Megas Parakoimomenos

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Megas Parakoimomenos acts as the Lord Chamberlain of the Imperial Court of Diadochia. The position is the most senior in all of the Imperial and Royal Court. The position came into being in the late third and early fourth centuries during the reign of Emperor Alexander IX of Diadochia. Originally the holder of the office was responsible for sleeping outside the apartments of the Emperor and keeping them secure.

Modern Duties

Nowadays the Megas Parakoimomenos holds the top supervisory position over the entire Imperial court and is responsible for organising all court functions with ceremonial tones. The Megas Parakoimomenos heads the Department known as the Office of the Megas Parakoimomenos. The Megas Parakoimomenos is also the Senior member of the Imperial Court and his office is responsible for all matters having to do with state visits, investitures, state balls, balls at court, garden parties, the state opening of Parliament, imperial christenings, weddings, and funerals. The Megas Parakoimomenos reports to the Megas Kouropalatēs