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Imperial State of Viridisolum
Flag of Viridisolum
Motto"Benedicite Deum Viridis et Terra Bona"(Latin)
"God Bless Our Green and Prosperous Land!"(English)
Anthem"Green And Prosperous" and "God Save Our Sovereign"
CapitalImperial Henstrakon
Largest largest city Sonte Merdayao
Official languages English, Jiskadaryan, Phashasti, Undistan, German, French
Ethnic groups (2013) 58.4% Curentean
21.5% North Cetlasi
20.1% Other
Demonym Viridisian
Government Confederate Constitutional Monarchy
 -  Emperor Edric Skaran III
 -  Grand Secretary Han Tershan Ralmur
 -  Prime Minister Xerxia Mari Talashya Medor
Legislature Confederate Assembly
Independence: Establishment from the Valaran Empire
 -  Imperial Proclamation of 1933 January 12, 1933 
 -  Imperial Proclamation of 1969 December 17, 1969 
 -  The Viridisolum Legislation Act February 25, 1999 
 -  Total 2,686,301 km2
1,037,186 sq mi 
 -  Water (%) 33.8%
 -  2014 estimate 533,106,285
 -  Density 198.45/km2
76.62/sq mi
GDP (nominal) estimate
 -  Total CID$21 trillion
Currency Cetlasi Dollar (CDI)
Time zone Northern Cetlaso Standard Time (UTC-8)
Date format dd/mm/yyyy (AD)
Drives on the right
Calling code +696
ISO 3166 code VRI
Internet TLD .viri

The Imperial State of Viridisolum or simply the State of Viridisolum, commonly called Viridisolum, is a confederate constitutional monarchy in Atlas and the main constituent country of the North Cetlasi Federation. It is bounded on the north, the east and on the west by the Venlet Ocean. It is bordered on the southeast by Adampia and The Milvian States on the southwest. It covers 6,878,385 square kilometres and has an estimated population of 533,106,285. The Nation comprises of five national subdivisions and an overseas region.

Viridisian lands of Northern Cetlaso were only inhabited by various aboriginal peoples. In the 15th century, Valaran, Hayabusan, Estenian, and Carsodonian colonies and trading posts were established along the Eastern Cetlaso mainland's coast until it reached as far as south of what is now South Viridisolum.

Settlements were also established in the outlying islands where most of the aboriginal peoples lived. Several conflicts with the aborigines and other colonizing countries caused to hinder Curentean colonization of the Cetlaso Continent and ended in the beginning of the 16th century.

The Valaran Empire sent delegations to the First Viridisian Nations and gathered allegiances from each First Nation to be protected diplomatically and militarily by Valaran in return. The First Nations effectively became Valaran protectorates.

The Imperial Proclamation of 1933 laid the foundations of Viridisolum as a nation after it granted the Valaran settlements in Northern Cetlaso self-governance. Valaran protectorates became independent by the 1950s whilst retaining allegiances to the Valaran monarchy and formed the North Cetlasi Federation in 1952 and was joined by Viridisolum in 1957 as a country in technicality.

The Valaran Imperial Conference of 1953 granted the status of "free imperial state" unto the Valaran settlements and renamed them "Viridisolum." In the Imperial Proclamation of 1969, the Valaran Empire gave Viridisolum full independence in most matters. Viridisolum Legislation Act eliminated remnants of dependence on the Valaran government and parliament.

Colonies of other past and surviving Atlasian empires still remain and exists as the remainder of Curentean colonization of Northern Cetlaso.

The Colonial City of Vonley (Hayabusa), a model state for multiculturalism, Atlasian modern society and technology; the Overseas Region of Presevaç (Estenia), one of Northern Cetlaso's centres for tourism, culture and finance and the window of Atlas to the past; the Carsodonian Colony of New Carsodonia, home to known fashion and confectionery industries in Atlas and of Northern Cetlaso's biodiverse ecosystems; and the Chilokverian City of Yanu, Atlas' first multicultural society and pinnacle of regional spirituality. It has one of the oldest wonders of ancient civilization in the Region such as the Most Grand and Most High Temple of Weronalo and the Royal Palaces of the First Nations' Five Kings.

