Nikolai-Basilian Renaissance

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The Nikolai-Basilian Renaissance or the First Diadochian Renaissance was a cultural movement associated with the House of Nikolai-Basilian, the ruling dynasty of Diadochia (901-1093), during which time Diadochia experienced an artistic revival in which classical and formally pagan art was assimilated into Diadochian christian art.


With the accession of Nikolas I to the Imperial throne of Diadochia a era of over two hundred years in which economics, philosophy, art, and culture thrived was ushered in. The Nikolai-Basilian Renaissance occured just when the troublesome Iconoclasm Era had come to a end, ending the ban on the painting of icons of relgious figures. During this time artists begin to paint more classical and naturalistic art. Besides art the era also saw a proliferation in Diadochian literature

All throughout the era, art and architecture were both revived. During the First Diadochian Renaissance new churches were constructed and the mosaic style for churches became a standard. The period is also known in Diadochia for its unprecedented flourishing of the art of ivory sculpture in the empire.