magazines, and Internet-based Web sites. Diadochia has a strong music industry. Much of the media is however controlled by huge media conglomerates that are some of the leading mass media players in Pandos.



In Diadochia various newspapers are printed all over the country, has they have been for centuries. The most popular newspapers are, the Olympias Times, and the Atlantis Times. In Diadochia various tabloid papers, like The Diadochian Sun, The Banner, and Daily Private Lives are also widely popular,


A large range of magazines are sold in Diadochia covering every interest and potential topic under the sun. Diadochia has a large magazine industry with hundreds of magazines, many have achieved worldwide circulation, they include Ándras Politismós, Pagonis, Anthropos, Kósmos magazine, Bersimas Business Review, Kýrios magazine. Besides these mainstream magazines various pornographic magazines are produced as well, including the world known Gennaíos Ándras, as well as its chief rivals katafertzís



Diadochia's radio stations are dominated by three main bands: EERE Radio, ARS Radio, and DRE Radio, all of them are owned by three of the four major broadcasters in Diadochia. Some stations are only talk radio – featuring interviews and discussions – while music radio stations broadcast one particular type of music.


{{main|Television in Diadochia}

Ninety-nine percent of Diadochian households have at least one television and the majority of households have more than one. The four major broadcasters in Diadochia. are the [[Elláda National Broadcasting Company] (Greek: Elli̱nikí̱ Ethnikí̱ Radiofo̱nikí̱ Etairía or EERE), Attica Broadcasting System (Greek: Attikí̱ Radiofo̱nikó Sýsti̱ma or ARS), the Diadochian Broadcasting Company (Greek: Diádochoi Radiofo̱nikó Etaireía or DRE) and Apollo.

Motion pictures

The motion picture industry in Diadochia rose rapidly in the last century and has become very successful and powerful. The cinema industry of Diadochia is dominated by the big six film studios of Diadochia, they are Zorbas Bros., Panos Vithos Pictures (owned by The Panos Vithos Company), Ouranos Pictures, Spyridis Pictures, Apollo Pictures, and Olympus Pictures. The combined big six, as they are commonly called, control 16.3%, 15.7%, 14.7%, 17.9%, 11.4%, and 9.3% respectively; a combined 85.3% of the market share of the industry.

Many of the Diadochian films produced each year are made at Psychiko, a suburb of Athenais. The town is often called the "Diadochian Hollywood".