Viridisolum is a developed country and one of the richest countries in Atlas, with a 14 trillion-dollar GDP. It ranks among the Region's highest government transparency, education, quality of life, urbanization and industrialization. The country's economy is dominated by raw agricultural commodity exports such as fish, corn, banana, papaya, coffee, and pineapple. The mining sector alone once enriched the Nation with exports of coal, gold, iron, salt and bauxite between the 18th and 19th centuries. Viridisolum is a member of the Commonwealth Union of Allied and Associated States


The Nation's name was created by Valaran Explorer Andulur Helar derived from the Latin words "Viridis" and "Solum" after discovering the North Eastern Cetlaso mainland and its outlying islands in 1584 when he proclaimed his discovery by shouting "Viridis'solum, in the name of His Imperial Majesty Emperor Vilfred II". Viridis in English is Green while Solum refers to a land or a country. Abemel Grosk, Valaran Statesman and first high governor of the Valaran settlements in Northern Cetlaso created the name "Viridisia" and chose it as the Settlements legal name instead as the land was much greener than of soil.

The Valaran settlements in Northern Cetlaso were granted the title of "His Imperial Majesty's Province" and henceforth was known as "His Imperial Majesty's Provinces of Viridisia" from 1701 until the Imperial Conference of 1953 convened to give the status of free imperial state to the Settlements and the name "Viridisolum." It was then known as the "Free Imperial State of Viridisolum."

In the Viridisian Legislation Act 15 of 1999 or Viridisolum Legislation Act, as Viridisolum asserted political autonomy from the Valaran Empire, the Nation renamed itself "Imperial State of Viridisolum" to further eliminate colonial legacies, rejuvenate Viridisian patriotism, and to recreate the Nation's identity. The National Holiday "Empire Day" was subsequently renamed "Viridisians' Day."

People, Institutions, Functions, Exports, Organizations, Vehicles, Other Living Organisms, etc. of and from Viridisolum is officially called "Viridisian."


Aboriginal Peoples

Archaeological and genetic analysis have indicated human presence in West Viridisolum from 52,300 BC. These humans came from Central Cetlaso who came up to Northern Cetlaso where they settled. There are 43 Paleo-aboriginal sites, notably the Greskoa Lowlands, Krontel Hills, Cajeri Riverside, Cajeri Rivermouth, and Jeskan Yores, five of the oldest sites human habitation.

The Viridisian Aborigines were scattered across Nothern Cetlaso in settlements with varying methods on livelihood, complex social hierarchies, spiritual beliefs, and trade. Some of these cultures collapsed when settlers from the Valaran Empire, the Great Kingdom of Hayabusa and Artalia, the Tsardom of Estenia, and the Empire of Carsodonia and other settlers of different countries arrived in the 16th and 17th centuries.

Interaction with Valaran and other foreign settlers contributed to the dying Viridisian aboriginal culture, particularly in livelihood, spirituality, and trade. The Imperial Proclamation of 1908 proclaimed the Viridisian aborigines as "wards of the Imperial Crown" to protect their existence from Viridisian and foreign settlers and promote co-existence with them and the settlers.

Aboriginal Paganism slowly disappeared after Christianity was introduced to the Aborigines however His Imperial Majesty's Viridisian Commission on Cetlasi Aborigines recently reported that paganism is still being followed by isolated aboriginal settlements.

The Viridisian aboriginal population around the time when Valaran settlers arrived in the mid-16th century was said to be between 600,000 and 8 million. HIMCVA determined in October 11, 2001 with a team of archaeologists and genealogists from Viridisolum that the accurate number is around 400,000-500,000. Infectious diseases brought by Valaran and other foreign settlers such as infectious diseases such as influenza, measles, and smallpox--to which the Viridisian Aborigines have no natural immunity--resulted into massive outbreaks killing thirty to fifty percent of the aboriginal population since it was unknown to the Viridisian aborigines.

Aborigines in present day Viridisolum include the Jeska, the Phasha, the Enine, the Casurtin, the Lija, the Karyi, the Polrer, the Ikej, the Yinopolk, Retiyuia, and the Zeosto. The Polrers and the Zeostos are mixed-bloods. They have originated from the 18th century after original aborigines sexually interacted and married Valaran and other settlers.

In the 19th century, Viridisian Aborigines began migrating into Valaran settlements and opening their settlements to foreigners. Many of the Viridisian aboriginal settlements flourished and some failed to survive and were abandoned causing hysteria to many aborigines of taking part of the world in those days of yore. The First Viridisian Nations, aborigines who migrated further north into the outlying islands of Viridisolum, allowed foreigners to enter their lands and settlements.

