Late Diadochian Renaissance

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The Late Diadochian Renaissance was a cultural movement in Diadochia which lasted from 1367 to mid 17th century. The Late Diadochian Renaissance coincides with the Western Renaissance.


The Empire experienced a revival in culture and art despite the fact that during the first seventy years of the Renaissance the empire was divided and in political upheaval and chaos. The political uproar in Diadochia spanning most of the fifteenth century did nothing to stop Diadochian artistic creativity. During this time many universities were established and learning flourished.

Resotoration of the Classics

During this time in Diadochia, writers and scholars of Diadochian literature flourished. Diadochian poetry flourished during this time. During this last Renaissance of Diadochia classical literature was studied and merged into Diadochian Literature..