The foreigners educated people of the First Nations until they have learned and accepted new methods of livelihood and the benefits of technology. Local and foreign businesses were set up and national electrification was commenced in the late 19th century and by the end of the century the First Nations was among the most urbanized and industrialized countries of Atlas than all the Valaran colonies combined in Cetlaso. These countries in the outlying islands today are the United Republic of Phashast and Undistan, the Crowned Republic of Enin, the Northern Cetlasi Republic of Casurt, the Cetlasi State of Liaj, the Free Land of Kari, Sovereign NCF Province of New Viridisia, and the Mercantile Principality of Jiskadarya. All are members of the North Cetlasi Federation.

Curentean Colonization of Northern Cetlaso

Viridisolum was discovered in 1584 by Andulur Helar, a Valaran seafarer and explorer, after spotting the coast of Northeastern Cetlasi a year later after he discovered the Seven Islands of North Cetlaso where he met the First Cetlasi or Viridisian Nations. He planted the Imperial Banner of Valaran in the Cajeri River twelve days before Christmas and named the land "Halygenreland" (Valaran for Saintsland) where the present-day City of Furiste is. In 1585 Helar returns and plants a Nordic cross bearing the words "May God Bring His Glory to Valaran" before taking possession of Halygenreland in the name of Emperor Vilfred II and establishing four trading settlements.

In 1589 Lord Dankeiran sent a group of 135 men, women, and children to Halygenreland and the four trading settlements united into the North Cetlasi Valaran colony of Furiste. From 1590-1601 Dankeiran established the colonies of Port Imperial, Erest, Wereka, Ishter, and Ajkanit. The Valaran colonies of North Cetlaso were once again united under the 131st Decree of Emperor Magnus IX in 1668 into one colonial state and was given the name "Viridisia" by Valaran Statesman Abemel Grosk, the 1st High Governor of Viridisia.

In the 1620s and the 1640s Curentean colonial powers such as Hayabusa, Estenia, Carsodonia, and the Empire of Chaeyoung established trading posts following the successes of Valaran colonization in North Cetlaso. Most of these trading posts however were either destroyed or taken by Valaran in effort of eliminating colonial competition and securing dominance in North Cetlaso. The Hayabusans however successfully establishes the Colony of Vonley in 1650 out of the remaining five tradings posts in North Cetlaso after series of Valaran raids.

The Fur Wars began in the 17th century when Valaran, Hayabusan, Estenian, and Carsodonian fur traders fiercely fought over the control of fur trade backed by their countries’ soldiers and warships.

Valaran further established tradings settlements and colonies in across Northern and North Eastern Cetlaso from 1663, North Western Cetlaso from 1676. The Valaran-Cetlasi Aborigine Wars erupted in 1679 after several disagreements with the Hiues and the Karsens, the two most powerful Viridisian aborigines of the 17th century, and was won in favour of both sides when Valaran captured the families of both the aboriginal tribes' chiefs and when a compromise was agreed to by the two tribal chiefs which pledged them and their peoples' allegiances to Emperor Elric XV and the Valaran Crown in 1681. The Valaran War for Hayabusan Vonley started after Valaran established the Colony of Valaran Vonley, known to today as Viridisian Vonley, in 1685 which won in favour of Hayabusa when the Valaran Crown renounced its claims on Vonley and secured Hayabusan share of the fur trade.

Estenia establishes the Colony of Presevaç in 1687 followed a year later by Carsodonia with the establishment of the Colony of New Carsodonia as a result of Valaran defeat in their recent and last war with Hayabusa for Vonley. The Treaty of Halygenreland in 1691 renounced Valaran claims on all other Curentean possessions while the Curentean colonial powers agreed to cease the further colonization of North Cetlaso. Valaran takes possession of North Western and North Southern Cetlaso 1692 as the Halygenreland Treaty stated. Valaran attempted to take the rest of Cetlaso by invading the Middle Cetlasi First Nations in the Great Southern Wars which began in 1699 until 1704 when Emperor of Elric XVII offered peace to the Middle Cetlasi First Nations Confederation who accepted in turn because "a Valaran Cetlaso would break the Empire apart; only a Valaran North Cetlaso would bring glory to the Empire."

The Curentean Exodus from 1710-1742 affected Valaran North Cetlaso which brought 834,191 Curentean immigrant based on the manifests of every port in Viridisolum in the early and mid 1700s. The Exodus was caused by the Greater Imperial Proclamation of 1709 which promises


Confederation and Further Colonization


Early 20th Century


Modern Times















Largest Cities

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Foreign Relations and Military








